have you ever had a ginormous crush on one of your teachers?
because we just got a new science teacher. and he is teh seckz!
i often have/had crushes on my teachers. even if they're not that hot, they're still hot cause of their position or something. maybe it's just me and i need therapy. oh well. there was one prof this semester who was way hot though, i have a crush on him. he doesn't wear a ring, but he did mention a son. hmm. oh well, not gonna happen either way.
i often have/had crushes on my teachers. even if they're not that hot, they're still hot cause of their position or something. maybe it's just me and i need therapy. oh well. there was one prof this semester who was way hot though, i have a crush on him. he doesn't wear a ring, but he did mention a son. hmm. oh well, not gonna happen either way.
YES! oh my god we had this HOT substitute teacvher once. he was liek a constant sub though...he was pretty much a permanent tecaher. he and his his sister used to always sub for teachers at my middle school so theyd be there every day. and eh was sooo hot. he was liek...oh god. so hot.
and in hs, i had this gym teacher!!!!! he was like...ahh. i had thsi picture of him from his honeymoon ahhaha. all the girls loved him. there was thsi picture of him rolling around the sand with his shirt off passing around through every girl at Hauppauge Hisgh Schools inbox. it was like.. WOW! he had the hottest body! he looked like a model in that picture! oh god. *remembers picture* he was soooo hot!!!
lately...ok my art history professor is so NOT hot. he like NOT AT ALL HOT! but hes REALLY funny! and he talks waaay too much about sex. like all his examples are like...say he's using the world "mega" referring to megalithic(big stone) hell be like "kind of like megasexual--someone that likes to have a lot of sex" like he does that with EVERY word!!! and hes REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY funny. he reminds me of ross from friends. haha. cause liek....he sgot the same profession, teh same style fo speaking,t he same humor...EVERYTHING. but i would liek ot stress he is NOT hot! but im strangely attracted to him...like, hes sexy in this weird way. i think cause of his humor. so ill be istting inc lass and im just like "if i stayed after class..hmm..." and thenill be like "id so get an A" HAHAHHAHA. maybe THATS why i probably failed my final!!! HAHAHHA. cause im always thinking about stupid shit while hes teaching!
My friend has an ongoing bet she is going to have sex with our SS teacher by the end of the year... that and the kid in Chem. class. We'll see how this pans out...
you can still have sex with her... that's the good part.
I have a crush on my oral english teacher... he's young, canadian,blue eyes, have this really really cute accent when he tries to speak french, and can't say a full sentence... he's on another planet, knows lots about everything, and talked to me in the toilets... is that a good sign, that i'll have great sex with him?
I'm John.
Love is all you need.
I'm Amanda
No, love is not all you need. Music is all you need.
I'm Amanda
No, love is not all you need. Music is all you need.
"Love is all you need" is a song
Songs are music
Music is all you need
Thus love is all you need
... i think that makes sense.
Songs are music
Music is all you need
Thus love is all you need
... i think that makes sense.
yes...i guess it does.
John: 1
Amanda: 9
suck on that foo
Amanda: 9
suck on that foo
I guess that's a good thing... ?
I guess that's a good thing... ?
i wonder what it IS like to have a hot teacher
have you ever had a ginormous crush on one of your teachers?
because we just got a new science teacher. and he is teh seckz!
i often have/had crushes on my teachers. even if they're not that hot, they're still hot cause of their position or something. maybe it's just me and i need therapy. oh well. there was one prof this semester who was way hot though, i have a crush on him.
Certainly not with a attitude like that
and in hs, i had this gym teacher!!!!! he was like...ahh. i had thsi picture of him from his honeymoon ahhaha. all the girls loved him. there was thsi picture of him rolling around the sand with his shirt off passing around through every girl at Hauppauge Hisgh Schools inbox. it was like..
lately...ok my art history professor is so NOT hot. he like NOT AT ALL HOT! but hes REALLY funny! and he talks waaay too much about sex. like all his examples are like...say he's using the world "mega" referring to megalithic(big stone) hell be like "kind of like megasexual--someone that likes to have a lot of sex" like he does that with EVERY word!!! and hes REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY funny. he reminds me of ross from friends. haha. cause liek....he sgot the same profession, teh same style fo speaking,t he same humor...EVERYTHING. but i would liek ot stress he is NOT hot! but im strangely attracted to him...like, hes sexy in this weird way. i think cause of his humor. so ill be istting inc lass and im just like "if i stayed after class..hmm..." and thenill be like "id so get an A" HAHAHHAHA. maybe THATS why i probably failed my final!!! HAHAHHA. cause im always thinking about stupid shit while hes teaching!
Today my film teacher tells us shes pregnant
... Look back a page for the humor of this
someone beat me to her : (
I have a crush on my oral english teacher... he's young, canadian,blue eyes, have this really really cute accent when he tries to speak french, and can't say a full sentence... he's on another planet, knows lots about everything, and talked to me in the toilets... is that a good sign, that i'll have great sex with him?
and hahahaha john. im sorry. but that does make me laugh on the insides
she's pregnant... thats gross... and if you're imply after she has the baby, i still won't. I may be a horny film student, but i aint no home wrecker
are you sure? you could always change your morals..
I'm sure, i'll have to settle for girls my age