I am soooo excited!! Tomorrow I'm going to their concert in Mansfield, at the Tweeter Center. It's a crummy venue from what I've heard though. I made them all something really weird- I hope I can give it to them, and if I do see them to give it, I hope they find it funny. And I hope don't get all gushy and fangirly and loud.
And! I can ask them my burning question:
When you fill out a survey that asks for occupation, do you write in "rockstar"?
Phantomilk, did you decide to go?
Yummy, I'll see you there!! I think I'll wear a green shirt and a kerchief in my hair...as if that helps, lol. Anyway, I hope we see each other!!
my parents said no, unless I had a ride and someone to go with me.
and since both of those are currently nonexistent, and the show is tomorrow.... well, yah. not gonna happen.
have fun, though! say hi to them for me, if you do get to meet them? (my real name is meg, hehe, although I suppose you could tell them "phantommilk says hi", it'd be less awkward/weird if you just said meg...) and take deep breaths! =P
Turdelini's going (hope you don't mind if I post that, Turdelini) so I'll try to look for her and Yummy too.
ooooo, I'm just so excited, even though this will be like the worst venue possible.
As I said in the Dreams topic, I guess in anticipation of the concert Saturday, I have been having a slew of OK Go dreams. They usually consist of me being all fan-girly to them and then something strange. Last night, I dreamt that I saw Damian on the subway. He got on with his guitar like all the Berklee school of music kids, and sat down right next to me. At first I talked to him like a normal person but then I started to say how he was like Mozart, and he didn't want to hear it and answered sarcastically. Anyway, the strange(er) part: in my dream, he had a British old lady as a maid. And he called her Margaret, but she wasn't doing what he asked. So I said, "Maybe her name isn't Margaret." So he asked her her name, and to his surprise, her name wasn't Margaret.
I would love to tell Damian this, although it is very odd.
I hope this dream was an omen of seeing him on the subway with his maid.
Hopefully by the time Ok Go plays it'll be completely dark, I have the feeling its somewhat better then.
either that, or hopefully everyone was smart enough to buy tix for the covered part, and not the open grass.
eh. I think I might be biased, cause that was my first concert ever and it was very upsetting.
don't get too scared about the venue, haha.
and yah, I can imagine that the tix went pretty quickly.
you'll be fine, I mean it's not the ideal venue, but it's still Ok GO, right? it can't be that bad!
Yes, ditto Sheri!
I can't wait to hear your adventures!!!
Sadly, I didn't get to touch it last night because I didn't get to meet ok go. At least I made it just in time to watch their full set.
But anyway, ok go was amazing as usual. They played (probably not in order):
Don't Ask Me
Good Idea
It's a Disaster
The Fix Is In
Don't Bring Me Down
Get Over It
I was so glad they played the Fix Is In. But of course, they had to because they were in Boston.. well, close. Damian talked about being famous rock stars and how they party on their plane around the globe, but they only stopped to play some shows.
The show was great but I hated how the screens weren't working in the front during the first couple of songs since I was so far away. I tried taking pictures but they turned out to be a blurry mess.. sorry
I can't wait to hear from you, Tabetha!
Sally, explain!!
What happened?
Aww, what happened? Was it the crowd? the show? the band??
Well, I hope they made you feel better then
The show began at 7:30. We arrived at about 5:05. People didn’t seem to be going in yet, so I assumed the doors weren’t open. The Tweeter Center is perfectly isolated. There’s no Starbucks around, no McDonalds, no anything. It’s just it’s own aberration from the highway. The parking lot is a huge wasteland, so we walked around it aimlessly for a while. The whole area was filled with the exact same high school girl 19,000 times over to fill the amphitheater- it was like the cloning machine of cartoons had finally been realized. Often she wore a The Fray t-shirt, but mostly she was happy with her trendy preppy, clothes. Oh, yeah, and at the merch table, everything was The Fray- there was only 1 OK Go shirt. Then, at around 6:30, the gates opened.
They would not let me in.
“What’s in the box, Miss?”
“…A present for the band…for OK Go.”
“What’s the present?”
I didn’t think it was any of their business, but I opened it and then, laughing, they spent what seemed like 10 minutes calling their security guard friends inside to ask if I should be allowed to proceed on through. They finally decided that I could pass through the gate, but my box would be checked again when I entered the amphitheatre. I had spent 2 weeks and sooo many hours making this present, and it made me mad that these people were inspecting it. I suppose it didn’t help that I also had a poster with words, “We <3 OK Go” on it.
I didn't like the people sitting behind me. They were insulting OK Go. Blatantly. They hadn’t even played yet, and here these people were ridiculing them. They couldn’t see my poster, because it was rolled up, but I felt like unrolling it and waving it in front of their faces. Instead I just sat there tensely.
I had really wanted pit tickets, but again, they were gone within the first 30 seconds (only to turn up on ebay at hugely inflated prices thx to scalpers) but our seats weren’t horrible. The pit was like a blobby, filled- in V of people and we were on the side, 5 rows diagonally from the edge of the V’s side, so we were pretty close to the stage (although not as close as we wanted at this, the last Ma OK Go show for years). It was maybe 2 or 3 yards away.
I thought that OK Go usually came on member by member, so that it was possible to shout out their names in turn. But this time, it seemed like one second there was nobody there and the next second they all were. They started with Don’t Ask Me, which surprised me. My sister noticed that some people were standing at the very edge of the pit, at the iron bars immediately in front of the stage. So that’s where we went. I screamed and screamed and waved around my “We <3 OK Go” poster.
Two things were running through my mind. First, I remembered how many times people had written in blogs and posts about Damian’s comments about people who just sat through their performance, instead of standing and dancing. I felt somehow like if he did not see an excited audience, he would be disappointed. So I was determined to show my support for the band. The other thing in my mind was how people had posted how awful the audiences were, because they were mostly here for The Fray. I wanted it to make it so that this was an OK Go audience too- I wanted OK Go to end feeling like it had been a great show.
So yeah- I danced and jumped and screamed and waved my poster. And then the girl next to me told me to stop. “Be quiet!” I said (I never say “shut up”- that’s what comes of having ultra-strict parents. I never even swear out loud, but for some reason, I swear when I IM online). She told me that I was annoying her and I again just said, “be quiet!” and went right on screaming and singing along.
After the second song, the security guard decided that people weren’t allowed to stand by the iron bars. “She is!” I protested, pointing to the girl who had been irking me.
“Her seat is right next to it. You have to be by your seat.” It was a bother to nobody (except that girl, I guess) that we were there, but what could we do? So my sister and I moved backward and I continued to jump and sing.
Along came another security guard. “Let me see your ticket,” he barked. I showed it to him and he directed me to move further down to where it was. Fine. So we moved and I kept jumping and singing.
Then the security guard came back up to me. “You can’t be in the aisle,” he growled. Ok, so I stand in front of my seat, still jumping, singing, and waving my sign.
The security guard comes back. “You can’t have a sign!” he shouted. “You’re blocking other people’s view!” Looking back on the history of signs, mine was rather small. It was a half-poster size, the remains of some Odysseus presentation my sister had done.
But I set it down and continued to jump and sing. It was terrible. I was the only one standing in my entire section, and all the preppy girls and their boyfriends around me turned, truly turned, to glare at me. I would sing and they would just turn their heads and give me this look. I know that it was just the people directly in front of me and behind me that were doing this, but it felt like the entire amphitheatre was doing it. Pretty soon, I gave up. I just stood there, not singing, not moving. Just trying not to be a baby and crying.
And then they played Get Over It. Yes, yes, I thought to myself excitedly, I shall get over it! And I tried really hard to enjoy myself, to savor this last opportunity to hear OK Go live. But I just couldn’t. There was just no magic. Outside in the amphitheatre, the music seemed to drift past me instead of going inside of me. You know when it snows, and you take a shower and go outside without drying your hair, and then your hair freezes and you take hold of the strands and snap them, snap, snap, snap? Broken fibers of your being? That’s what it felt like.
I guess I should describe the important show things though…First off, there were no projections. The wall was saved for The Fray’s projections. Well, after Don’t Ask Me, Damian said hello to all the people on the lawn. “HELLO, LAWN PEOPLE!...I guess I don’t need to shout; I have this microphone.” And then he had everyone do the wave. And he said they were a big rock band, and playing in an amphitheatre this big was normal for them, excited as they were to be here. He said that they live on an airplane, traveling the globe and only landing to come to shows such as this.
He had people hold cell phones during Oh, Lately It’s So Quiet, and as tradition, announced the second verse. He also mentioned PDA’s and “life organizers.” He also said that the next song really should be played here, and that people elsewhere always asked why they were singing about this place- and then they played The Fix Is In.
He said that he had some young relatives here, very young, and that they were probably on the lawn because – and this I don’t quite remember…it was either because the young relatives were bad or because he was bad. The young relatives got him thinking about profanity, he said, and so then he launched into a story of how they were allowed to say “bitch” but not “scumbag” when they performed on tv on NBC (Leno? I dunno, but it was NBC or one of those). He said he talks “like a sailor.”
He asked how many women there were and how many men, and as tradition, said there must be only 6 men there. But then he also asked how many old people there were, and said he himself was an old person. He dedicated the next song to old people and then they played Don’t Bring Me Down. Tim and Andy had a little dance to it- they would do a twist-like motion going down and up, in synch and facing each other.
And then Damian said that up until now, we had all been so courteous to “the lovely couple in the back,” sitting behind us, as we had all been sitting in our chairs. “But now it’s time to say, ‘fuck the lovely couple in the back!’” and then out came HIGA. I felt really badly at that point, because I had been standing the whole time- which means I had been discourteous and selfish. I regret it and if anybody behind me ever reads this, I’m sorry I did that.
They ended with DWYW, and they had the air tube arm things
I- I just don’t like long, slow, whiny pop ballads. And that’s all The Fray sings. All the songs convey the image of a man sitting in a corner on the floor in the dark, his knees pulled up; he’s almost in a fetal position. He’s crying softly.
The members of The Fray couldn’t seem to think of anything clever to say, so they just repeated variations of “hello, Boston!” At one moment it would be, “How you doin’Boston?” And then it would be “Boston is a great city!” And they knew they were so whiny and dull that they had to do a cover of Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie in order to sound exciting. I am whiny enough myself; I don’t need The Fray to amplify it.
The most interesting thing they said was that this was a long tour, and this show was the largest. It was so large that this was the show that the record label wanted filmed and so large that his wife insisted on flying over here from Seattle.
And do you know what? It was full. Completely full. All 19,000 seats were taken. And everyone was standing and dancing for The Fray. And they were all singing along and screaming. All those people who had glared at me and that girl who had told me to stop- they’re all hypocrites.
This night was so not worth the $500 I spent...
I guess that's all the excerpts that are relevant-but even that was ridiculously long. Sorry- I really do have trouble with conciseness. My journal entry about just this night is up to 10 pages...
I'm so sorry you had such a rough night. It'll be better next time. ::HUGS::
I meant to add - I'm fairly sure that Damian just says that line about being rude to the people behind you because he is trying to encourage people to dance. He IN NO WAY was trying to say you, or anyone else who was dancing, had been rude.
I can't believe those security guards!! What the hell?!? Just because you're having fun...