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  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Sep 27 2009, 02:39 AM) Hmmm. I mean Andy has been with his girlfriend awhile, so it isn't out of left field or anything, but I am still wondering about your sources, Bushka. Where did this come up? And Becky, I had the same thought,…
  • QUOTE (hensocks @ Sep 19 2009, 07:05 PM) That whole set of photos were amazing! It's so nice to see new photos! New photo's nice - Andy engaged, NOT nice!!
  • [quote name='beckysioux' date='Apr 7 2009, 07:30 PM' post='175875'] I got my package yesterday!! It included the illustrious, much sought after, and oh so coveted DNLBATW! And a couple of equally awesome goodies. Since I wasn't expecting a package f…
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Apr 6 2009, 09:42 PM) My package came today! I got the Looker and Higgins CDs, Ser Biz stickers, and two buttons - The Gents and one that says "Do you like spy movies?". And a signed note from ARoss thanking me for participating. …
  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Dec 10 2008, 09:13 PM) Is it sad that whenever "Sell Us a Spaceship" comes on I hit skip? I like all the other songs off Cantarell, but this one I just can't get in to. ...How different we all are! ... I adore spaceship &am…
  • QUOTE (barbaratheninja @ Nov 25 2008, 06:44 PM) Let's start saving up, ladies Only $35,000ish wouldn't that be fantastic!!
  • ... i feel like i've been a hanger on forever, but thanks to DJ Rose i now know i only have a few posts to go before i get promoted!
  • OMG! I have just watched the 50 mins of pure andyness on the SDR website... This was so awesome - and now i'm going to have to go and watch it again because i believe he was actually saying something but my mind just kept wandering... Hey guys, shel…
  • As gorgeous as that photo of the white suited Mr Ross is, i find it quite disturbing...... because it looks like he's just GOT MARRIED!! and that saddens me...
  • Just in case anyone missed this 1st time as it was posted over a year ago by jaqueline, check out Andy being super adorable from 1m 10 secs...
  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Jul 3 2008, 04:11 AM) I'm commenting on this photo again because I'm tired and random things will pop out of my mouth without first checking with my brain. #1 I so didn't see that there were two dogs in this pic. My monitor at…
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Jul 1 2008, 05:54 PM) ridiculous, right?? y'all need to peruse the early pages of this thread lol when i first joined... that is ALL i did Thats exactly what i did! I have a whole folder full of old board pics..
    in Andy Comment by bubble77llama July 2008
  • I'm still in awe that he was able to capture "my" smile, as in Andy was smiling at me when Peter got the shot. adfasjfiasfnaslifhuminahhuminahhuminahnaisfnaslfn at Andy recognizing me. Ahhh you lucky creature... can i thank Peter too as that sh…
    in Andy Comment by bubble77llama July 2008
  • YKYOW: my new housemate is called Andy! i'm so happy - he's amazing!!!
  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Jun 13 2008, 01:25 AM) I just realized that we're probably never going to see the silver pants again. This makes me sad. Those would indeed be dark days..... ahhhh just look at him he's f*&kin awesome.....
    in Andy Comment by bubble77llama June 2008