In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • No, but maybe I'll try that. smile.gif

    Have you ever bought those sumo suits and played in them?
  • NO, but that would just be F-IN awesome!!!

    have u ever smoked/inhaled something illegal???
  • We should bust the sumo suit sets out the next time someone awesome decides to throw an OK Go-lovers party. biggrin.gif

    Nah, I'm stronger than that. Unless the smell of fresh Oreos should be illegal.

    I know it's bad, but have you ever hated someone from the pfirst moment you'd met them?
  • Not hated, disliked. Then it grew into hate as I realized what a bitch she was... rolleyes.gif

    Have you ever heard of a Sanrio character called MonoKuro Boo? It's the cutest piggy/bunch of piggies everr.
  • Awww...I should check it/them out! wub.gif

    Have you ever gone around for the whole day with a fake accent? If so, what kind?
  • HAHA. Actually, I have. Except it wasn't entirely fake... when I was little I had a very heavy irish accent. I decided randomly one day that I should relive those days and confuse the hell out of everyone, so I let it out and it did indeed confuse everyone.

    I've also gone around speaking in a cockney accent all day. Those are fun. rolleyes.gif

    Another time I was walking around downtown, and a (seemingly american) tourist came to me and asked if I knew where Queen St. was, and I replied with "je ne sais pas". He gave me a look like "... unsure.gif " and just walked away after a couple seconds of awkward staring. Hahaha. That doesn't count as an accent but I figured it was worth sharing.

    Have you ever given yourself a shaving cream moustache?
  • QUOTE (Claret @ Jan 21 2007, 01:55 PM)
    HAHA. Actually, I have. Except it wasn't entirely fake... when I was little I had a very heavy irish accent. I decided randomly one day that I should relive those days and confuse the hell out of everyone, so I let it out and it did indeed confuse everyone.

    I've also gone around speaking in a cockney accent all day. Those are fun. rolleyes.gif

    Another time I was walking around downtown, and a (seemingly american) tourist came to me and asked if I knew where Queen St. was, and I replied with "je ne sais pas". He gave me a look like "... unsure.gif " and just walked away after a couple seconds of awkward staring. Hahaha. That doesn't count as an accent but I figured it was worth sharing.

    Have you ever given yourself a shaving cream moustache?

    Haha, no.

    But I admire your boldness. Once, when my dad was getting donuts from a drivethrough, he put on the most rapid Japanese accent, which sounded kind of fake and doesn't match, um, how he looks.

    Have you ever considered killing yourself for purposes other than to escape misery? huh.gif
  • Can't say I have. The clarinet makes me want to kill myself, but that counts as

    I can use a lot of accents and have them match how I look. tongue.gif Well, I can pull off east-asian and the many european accents but that's it.

    Have you ever actually liked math?

    have u ever hated ur best friend's new friend???
  • Yes.

    Have you ever hated your best friend?
  • lots of times, but i haven't had a best friend since like 5th grade...

    anyways...have u ever eaten soup with cow butt.
  • blink.gif No, but that sounds very interesting.

    Well, you see, I came back from Winter Break and I just began to feel this hatred for my best friend...well, actually, I'd call it annoyance, and I don't know what to do to (sorry for the malignance) get rid of her.

    Have you ever gone to a grocery store where they sell bull testicles? huh.gif
  • it is interesting and good. thats what im eating right now.
    of course, where i live thats all they sell

    have u ever punched ur self in the stomach??
  • Nah, I can't even bring myself to punch anyone else.

    Ever gone bungee jumping?
  • no, but i want too.
    id probably die though, knowing my clumsy self.

    have u ever cut ur hand opening a bag of chips??? (i have, hurt like hell!)
  • I have. I felt like such an idiot... but it's good to know someone else out there is as talented as I am tongue.gif

    My best friend is starting to grate on my nerves right now, too. I have issues with people using things that are mine, and she's started to turn into me... my personality, my interests, etc. She's started to call my house "home", my dad "dad", etc. I feel kind of violated huh.gif

    And that is my rant for the day.

    Have you ever walked halfway across the city and back just for the hell of it?
  • hahahah

    ur best friend, or should i say ex-best friend, sounds like an ass. i'd punch her in the face.

    no, that'd take forever.

    have u ever gone to a concert for no particular reason, like u didn't really like the band??
  • Lol, no. I haven't been to many concerts, and for all of them I had a reason.

    She's a sweet girl, actually. She gets comfortable a little too easily and she often doesn't know when to stop, but she's a decent person.

    Have you ever lost your wallet?
  • YES sad.gif not too long ago also. It was a Coach one too...
    and it had my permit and all my gift cards and crap, no cash though, I was completely broke that day.

    sad sad sad.

    Have you ever completely wiped out while ice skating?
  • haha you bet.

    Have you ever gambled at a casino?
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