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The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • if by "dwarf" you mean my little sister... then no...

    have you ever failed a subject more than once?
  • no, i would have to cry if i did.

    have you ever eaten 6 hotdogs in one sitting?
  • ... close... in middle school they would have free hot dog days... what else do they expect lil kiddies to do than to scarf down as many hot dogs as possible? I probably got up to 4 at most... come on IT WAS FREE!

    have you ever cried at school... and people noticed?
  • yes. a few times. by a few i mean like 3 times.
    the first 2 times i dont remember.
    the last time was because my boyfriend cheated on me.

    have you ever cheated in a snowball fight
  • maybe...I don't really know what cheating would be. I've definitely gotten yelled at by an RA for having a snowball fight at 2 am and responded by taking the snowballs inside and throwing them at each other there....oops, I don't think that's what he meant for us to do. haha

    Have you ever had a boss or manager that you absolutely couldn't stand?
  • Not "couldn't stand," but was "genuinely miffed with."

    My boss at the library was the kind of awkward woman who would come up to me, t ell me I needed to do something, stand there for a moment, get flustered, and say, "Well... I have to go do... things" (word for word). I couldn't stand her fakeness or how awkward she made me feel. However, I did love working there and now that I have another job, (though it's a much better job) I kind of miss the library. It's where I met my boyfriend.

    Have you ever eaten an insect?
  • i have, it was the worst day ever, it made my throat sore for some reason. maybe im allergic to bug.

    ever seen an olson twin in person?
  • no thankgod..

    ever doubted your religion becasue of constant downs?
  • Yes, but I doubt it more because of the things I learn.

    Ever stolen anything?
  • Yeah, a bottle of rum from a fraternity once. I was drunk and I still don't know how I got away with it.

    Have you ever seen an a band live that you're embarrassed to say you've seen (ie. a boy band or something)?
  • The Backstreet Boys... last year. Oh yes, at the tender age of 17, I saw the Backstreet Boys in concert. I went with a group of friends for shits and giggles. I ended up hugging every member of the Click Five (I don't even really like them that much). It was awesome.

    Have you ever snuck into somewhere? If so, where and why?
  • the only thing ive ever snuck into that i can remember is someones parents bedroom.
    im not gona share why lol
    it was a long time ago

    have you ever spilled your heart to a stranger?
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 2 2006, 07:55 PM)
    the only thing ive ever snuck into that i can remember is someones parents bedroom.
    im not gona share why lol
    it was a long time ago
    have you ever spilled your heart to a stranger?

    Yes. Now he's one of the people I'm closest to.

    It's weird the way these things work.

    Have you ever made friends with someone completely contrary to who you usually get along with?
  • yep.
    im not a big fan of rednecks but ive got one and hes one of my closest friends.

    have you ever egged someones house?
  • no, im not a dick like that.(no offense if you have)

    have you ever taken candy from a stranger?
  • yep halloween lol
    ive never egged someones house.

    have you ever broken something and never told the person?
  • probably but i dont remember.

    ever been in a room and felt exceedingly creepy and like a perv cause everyone there is 3 yrs younger?
  • Hmm, no, but I have felt like I was in a room of pervs because they were all creepy.

    Have you ever had an interview with yourself in the car?
  • yes. of course.... man. i'm so lame.

    have you ever held anyone hostage to rob a 7-11 so that you could launder and counterfeit money to sell on the market?
  • I don't think anyone here has not.

    I mean NO! what have you heard?

    Have you ever want to do something but didn't just because it wasn't cool enough, or didn't fit your persona?
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