In this Discussion




  • your just mad that al gore is balding. his wife is named tipper, how cool is that.
  • Al Gore? That was a long time ago. John Kerry would have made different decisions, probably smarter ones, but I have a problem with his ethics. He was pro Partial Abortion...
  • so i cant talk about al gore? i miss him, and john kerry just seemed like a prick
  • You can, if you want to. I don't mind. I just don't have much to say on the matter...
  • so, we should go to the strippers next time your in canada.
  • Ok. If you wish. huh.gif
  • itll be an adventure, i never go to the strippers.
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Jan 24 2006, 11:06 PM)
    get over it, he hasnt done anything to me, why should i hate him.

    sir! words of wisdom! you have officially made my AWESOME!! list.
  • Well, Sweetness it is time for me to retire. No, I'll chat with you in our private little chat room.
  • you make it sound so seedy.
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Jan 24 2006, 11:06 PM)
    get over it, he hasnt done anything to me, why should i hate him.

    Well he's done some shit to me so I'll continue hating him.

    The Lumberjack Song is awesome--I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day....
  • to many words to read since my last post..
  • you guys know there is like a WHOLE forum dedicated to politics, right?
  • i dont think they know anything..
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Jan 24 2006, 11:10 PM)
    I don't hate him. I just think he's making a bunch of crappy decisions.

    your parents have made many bad decisions too, (mostly concerning birth control) do you hate them also?
  • At the risk of getting my little ass kicked:

    Yes, Saddam was a bad person, there's no denying that. However, there were so many hidden motives for going into Iraq (oil, show of power, &c.) and there are so many bad people in the world. There are bad people in Somalia, Darfur, Saudi Arabia and North Korea that are far more threatening [note: I'm not calling everyone in the countries bad, just SOME of the people, as there are bad people in the US and other "world powers."]. To go into Iraq at a period where the American people were (and still are) hurting from 9/11 and feel a need to squah terrorism and would ahve been willing to enter any conflict was a deception of the American people as a whole. To give Bush credit, the fact that people are crtisizing his lack of an exit stragedy is not new to the presidency, but the fact that it is so blatant does go to show that we are not in the best situation for the war. Surely, this is no Vietnam and one could say that the significant lack of protests can attest to that. However, there is no draft. I come from an elitist town where I do not have to worry about paying for college. I am not the target for enlistment. My life is not in danger in that sense. If there was a draft, maybe there would be more outcry, but for the general population, the issue of going to war is moot. I completely stand behind the troops. My cousin was in Iraq and so was a friend from college. I know people who are entering the army and I am proud at the absolute courage they have. I'm just sorry to see their talent wasted in such a quagmire of a war.

    That's all. You can attack me now. I really don't mind. Everyone is entitled to their own belief (I sure as hell have my own).
  • *points to the polatics forum*


    to many words
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Jan 25 2006, 10:15 PM)
    *points to the polatics forum*


    to many words

    Sorry, I know. I was frankly too lazy to start a new topic in the politics forum. haha. Hoorah for laziness.
  • anyways..back to manly things
  • beer and boobs?

    i own power tools.
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