I felt weird posting on the boards without having introduced myself, and I couldn't find a thread devoted to introductions, so I thought I'd start one…
I'm sure that (with the new album out and everything) there are quite a few new fans and newbies to the boards.
I felt a bit nervous posting on the boards the first time, and if there's anyone else out there who feels the same way, this could possibly be a good place to do a first post.
I'm Nova, I've been an OK Go fan for about 6 years but only discovered the boards last year. After much lurking, I plucked up the courage to make an account and start posting.
You all seem like a really tight-knit, friendly group, and I'm really happy to have found these boards!
I s'pose that's it for now.
Edit: And I just realised I probably should have posted this in General Discussion. I feel like a total n00b right now. x_x
Eh. Worse things have happened.
So hey, welcome Nova! I was a fan for years before I joined the boards too. We are a pretty tightly crew, but we are also thrilled to have all you newbies.
Would you newbies like introductions from us too, or are you content to just catch up on your own time?
I'm fairly happy to catch up, but feel free to post an intro if you want to!
Thanks for the warm welcome. :D
Hi Nova!
I'm pretty much a newbie, too. But this is a very welcoming bunch of friendly folks. Glad that you're here!
Hey y'all
i second Snack_Cakes about the boardies - very friendly and just filled with awesomeness...i guess that OK Go just attracts the kind of people who are really cool and nice.
i've been a boardie of a different band (who are going to remain unnamed) like a few years ago and some of the people who were part of that were...well...basically arseholes. I'm still a fan of the band, regardless of their boardies.
anyway...(i really like elipses...can you tell? haha)
I'm glad that I am a part of a great internet community like this :D
Yeah. I've been a member of a few different boards too, but none of them seem to have as many nice people as there are here. :D
Thanks for making me feel so welcome here!
It's much appreciated. :)
Hello everyone! I wasn't sure where to post an introduction, but I found this and figured it was a good place.
I'm Kevroy, and i'd consider myself a new-ish fan of OK Go. I came across them... seven months ago? And i've known about this forum for quite some time now, but i've been to scared to actually join. I'm a shy person, even on the internet (which is pretty lame, I know). But I hope to get to know all of you. This seems like a great community to be a part of!
Welcomes welcomes! I'm guess I'm not quite new around here now, but new-ish. Only knew about OK Go and been a fan for a few months.
THE BOARDIES ARE AWESOME!!! Welcomed me with open arms and I was able to meet a few at the last Chicago concert. I'm shy, too, but with them (US!) I was just fine!
Hooray! My thread is working!
Hey Kevroy!
Welcome! (I'm in a bit of an exclamation mark-y mood...
I'm still quite new to the boards, but it really is a wonderful place to be.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone!
I feel like I've arrived at the party a little bit late (having missed the UK tour dates...sigh) but I recognise quite a few of the early songs so I know I must have heard them somewhere.
My husband and I have been through a pretty tragic time this summer; he found the End Love video on Youtube and shared it with me, thinking it might help to cheer me up. It sort've did I loved the video, but the music seriously struck a chord with me and End Love helped me to cry and This Too Shall Pass helped me to look to the future with hope.
From there (unfortunately for my husband) my obsession has spiralled! Luckily he likes the music too so he's being quite tolerant of me going on and on and on about them...
I love how connected to their fans the guys are, I love how genuine and down to earth and just how nice they all seem. Most of all I absolutely love the music (more than I've loved the music of any other group for quite a long time!)
I've been lurking on here for a while now and you all seem really friendly so I thought I'd be brave and say Hi, my name's Nic, it's nice to meet you all
Oh my gosh!!!!!
Another British person!!!
Welcome to the boards Nic
It's good to hear that OK Go's music has cheered you up, and also the fact that your husband likes the music too.
I could have gone to the gig in Manchester on the 25th July...I remember the date well because that was the only gig I could have gone to had it not coincided with the day I went on holiday. Ah well, there's always next year.
I'm Jade by the way :)