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OK Go on The Early Show

edited November -1 in OK Go
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but on their Myspace it says:

October 26, 2006 at The Early Show CBS TV
New York, New York

The band will perform in the 8:00 hour. They will perform "Here It Goes Again"


  • QUOTE (ezorvera @ Oct 19 2006, 01:28 AM)
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but on their Myspace it says:

    October 26, 2006 at The Early Show CBS TV
    New York, New York

    The band will perform in the 8:00 hour. They will perform "Here It Goes Again"

  • Yay! too bad I'll be at school...but I'll record it.
  • hahaha yeah right. I'll be sleeping off my hangover. 7 am is waaaay too early.
  • That song is getting old dry.gif
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Oct 19 2006, 09:33 PM)
    That song is getting old dry.gif

    I couldn't agree anymore. As is 'A Million Ways.'
  • -bump-

    anyone want to record this for me? i'd love you forever! biggrin.gif
  • Well crap, I was two hours too late. Missed the entire show. That's what I get for studying! >:(

    Anyone want to stick it on YouTube?? I too would also love you forever.
  • No recording necessary. CBS News did it for us:

    Edited to include the text that came with it (in case anyone wanted to read the blurb):
  • I loves me some Damian Kuhloosh.
  • QUOTE (ihave7stars @ Oct 26 2006, 10:33 AM)
    No recording necessary. CBS News did it for us:

    awesome. thanks!

    "kalush" laugh.gif
  • My dad got me up so I could watch it smile.gif

    But he LOVES OK Go now. He was asking me where they were from, he was analyzing their playing abilities, he asked me about cover songs, I told him who they have covered, (Violent Femmes, Elvis Costello, The Cure . . . )

    He liked them even more after that. And he says that their live performance was good. "Unlike other artists today" laugh.gif
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Oct 26 2006, 02:31 PM)
    My dad got me up so I could watch it smile.gif

    But he LOVES OK Go now. He was asking me where they were from, he was analyzing their playing abilities, he asked me about cover songs, I told him who they have covered, (Violent Femmes, Elvis Costello, The Cure . . . )

    He liked them even more after that. And he says that their live performance was good. "Unlike other artists today" laugh.gif

    Hey Jaded! Sounds like your dad is a "happenin" moldie oldie just like me! Must be something about that Blue Water in the Thumb that keeps us forever young ;^)
  • thanks for posting that...I remembered the whole week and even yesturday, but then this morning I forgot to watch.
  • I just noticed that they were filming someones ass...and the kaloosh...was just too funny.
  • Did anyone else notice that when they showed clips of the video, it was at the wrong spot?
  • QUOTE (AttAcKofTheELVES @ Oct 26 2006, 05:38 PM)
    thanks for posting that...I remembered the whole week and even yesturday, but then this morning I forgot to watch.

    Don't feel bad - you can catch the re-run on the link above.

    Now a word or fifty about CBS and the Early Show. I have been watching bands on TV since forever (and by forever I mean I can remember Elvis on Sullivan, Ludicrous on MTV and a whole lot 'o stuff in between) and I have NEVER seen a production for an in-studio live musical guest as abysmal as the one I saw this morning. Let me clarify - our boys were great; the talent at CBS responsible for broadcasting the performance flat out dropped the big one.

    First off, you had to sit through more than 90 minutes of some of the most inane claptrap ever aired on a "news" show.

    Then host Harry Smith blows the FIRST rule of journalism by totally mangling Damian's last name (Ka-loosh anyone?) (although the look on Damian's face in response to this enunciation faux pas was priceless).

    Then, instead of showing the band playing live while the band was playing live, THEY SPENT MORE AIR TIME SHOWING THE HIGA VIDEO THAN THEY DID SHOWING THE BAND PERFORMING LIVE IN THE STUDIO! (caps off)

    Frickin' pathetic.

    The coup de grâce was delivered via the post-performance cut to "Dave the weather guy" who gushed "I LOVE that - I'm gonna put that on my iPod when I get a chance." Smarmy to the max.

    CBS - you're on notice.
  • QUOTE (CanaCove @ Oct 26 2006, 05:21 PM)
    Don't feel bad - you can catch the re-run on the link above.

    Now a word or fifty about CBS and the Early Show. I have been watching bands on TV since forever (and by forever I mean I can remember Elvis on Sullivan, Ludicrous on MTV and a whole lot 'o stuff in between) and I have NEVER seen a production for an in-studio live musical guest as abysmal as the one I saw this morning. Let me clarify - our boys were great; the talent at CBS responsible for broadcasting the performance flat out dropped the big one.

    First off, you had to sit through more than 90 minutes of some of the most inane claptrap ever aired on a "news" show.

    Then host Harry Smith blows the FIRST rule of journalism by totally mangling Damian's last name (Ka-loosh anyone?) (although the look on Damian's face in response to this enunciation faux pas was priceless).

    Then, instead of showing the band playing live while the band was playing live, THEY SPENT MORE AIR TIME SHOWING THE HIGA VIDEO THAN THEY DID SHOWING THE BAND PERFORMING LIVE IN THE STUDIO! (caps off)

    Frickin' pathetic.

    The coup de grâce was delivered via the post-performance cut to "Dave the weather guy" who gushed "I LOVE that - I'm gonna put that on my iPod when I get a chance." Smarmy to the max.

    CBS - you're on notice.

    (reads post)


    (rereads while smiling)

    (bursts out laughing)

    CBS backlash: priceless. smile.gif
  • I didn't remember, but I was at school anyways...

    I like how all the news-related shows always put clips up on their websites.
  • QUOTE (CanaCove @ Oct 26 2006, 04:21 PM)
    Don't feel bad - you can catch the re-run on the link above.

    Now a word or fifty about CBS and the Early Show. I have been watching bands on TV since forever (and by forever I mean I can remember Elvis on Sullivan, Ludicrous on MTV and a whole lot 'o stuff in between) and I have NEVER seen a production for an in-studio live musical guest as abysmal as the one I saw this morning. Let me clarify - our boys were great; the talent at CBS responsible for broadcasting the performance flat out dropped the big one.

    First off, you had to sit through more than 90 minutes of some of the most inane claptrap ever aired on a "news" show.

    Then host Harry Smith blows the FIRST rule of journalism by totally mangling Damian's last name (Ka-loosh anyone?) (although the look on Damian's face in response to this enunciation faux pas was priceless).

    Then, instead of showing the band playing live while the band was playing live, THEY SPENT MORE AIR TIME SHOWING THE HIGA VIDEO THAN THEY DID SHOWING THE BAND PERFORMING LIVE IN THE STUDIO! (caps off)

    Frickin' pathetic.

    The coup de grâce was delivered via the post-performance cut to "Dave the weather guy" who gushed "I LOVE that - I'm gonna put that on my iPod when I get a chance." Smarmy to the max.

    CBS - you're on notice.

    You should've seen the lads on Good Morning America last year. Ten times more terrible. Diane Sawyer and that other lady who host the show talked down to the boys and even made fun of the way they dress! I think you might be able to see it someplace on youtube and gaffah. I'd love to hear your comments on that one wink.gif
  • That was only because of the sexual tension between Tim and Diane.
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