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The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • Yes, i didn't joing a sorority.

    Have you ever gone to a really nice store to try on dress just to feel pretty and twirl around?
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 3 2006, 02:57 PM)
    Yes, i didn't joing a sorority.

    Have you ever gone to a really nice store to try on dress just to feel pretty and twirl around?

    God yes, when I was in grade eleven (Uh, Junior year?) I lied and said I was going to my best male friends formal ("prom") so they'd let me try on all the dresses.

    Have you ever seen a dead person?
  • Yeah at a funeral. My aunt's family used to own a funeral home. My cousin got locked in the back of a hearse one time haha.

    Have you ever missed the 90s?
  • YES!! I loved being innocent and not caring about what I wore and if my adidas trainer were fashionable or well anything!!

    Have you ever stolen anything (like bigger than sweets or something) from a store?
  • a little mermaid disney puzzle book, omg, it was awful, i would hide it in my room because i felt so guilty and i believed that even if i put it in the bin the police would search the landfill and find out i'd stole it and i'd go to some childrens prison

    have your ever,
    ever felt like this,
    these strange things happening,
    are you gong round the twist?

    did your watch round the twist when you were younger about the australlian? family who lived in a light house???

    the thread title reminded me of the song!
  • That wasn't a a Have You Ever question.

    Have you ever lied about something REALLY important?
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 4 2006, 01:28 PM)
    That wasn't a a Have You Ever question.

    Have you ever lied about something REALLY important?

    No, my conscious does not allow for me to lie. I'm painfully honest.

    (and PS That "Round the Twist" Show, lol, that is a huge part of my generations childhood. Everyone hearts Paul Jennings. Though I prefer the original Round the Twist to the later series)

    Have you ever had a Urinary Tract Infection?
  • i seriously hope not, but i guess i would know if i did, right?

    have you ever seen a UFO?
  • On TV, but I don't believe that aliens have come here, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in life on other planets.

    Have you ever gone cow tipping?
  • i live in wisconsin and i still havent gone cow tipping.
    i will one day tho.
    i wanna get drunk and go cow tipping

    have you ever jello wrestled????
  • YES! I know, it's sad, but it's so much fun!

    Have you ever seen a ghost?
  • no.

    have you ever painted bolonga?
  • No. A better question would be why you would want to paint bologna, but that's just me.

    Have you ever wanted to crowd surf, but were too afraid people would grope you?
  • like yesterday night...cept the hostage was a my arm is cover in teeth marks?

    Have you EVER been at work checking out the local work hottie then RAN into a filing cabinet that had things on top of it which fell on your head thus drawing (unwanted) attention to you by said hottie?
  • no...

    have you ever been driving down a country road late at night and could swear you just saw a deer run up a telephone pole?!?
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Aug 4 2006, 11:04 PM)

    have you ever been driving down a country road late at night and could swear you just saw a deer run up a telephone pole?!?
    no, but surely it must have been dasher or one of the other reindeer...

    have you ever karaokeed?
  • Yes, with the lead guy singer of the B52's.

    Ever been friends with someone famous?
  • no...

    have you ever dropped heavy furniture on your foot?!?
  • Yes, my bunk bed. Man, that hurt.

    Have you ever danced in the rain?
  • Yup! Ive done it dozens of times. Especially when I was little. My brothers and me would go outside dressed in our swimsuits and we'd dance/play/etc......*sigh* The good Ol' Days.....

    Have you ever hugged a random person on the street?
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