I wasn't sure what section to put this in but oh well, decided to write it here!
Haha so I thought I'd get on here and write the dream I just had about OK GO.... it was totally weird lol. They decided to come to the UK and they played at my secondary school.... but to get in we had to wear our old school uniform?!?! and then damian made me come on stage and sing with him?! WTF!!! and then he wouldn't give me an autograph but sat at a random table in the cafeteria while some lady went on about THE WAR (eh?!?!) and that somebody burned down a door at the school. lol. OH DEAR!
thats all I remember now
and then theres another one...all i can remember is that its SO FUNNY i almost fell off my chair laughing. i believe that one is saras...
my memory is shot
jen!!! you were around back then?!?! wowww!!!!
hahah. i miss cod. its so going back up. i talked to hostway. yay. they still have all teh files.
my board fun seriously starting hotting up when i met ryan haha. so like 10 months ago. but i was one the board since september sooo like 6 months before you remember me haha
about how jess'es girl turned into...andy's girl
mine were freaky as hell
i had one involving...an elephant dance (an allergic reaction that andy had)
and one involving bora bora (HAHAHA)
I dreamt I was at Disneyland in America and I was with my dad and brother, and we were going on this ride where the adults had to be the posh people and the kids had to be the people who broke into the posh people's house and sneak in through the basement and get out at the top floor
So I met jen like halfway through and her family were there too and she showed me her mp3 player and it said it was playing the cure and the goonies
I have the WEIRDEST dreams. The night before I had a dream about chocolate buttons and the army.
Just thought I'd share that.
I was making out with Damian on a couch in a dressing room back stage at a concert for a long time...
and then I woke up.
I dreamed that I was on a plane, for some reason, and OK Go and Rachel were also on board. So Rachel and I had been all fangirly and giggling about how we were going to sit together and admire Damian in the seat behind him, when he came over and said hello to us. The three of us were chatting for a while, with me and Rachel in our two seats and Damian sort of leaning over the back of his chair to face us (I could vaguely hear a muffled Tim complaining at Damian too, lol), when Rachel suddenly went "Oh, Damian, come and sit with me!", jumped up out of her seat and walked off with the Kulash! And I grabbed her arm and went "Rach, don't leave me! Especially not if it means taking Damian away from me!" and she just giggled and said "Too late, see you when we land!"
And through the rest of the dream I was just watching Rachel and Damian, who now had his arm around her, sitting together and flirting at the other end of the plain. I was heartbroken!!
LOL Rachel, you'd never do that to me in real life, would you?
Never in a MILLION YEARS. For several reasons:
1) I could never be that collected around Damian
2) You're My SISTER!
3) It's so ridiculously impossible.
But strangely I had an OK Go dream the other day too!! They were playing in my school and I hung out with Dan.
Nothing exciting, but it made me giggle (in fact my facebook status for a few days was 'had a dream about okgo last night!)