Satisfying ending, all in all, but the thing is that I feel like this book told the wrong story, at least in terms of what the series has built up to. Everything about the series up until this point has been about Bella's love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob. Not that I'm not thrilled that Bella ended up with Edward, but it was like that ENTIRE storyline was over in the first 30 minutes. What was the point of introducing Bella's inner conflict at all? What was all the Team Edward/Team Jacob hype about then? IMO it would've made more sense to have the wedding take place at the end of Eclipse and in this final book THEN we could go deal with the Volturri/Renessmee business.
It's almost like the Final Harry Potter book had Harry defeating Voldemort in the first 4 chapters, and then having 600 pages of Harry helping to reform the Ministry of Magic.
I thought it was PERFECT. I thought it was the best book out of the four, hands down. I think it's because it was more plot-heavy, and the whole Renesmee-Volturi thing was an EPIC plot twist that made me really really happy. For me, the whole love story part was the least interesting thing about the books. This one had more drive, and I honestly think it made a much better story than just "ohmygod Edward's a vampire <3, ohmygod he left, ohmygod he's back but what about Jake?" (<-- that's my impersonation of the first three books, haha) In the first three, the love story was very much set in front whereas the action-y bits were just a background to that, but in this one, the love story was the background which made the action and the plot so gripping and interesting and powerful. Does that make sense? I do see what you mean, Rachel, the love triangle thing was a bit anticlimactic and all. It actually reminded me of the Dr Who season finale, where there was all this epic buildup to the doctor possibly regenerating and then it was resolved in the first five minutes of the next episode. Then again, you could sort of see it as that story was definitely resolved in Eclipse, where Bella apparently did make her absolute final decision to marry Edward, and this whole book was dealing with all of the consequences of that, and not just Jacob. It was a buildup to a happy ending. But you knew it could only really be resolved by Jacob imprinting on someone else. You just knew it. And at least this way it was still interesting(VERY interesting, I loved that Jake just happened to imprint on Nessie. LOVED), and there was still a story, and it wasn't just a cop-out. I also, being the Jacob girl that I am, LOVED the story told through his eyes. Although the angsty bits in the beginning of that part were annoying, I still loved it. I love Jacob. a ton. akdfjghkjsdhgkhjsdfghj. I loved it being from his POV. And his standing up to Sam, and Seth (I loved Seth) and Leah- oh my god I loved Leah's character and her relationship to Jake. LOVED. There was so much about this book that was deeper and more meaningful and better and more interesting than in the other three. There were more levels, too, it was a more complex, brilliant story. Also, now I really want to see a sequel where the Cullens and all their vamp friends (seriously I totally loved all their friends too- all of them) bring down the Volturi for good. That would be an incredibly epic story. And you totally know there was an opening left for that to happen. (the whole "if they ever try to bring us down we'll band together again and stop them" line. I mean, really.)
wow, that's a lot to put behind the spoiler thing. anyways, yes. I loved it. to bits. Definitely the best book out of the series, for me. So good.
See, I think, the first three books I was like, "yeah they're pretty good, ok, whatev, I'll go along with the hype" but this book made me a real diehard fan.
I got my book yesterday but didn't start till 7 this morining just finished 15 mins ago I have to agree with you guys this was the best if the series I ended up crying like the big baby that I was at that one life changing never gonna be the same again scene and then not long after trying not to scare the passengers beside me be ause I was trying my best not to burst out laughing although. One guy did look at me like I was crazy it was worth it..... Now I need to sleep
It was honestly nothing I anticipated it would be. I agree there was alot of action in the beginning. What I expected would be most of the book took place in the first fourth of the book! But that was alright because it left the rest open for stuff I was not ready for. I also missed some of the Edward/Bella sexiness haha. I guess I'm just an Edward fangirl deep down. Jacob imprinting on Nessie!!! Nessie even existing in the first place!!! I liked that solution too, plus it kept Jacob in the story, which I think was important, not just casting him off to some random girl and being done with Bella. I thought the ending dragged on a little too much with all the talk with the Volturi in the meadow. I don't know I guess I just wanted some action haha. But what surprised me was how much of the book was written from the perspective of Bella as a vampire. I wasn't expecting that...but I liked it. Overall I really enjoyed it, but I'm sad it's over...I'm selfish...I want more!
See but here's my problem with it - the story is All Disjointed. If Meyer had put the wedding at the end of Eclipse that would've been FINE - she could've even left the Jacob conflict in. If the threat posed by the Volturi were more of a centerstage plotpoint than it was in the other three books, then this book would make sense. It starts with the Honeymoon and goes from there. But as is, this book sticks out of the rest of the series like a sore thumb. She built up this whole story over the course of THREE BOOKS, resolved it in 30 seconds at the beginning of the fourth (in rocks fall, everyone dies fashion almost), and then started a Completely New Story. The other three books kept me up all night reading without getting tired, with this one I gave up 2/3s through and went to bed. I stand by my earlier Harry Potter analogy - it's like Voldemort was defeated in the first chapter of Deathly Hallows and the last 600 pages of the book were all the aftermath.
I do know exactly what you mean, Rachel. It still reminds me of the Dr Who finale, where there was an immediate resolution and then fourty more minutes that had nothing to do with all the buildup. And that does annoy me, believe me. I know it was pretty disjointed from the other three, but for me that was easy to overlook due to the improvements overall. I can see why that would frustrate people, though.
Instead of arguing the point further, though, I have another question: Do you find Quil's and Jake's imprinting on babies utterly creepy, or pretty much acceptable? Like, it's supposed to be acceptable, and I personally think it is because of how it's explained and the reasoning behind it, but one of my friends still thinks it's just sketchy and wrong. What do you think?
Also, what do you think of the ending? Above mentioned friend thinks it was just too perfect, and it took away from the poignancy and resolution of the novel. She wanted there to be some sort of emotional loss, something that wasn't just "happily ever after". I sort of agree, it was just too easy and perfect. Like, someone didn't necessarily have to die or anything, but there should have been some real cost to the victory.
Quil and Jake imprinting - not creepy the way it's explained, but I'm embarrassed to discuss it with people to whom it hasn't been properly explained to. On a crazy, completely unbelievable note, my friend actually CALLED IT. Can you believe anyone saw that coming???
I'm not a big believer in "someone has to die". I think that I would've loved the ending of the book if the story weren't disjointed and this was the first book in a new series. It's just that I was so irritated by the end that I couldn't care either way as to whether or not Renesmee lived. But yeah, I think Stephenie Meyer thinks we care about Irina.
I honestly think I'll need to just re-read them and upon getting to the end of Eclipse I'll keep reading through to the end of the wedding. And then I'll start Breaking Dawn where it OUGHT to begin, on the Honeymoon. Maybe that will help.
wow I missed you guys! (not just the boardies on this thread but all of you ) I was lucky enough to have breaking dawn on my hans a few days after it was released in the US (if I waited for it to be released in Portugal it would have been a long time). It was so funny the way I got it in the Newark Liberty airport (I was in transit from Mexico to Lisbon and it hadn't been released in Mexico yet: believe me, I asked ) and I was on the rolling thingy (jeez I can't recall the name of the "treadmill" that you use to walk on malls and stuff, sorry about the ignorance )and then I looked left and there it was (angles singing "aaaaaawww" in the back and all that )it was the LAST ONE! Of course I ran there and embraced the book and with brilliant eyes I asked the lady in the counter "do you take visa?" and with a boring hmpf she said "sure" (thinking I was nuts for sure...with some reason ).
And so I began to read the book on the airplane (of course ) and two italin ladies sitting next to me were stunned by the fact that I was reading a 700 pages book in english and so spent a larger amount of time than what I've liked asking for the story of the book.
When I finally finished reading it, I felt the same thing you did. Read the first chapter and then I became afraid because everything happened in the first chapter. It was so different from the rest of the books...I kinda missed that little chill on the spine from all those Bella and Edward moments still, I loved it. Stephenie Meyer had to do something different to keep the readers attached to the books and I think she did the best anyone could ask...
I haven't read these books yet but I plan to when I'm done with this semester, but I just wanted to say this is the first time I've clicked on this thread and I love how everything is blacked out. I feel like you guys are talking smutty.
I finally finished the book!! I actually finished it a couple nights ago. The only reason it took me so long is that I was a bit pre-occupied with my grandma who had to go in to the hospital. She was really sick and just kept getting worse. So, I was pretty much living at the hospital for a week. And it just didn't feel like the kind of atmosphere that I wanted to be in when I read the final chapters of Breaking Dawn. So I let the book sit at home with the last less than 100 pages go unread until I had time to sit at home and read it. Which I finally did.
I haven't had time yet to read all what's in the black from you guys yet but here's what I got... I thought it was still a good book. I know a lot of you were satisfied with it, my friends thought it was great. But I was left a tad bit disappointed. I really missed all of the Bella and Edward sexiness and romance. It was still pretty much there but not as much. I felt like all the other books were about their romance and then this one was like that at the beginning but then it just kinda died a little when Renesmee came in and all that. It was like the Twilight series ended at the beginning of Breaking Dawn and then a newer story started. And I was personally upset that they just fixed the Jacob and Bella problem with him imprinting on Renesmee. I know they had to solve it somehow or they would both always be unhappy. But I just wasn't satisfied with that. And I was hoping for at least *some* more Edward and Jacob fighting. I know there was a little, but not like in Eclipse. I guess I was just hoping for a little more. But I'm not saying that I didn't like it or that it was bad. I still really liked it. There were just some things that I wish were in it that weren't, such as more of the Bella and Edward romance stuff. And I also kinda think that there should have been *something* more at the end. It did end a little too easily and clean. I was reading through it and it was seeming like it was going to end up peacefully, but I was like, That can't happen. That never happens, Something *always* has to go down. There's gotta be some sort of fight. But then, nothing. It kinda surprised me. It made me relax, cuz big fights and stuff in books always make me nervous cuz I don't want a favorite character to die or something, but it also felt kind of empty, like nothing happened. And was anyone else getting mad and irritated with Bella during Book 2 (Jacob)? I mean, after she had Renesmee and everything turned out great I was glad that she had her. But before I saw how the baby came out and while Bella was still pregnant I was so mad that she wouldn't let them just kill it. Everyone was acting like it was some horrible thing and it was hurting her, which was pretty much *killing* Edward, and I was just getting so mad at her for letting Edward and Jacob feel like that. At the time I was thinking that it was a horrible creature but after Renesmee came out I was glad that they didn't kill her. But I honestly thought for a second that she might just agree to Jacob and let it be killed and then just have a kid with Jacob, but I knew that it wasn't really going to happen. It would have been an odd twist.
I do agree with most of the things that Bekker said.
And I want to know something: has any of you checked out the tracklist of BD? Well, do check out on stephenie meyer's website and you'll see that invencible inspired the third part of the book don't you just hear that song when you're reading about Bella's superpowers in your head? Stephenie Meyer is really amazing...
If you haven't already seen this, go there and it's the latest news entry. It's about Midnight Sun. And she's actually decided to put up her draft of Midnight Sun up until page 264! I know it's just a draft, but still, I'm reading it anyway. And of course I'll still read the full completed book whenever it does come out. But this did also make me very angry and upset. You'll see why after you read it, if you haven't already.
Oh thanks Bekker! I haven't seen this before. This is so bad for Stephenie... and also to all the fans since she suspended the project...This person should be arrested (or at least sued)
Oh my gosh! Midnight Sun is SO GOOD! I'm just upset that it ends so abruptly since it's not finished. Edward is so interesting! It's just SO GOOD! I really want her to do the other books in his view too, but my friend said that she heard that Stephenie Meyer said that she would only do Twilight like that
ARGHH! i only just saw this thread! I love the Twilight series... my friend had been going on about the books for ages and just a week ago my sister was going on a holiday and i needed something to keep me occupied, so i thought why not? its a love hate relationship between me and twilight, its so good but it hurts my eyes so bad! the first night i started reading, i read from 6 at night until 4 in the morning! i had school the next day. i just finished New Moon yesterday and i found a few spelling mistakes?? BUT WHO CARES!!! im really excited to borrow the third book of my friend tomorrow, im starting to fidget quite a bit!! argh, im going insane.
Its so strange how Stephenie Meyer can make it seem so real, maybe because im still so young and i can understand that sexual tension that Edward and Bella have, in a way. And i felt so bad for Jacob when Bella went back to Edward, but also bad for Bella.. (end of New Moon)
Also, it got me thinking about whether vampires can have children.. for some reason? for instance; could they have children that were human but became a vampire at a stage, sort of like puberty and the warewolfs?? anyway.. i wonder. Im definatly starting the third book tomorrow, i dont think i can resist reading it in class, though. Its very embarassing when i read, i react ALOUD!!!
Im also very angry about the whole copyright thing with Morning Sun.. really pissed me off! I really hope she finishes the book, although i can understand how she wouldnt want to ruin it for us if she did finish it in the wrong mindset. NOOOO! i dont want to ruin it for myself by reading the draft either.
And thanks guys for blacking out the quotes! Its really appreciated!
I'm getting kinda obsessed with it all. Its probably not healthy, but I guess I've become a pro at obsessions I don't want to read Midnight Sun, or well what there is of it, yet. I don't know I guess I'm just an optimist and hope that Stephenie will finish the book so I'm holding out. I know I will give in eventually, I'm not that patient haha.
Oh yeah! When I found out about Midnight Sun I totally forgot to post about it here! I'm so mad! If she decides to just not finish it, I'll be so upset! I understand that it's gonna take a little time for her to be in the right mood to write. It would tick me off a lot too to have someone I trusted leak my book. But I still think she should finish it. I saw a flair on facebook that seemed to make sense. It said "Let me get this straight. You trust the wrong person and now your fans pay for it...huh" I just don't think she should punish us and not give us the book just because someone she trusted went behind her back. I still understand that she couldn't continue writing right away, but she still needs to finish it.
I did read what she had done so far. But only after she posted it herself. I didn't even know that it was leaked until I saw her post about it. And she provided a link herself that let us read it. And I already know what happens in the story, it's just from a different point of view, so I decided to read it. And it is SOOOO good!!!! I LOVED it!!! The only bad thing was that it came to an abrupt stop. But that's because it wasn't finished. So, if she doesn't finish it I will be Really upset! I actually wish that she would do each book in his point of view, but I know that she said she would only do Twilight like that
Satisfying ending, all in all, but the thing is that I feel like this book told the wrong story, at least in terms of what the series has built up to. Everything about the series up until this point has been about Bella's love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob. Not that I'm not thrilled that Bella ended up with Edward, but it was like that ENTIRE storyline was over in the first 30 minutes. What was the point of introducing Bella's inner conflict at all? What was all the Team Edward/Team Jacob hype about then? IMO it would've made more sense to have the wedding take place at the end of Eclipse and in this final book THEN we could go deal with the Volturri/Renessmee business.
It's almost like the Final Harry Potter book had Harry defeating Voldemort in the first 4 chapters, and then having 600 pages of Harry helping to reform the Ministry of Magic.
wow, that's a lot to put behind the spoiler thing.
anyways, yes. I loved it. to bits.
Definitely the best book out of the series, for me.
So good.
See, I think, the first three books I was like, "yeah they're pretty good, ok, whatev, I'll go along with the hype" but this book made me a real diehard fan.
It was honestly nothing I anticipated it would be. I agree there was alot of action in the beginning. What I expected would be most of the book took place in the first fourth of the book! But that was alright because it left the rest open for stuff I was not ready for. I also missed some of the Edward/Bella sexiness haha. I guess I'm just an Edward fangirl deep down. Jacob imprinting on Nessie!!! Nessie even existing in the first place!!! I liked that solution too, plus it kept Jacob in the story, which I think was important, not just casting him off to some random girl and being done with Bella. I thought the ending dragged on a little too much with all the talk with the Volturi in the meadow. I don't know I guess I just wanted some action haha. But what surprised me was how much of the book was written from the perspective of Bella as a vampire. I wasn't expecting that...but I liked it. Overall I really enjoyed it, but I'm sad it's over...I'm selfish...I want more!
I know it was pretty disjointed from the other three, but for me that was easy to overlook due to the improvements overall. I can see why that would frustrate people, though.
Instead of arguing the point further, though, I have another question: Do you find Quil's and Jake's imprinting on babies utterly creepy, or pretty much acceptable? Like, it's supposed to be acceptable, and I personally think it is because of how it's explained and the reasoning behind it, but one of my friends still thinks it's just sketchy and wrong. What do you think?
Also, what do you think of the ending? Above mentioned friend thinks it was just too perfect, and it took away from the poignancy and resolution of the novel. She wanted there to be some sort of emotional loss, something that wasn't just "happily ever after". I sort of agree, it was just too easy and perfect. Like, someone didn't necessarily have to die or anything, but there should have been some real cost to the victory.
Quil and Jake imprinting - not creepy the way it's explained, but I'm embarrassed to discuss it with people to whom it hasn't been properly explained to. On a crazy, completely unbelievable note, my friend actually CALLED IT. Can you believe anyone saw that coming???
I'm not a big believer in "someone has to die". I think that I would've loved the ending of the book if the story weren't disjointed and this was the first book in a new series. It's just that I was so irritated by the end that I couldn't care either way as to whether or not Renesmee lived. But yeah, I think Stephenie Meyer thinks we care about Irina.
I honestly think I'll need to just re-read them and upon getting to the end of Eclipse I'll keep reading through to the end of the wedding. And then I'll start Breaking Dawn where it OUGHT to begin, on the Honeymoon. Maybe that will help.
I was lucky enough to have breaking dawn on my hans a few days after it was released in the US (if I waited for it to be released in Portugal it would have been a long time).
It was so funny the way I got it in the Newark Liberty airport (I was in transit from Mexico to Lisbon and it hadn't been released in Mexico yet: believe me, I asked
And so I began to read the book on the airplane (of course
When I finally finished reading it, I felt the same thing you did. Read the first chapter and then I became afraid because everything happened in the first chapter. It was so different from the rest of the books...I kinda missed that little chill on the spine from all those Bella and Edward moments
It-s so good to be back
I haven't had time yet to read all what's in the black from you guys yet but here's what I got... I thought it was still a good book. I know a lot of you were satisfied with it, my friends thought it was great. But I was left a tad bit disappointed. I really missed all of the Bella and Edward sexiness and romance. It was still pretty much there but not as much. I felt like all the other books were about their romance and then this one was like that at the beginning but then it just kinda died a little when Renesmee came in and all that. It was like the Twilight series ended at the beginning of Breaking Dawn and then a newer story started. And I was personally upset that they just fixed the Jacob and Bella problem with him imprinting on Renesmee. I know they had to solve it somehow or they would both always be unhappy. But I just wasn't satisfied with that. And I was hoping for at least *some* more Edward and Jacob fighting. I know there was a little, but not like in Eclipse. I guess I was just hoping for a little more. But I'm not saying that I didn't like it or that it was bad. I still really liked it. There were just some things that I wish were in it that weren't, such as more of the Bella and Edward romance stuff.
And I also kinda think that there should have been *something* more at the end. It did end a little too easily and clean. I was reading through it and it was seeming like it was going to end up peacefully, but I was like, That can't happen. That never happens, Something *always* has to go down. There's gotta be some sort of fight. But then, nothing. It kinda surprised me. It made me relax, cuz big fights and stuff in books always make me nervous cuz I don't want a favorite character to die or something, but it also felt kind of empty, like nothing happened.
And was anyone else getting mad and irritated with Bella during Book 2 (Jacob)? I mean, after she had Renesmee and everything turned out great I was glad that she had her. But before I saw how the baby came out and while Bella was still pregnant I was so mad that she wouldn't let them just kill it. Everyone was acting like it was some horrible thing and it was hurting her, which was pretty much *killing* Edward, and I was just getting so mad at her for letting Edward and Jacob feel like that. At the time I was thinking that it was a horrible creature but after Renesmee came out I was glad that they didn't kill her. But I honestly thought for a second that she might just agree to Jacob and let it be killed and then just have a kid with Jacob, but I knew that it wasn't really going to happen. It would have been an odd twist.
And I want to know something: has any of you checked out the tracklist of BD? Well, do check out on stephenie meyer's website and you'll see that invencible inspired the third part of the book
Edit: Oh! And I just discovered this today Stephenie Meyer's Site
If you haven't already seen this, go there and it's the latest news entry. It's about Midnight Sun. And she's actually decided to put up her draft of Midnight Sun up until page 264! I know it's just a draft, but still, I'm reading it anyway. And of course I'll still read the full completed book whenever it does come out. But this did also make me very angry and upset. You'll see why after you read it, if you haven't already.
Its so strange how Stephenie Meyer can make it seem so real, maybe because im still so young and i can understand that sexual tension that Edward and Bella have, in a way. And i felt so bad for Jacob when Bella went back to Edward, but also bad for Bella.. (end of New Moon)
Also, it got me thinking about whether vampires can have children.. for some reason? for instance; could they have children that were human but became a vampire at a stage, sort of like puberty and the warewolfs?? anyway.. i wonder. Im definatly starting the third book tomorrow, i dont think i can resist reading it in class, though. Its very embarassing when i read, i react ALOUD!!!
Im also very angry about the whole copyright thing with Morning Sun.. really pissed me off! I really hope she finishes the book, although i can understand how she wouldnt want to ruin it for us if she did finish it in the wrong mindset.
And thanks guys for blacking out the quotes! Its really appreciated!
paramore is going to be on the next films soundtrack...
I'm getting kinda obsessed with it all. Its probably not healthy, but I guess I've become a pro at obsessions
I don't want to read Midnight Sun, or well what there is of it, yet. I don't know I guess I'm just an optimist and hope that Stephenie will finish the book so I'm holding out. I know I will give in eventually, I'm not that patient haha.
And yay for Paramore on the soundtrack!
I'm so mad! If she decides to just not finish it, I'll be so upset! I understand that it's gonna take a little time for her to be in the right mood to write. It would tick me off a lot too to have someone I trusted leak my book. But I still think she should finish it. I saw a flair on facebook that seemed to make sense. It said "Let me get this straight. You trust the wrong person and now your fans pay for it...huh" I just don't think she should punish us and not give us the book just because someone she trusted went behind her back. I still understand that she couldn't continue writing right away, but she still needs to finish it.
I did read what she had done so far. But only after she posted it herself. I didn't even know that it was leaked until I saw her post about it. And she provided a link herself that let us read it. And I already know what happens in the story, it's just from a different point of view, so I decided to read it. And it is SOOOO good!!!! I LOVED it!!! The only bad thing was that it came to an abrupt stop. But that's because it wasn't finished. So, if she doesn't finish it I will be Really upset! I actually wish that she would do each book in his point of view, but I know that she said she would only do Twilight like that