So, I had a dream last night that we found out when they were going to have a Chicago show. I think it was going to be sometime in July. That would be cool, in a way, if my dream was right, but I want it to be sooner than that.
this is totally my favorite thread i'm so glad i discovered it!
wow, i only vaguely remember having this dream, but i wrote it down right after i had it and emailed it to hensocks, and i still have it, so here goes:
i had a dream last night that i was w/ okgo, and my job was to pass out their toothbrushes (which, were pretty awesome as far as toothbrushes go, because they were all drawn on w/ silver, black, and blue sharpie, and they had their names written on them) and there was even one for Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore and one for this other guy that i didn't know, but he sorta' looked like my geometry teacher, and i think i just guessed that he was their manager or something
anyway, i remember wanting to just, like, hug them and freak out w/ spastic fan-dom-ness and i think i did a little bit, but then i had to act all pro and give them their toothbrushes also, i may be wrong, but i think that dan had two toothbrushes, and he was going to use them as drumsticks
anyway, it was a pretty awesome dream
many more to come i'm sure, but here's one to get me started
i seriously had a dream i was running on the treadmills and totally ate shit. haha totally random
QUOTE (heydoofball @ Jan 1 2009, 11:30 AM)
this is totally my favorite thread i'm so glad i discovered it!
wow, i only vaguely remember having this dream, but i wrote it down right after i had it and emailed it to hensocks, and i still have it, so here goes:
i had a dream last night that i was w/ okgo, and my job was to pass out their toothbrushes (which, were pretty awesome as far as toothbrushes go, because they were all drawn on w/ silver, black, and blue sharpie, and they had their names written on them) and there was even one for Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore and one for this other guy that i didn't know, but he sorta' looked like my geometry teacher, and i think i just guessed that he was their manager or something
anyway, i remember wanting to just, like, hug them and freak out w/ spastic fan-dom-ness and i think i did a little bit, but then i had to act all pro and give them their toothbrushes also, i may be wrong, but i think that dan had two toothbrushes, and he was going to use them as drumsticks
anyway, it was a pretty awesome dream
many more to come i'm sure, but here's one to get me started
Waha, I had a dream tonight that OK Go! came to my school, where they were searching for someone to play in a videoclip of theirs. But I live in the Netherlands, and almost nobody here knows who OK Go! is. And if they do they only know 'Here it goes again':P It's tough to find someone to share my great great love for OK go! with ):
Anyway. Back to my dream. So, nobody knew who they were, just me. But they were all like, oh a clip? Awesome, sure! And then for some weird reason we were all sitting at round tables, and Damian came to my table. He was like; 'Do you want to be in our clip?' And I was like, HELL YEAH! And then my dream ended. Arghhh!!!! Why can't all dreams come true!?
^ I also had a dream where OK Go came to my school. Tim asked me if I could round up some people who would like to audition for a place in their new music video.
(I'm guessing this part was inspired by having watched the Notre Dame marching band version of 'This Too Shall Pass')
So I did just that and loads of people showing up in the sports hall playing different instruments such as tambourines. I was overseeing the auditions then suddenly it was the end of the school day and i walked out with a few friends and saw the backs of the members of OK Go... then i woke up
I had to include this dream i had today, it was epic:
OK Go were doing the AMW dance for the SSX game then i went to talk to them and damian cuddled me from behind and we went to my primary school's field. we heard something from the changing rooms so we went to have a look and andy was in there surrounded by three blonde girls. one of the girls ended up kissing him and i was like omg 'BACK OFF BITCH HE'S MINE' but in my head
It was night in a modern city but the street was not paved, just dirt, and it was deserted. Tim came walking down the street with a little boy who looked to be 7 or 8 years old. They aproached a building and Tim said to the boy "You, stay out here. Don't talk to strangers." (Tim didn't sound like himself. He sounded like he was doing a John Wayne impression.)
Now we are inside the building. It's a bar, a sundae bar, and Tim is eating a hot fudge sundae. He finishes and says to the bar keep "Give me another!" Then I woke up.
The thought of sundaes being for adult enjoyment only delights me.
I'm gunna try and remember my dream as best as I can because it was really vivid and epic
It begins with me in the school gym playing tennis/badminton with people and I went to my laptop to check the thewilltorock blog to see it has finally been updated by Andy and it took some time for me to find the secret page where he does regular blog updates (sneaky sneaky)
Then it was dark and I had gone to a playground with OK Go. We were all on the roundabout and they were eating some kinda curry rice dish. I asked for a hug from Tim but before I got one, Andy said "Wait! You gotta try this Jade!" and fed me a bit of his food like a mother feeding her baby*.
*I say that because he kinda did that thing where the mum/dad does that 'here comes the chu-chu train!' action with his fork but without the SFX...or words. kinda tasted good...sorta sweet and creamy. Afterwards I recieved a very long and warm hug from Tim hehe :)
Here's the weird bit (that I don't remember so well).
OK Go were involved in a heist. They got their gear on and stood in an elevator with this woman who organised it and they started talking about the plan and what they were gunna do and what the woman was gunna do.
Later OK Go had sucessfully stolen this briefcase and was coming to save the woman because she was stuck in this office so Dan got out this weird contraption and shot a zip line thing to where the office was then Damian zoomed up and saved the woman!
"You, stay out here. Don't talk to strangers." (Tim didn't sound like himself. He sounded like he was doing a John Wayne impression.)
Haha, I can totally imagine that.
I had a strange dream the other night, where Andy was engaged to Regina Spektor.
Turns out she broke up with him, and I wnted to come on the boards to see if he was okay, but my friends wouldn't let me and kept shooting at me with Nerf guns...
There was a weird segway dream that lead up to the OK Go part:
I was in a ring surrounded by darkness with some little things like the Rabbids but cuter and more intellegent and they were gunna be attacked so I picked some of them up and OK Go appeared and helped out. We ended being spilt up when we got into this room, I was with Andy and Dan in a corner and Damian was with some of the bunny things (don't know where Tim went).
Damian ended up being caught by the mysterious attackers and I ran up to him and said
"No, you can't take him!"
Then he said:
"Don't worry I'm just going to testify and save the day"
So I gave him a hug...then I kissed him...I repeat: I kissed him
After Damian was taken into the darkness Dan came up to me and asked me
"Why did you kiss him?"
"Because I wanted to know if he was an amazing kisser"
"You do remember that you are going out with Andy right?"
The dreams where two guys from the same band are romantically interested/involved/intimate with you are the most frustrating. Especially when you only know about one of them! LOL!
I had a dream several nights ago in which I was encountering all sorts of people, known and unknown to me, famous and obscure, and I was urgently telling them, "I need communication! I NEED to COMMUNICATE!" The same thing over and over, person after person and most of the people were just moving on without even acknowledging me. Among the more well known I approached were Oprah (who had that "I don't have time" look, but at least she paused a moment), PeeWee Herman (who seemed concerned) and Damian (who looked at me very intently, as though trying to decipher my deeper meaning).
The fact that Damian and PeeWee actually stopped was encouraging, but apparently, I was unable to communicate anything beyond my need to communicate (How's THAT for symbology? ). I just repeated my initial statement, a little more pleadingly. Damian took a moment to step away and confer with PeeWee (who, gentleman that I'm sure he is, had not gone on like everyone else and left me isolated and incommunicado). They whispered and looked back at me. Damian seemed to be arguing for me and while PeeWee was not reluctant to help, he still wanted to hear all of whatever Damian said.
Damian concluded with a big gesture as if to say "So you see…" and PeeWee pulled something from his pocket, handed it to Damian and then, turning back to me, did the "Heh heh" and wave before skipping off. Damian watched him go and then approached me again. He got really close and drew his hand, which held the something PeeWee had given him in a fist, up. I repeated myself, again, but very softly. He put up his finger to shush me even more and smiled. A BIG, I've-got-the-best-bike-on-the-block kind of smile. It seemed an almost conspiritorially gleeful grin. And he opened his hand to reveal a tiny, fingernail-sized, red plastic megaphone. He was so pleased! I was confused. Broken record me said, "I need to communicate…" He took my hand, pressed the megaphone into my palm, then he leaned in close, moving my hair and whispered, "OK… Go!"
As dreams go, not the least obvious, but the only other time I dreamt anything to do with Ok Go was years ago and in that dream they were telling this old band I used to work for how almost everything I had ever suggested to the band (that they didn't do!) was, in fact, a recipe for success, and how they–Ok Go–were proof of it. Clearly, a manifestation of my wounded ego, that one. Oh! Except I had a few dreams that I didn't realize featured them until later… they were stand ins for or previews of something…
So now I just have to figure out how to obtain my metaphorical miniature megaphone (though a real one would totally make me happy), and I'll be set to take on the world!
Now that I've been sleeping better in the last few years, I don't remember my dreams very much anymore. But when I saw David Tennant's "Hamlet" really close after seeing OK Go in concert for the first time - I had a Shakespearian like dream with all the boys plus Tennant - I just wish I could have remembered more of it!
Anyway, the real reason I'm posting - does this secret link on the blog really EXIST!?!? I've seeing rumors of the like - but I think I've clicked on just about everything on that site!
Anyway, the real reason I'm posting - does this secret link on the blog really EXIST!?!? I've seeing rumors of the like - but I think I've clicked on just about everything on that site!
I have no idea.
I wish it was true, but it does sound like something Andy would do on there...
Now that I've been sleeping better in the last few years, I don't remember my dreams very much anymore. But when I saw David Tennant's "Hamlet" really close after seeing OK Go in concert for the first time - I had a Shakespearian like dream with all the boys plus Tennant - I just wish I could have remembered more of it!
Anyway, the real reason I'm posting - does this secret link on the blog really EXIST!?!? I've seeing rumors of the like - but I think I've clicked on just about everything on that site!
I don't know about the secret link, but I want to have YOUR dream!
I'm pretty sure this was my first OK Go dream ever. And I've been a fan for five years. How is that possible?! Anyways, in the dream, Damian and Tim are sitting in a recording studio giving an interview. As Damian was talking, it would switch from being Damian to being me! I was Damian! I could feel that I was in his body, with his hair and his tallness. And then it would switch to me looking like Damian. It reminded me of episodes of Supernatural when you'd see someone look like a human, but once the camera would pan over to the mirror, you saw this hideous monster. And Tim was one of my friends, but I don't remember who.
i love this thread :) i had a dream about them a few nights ago, i dreamt i was sat in a bar wiv them and i had to interview them about Twilight! rather random but it was sweet all the same :)
I've had several OK Go dreams lately. Must be the summer energy/creative spark/birthday madness I get this time of year. Or maybe it was a casual discussion the other day in which a friend reminded me of another OK Go connection (Damn, those guys know everybody!)
Anyway, I'll tell you one of the dreams.
I was sleeping, in the dream (or whoever I was supposed to be was asleep), and kept feeling and hearing movements and sounds around me and then outside the door (the door in the dream, not my actual bedroom door, which is always open anyway). I was trying really hard to ignore it, especially because voices were becoming distinct and every so often the door would open and someone would slip in and out… and I turned toward the wall as I realized the voices were members of OK Go.
"Think we should wake her?" (not sure, but this could have been two voices at once, Dan and, I assume, Damian)
"No, don't wake her…" (pretty sure that was ARoss)
"We should wake her."
"You wanna wake her?" (Tim)
"No, let her sleep…" (Andy again, bless him)
"I Want to Wake Her UP!" (Damian obviously)
"I'm going to wake her up" (sound of the door being approached…I turned over and thought I'm going to kill him)
I was getting all agitated and grumpy and I-Swear-If-Anyone-Opens-That-Door-They're-Getting-A-Face-Full-Of-Pillow. And I heard Andy say, "You probably already woke her up anyway…" And the sounds got hushed again, like maybe Damian thought better of barging in, and I began to drift off away from that dream, but then I heard a voice again.
It was closer, like inside the door, and it said, softly and sweetly, and all please-don't-be-mad-at-me, "Do you want to wake up now? I turned toward Damian's voice, sort of being pulled back to the details of that dream, and he said, "Wake up… I am making coffee for you." And I said–and may have mumbled it aloud for real–"You know, that might be the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me."
And I opened my eyes to realize the dream had shifted and I was actually awake. Damn! I hate when something I say in the dreamscape transports me to the waking world before I'm ready! I hate when I wake up to no musicians and no freshly brewed coffee.
Plus, only I would think of coffee as a sweet, even romantic, gesture. ;) He could have said, "I'm taking you to the Taj Mahal", or "I booked you Moroccan holiday", "Front row center for a private show with Leonard Cohen" and I wouldn't have been so moved. LOL!
I dreamt that I went on facebook to go on the OK Go fan page and there was an announcement that a live stream of the OK Go team playing in the world cup was gunna be up so I waited for that to happen then I magically appeared on the football pitch with the two teams starting to play...but OK Go weren't there.
I looked around for them and there they were sitting in front of a swimming pool (I have no idea why haha) and the pitch was gone. I hung back with my friends darting my eyes to OK Go then back to the floor and when I looked at Andy he sorta nodded and smiled at me. This is when I mustered up the courage to talk to them.
I walked over to Andy and talked to him about random things and then I asked him if SDR are doing anything this year but we got interuppted by something and I ended up never getting an answer.
Dan and Tim called me over and I introduced myself, Dan shook my hand and hugged me.
My phone woke me up :( I wouldn't be that calm while talking them anyway haha I'd be shaking and mumbling a load of crap.
i'm so glad i discovered it!
wow, i only vaguely remember having this dream, but i wrote it down right after i had it and emailed it to hensocks, and i still have it, so here goes:
i had a dream last night that i was w/ okgo,
and my job was to pass out their toothbrushes
(which, were pretty awesome as far as toothbrushes go,
because they were all drawn on w/ silver, black, and blue sharpie,
and they had their names written on them)
and there was even one for Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore and one for this other guy that i didn't know,
but he sorta' looked like my geometry teacher,
and i think i just guessed that he was their manager or something
anyway, i remember wanting to just, like,
hug them and freak out w/ spastic fan-dom-ness
and i think i did a little bit, but then i had to
act all pro and give them their toothbrushes
also, i may be wrong, but i think that dan had two toothbrushes,
and he was going to use them as drumsticks
anyway, it was a pretty awesome dream
many more to come i'm sure, but here's one to get me started
i seriously had a dream i was running on the treadmills and totally ate shit. haha totally random
i'm so glad i discovered it!
wow, i only vaguely remember having this dream, but i wrote it down right after i had it and emailed it to hensocks, and i still have it, so here goes:
i had a dream last night that i was w/ okgo,
and my job was to pass out their toothbrushes
(which, were pretty awesome as far as toothbrushes go,
because they were all drawn on w/ silver, black, and blue sharpie,
and they had their names written on them)
and there was even one for Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore and one for this other guy that i didn't know,
but he sorta' looked like my geometry teacher,
and i think i just guessed that he was their manager or something
anyway, i remember wanting to just, like,
hug them and freak out w/ spastic fan-dom-ness
and i think i did a little bit, but then i had to
act all pro and give them their toothbrushes
also, i may be wrong, but i think that dan had two toothbrushes,
and he was going to use them as drumsticks
anyway, it was a pretty awesome dream
many more to come i'm sure, but here's one to get me started
Back to my dream.
So, nobody knew who they were, just me. But they were all like, oh a clip? Awesome, sure!
And then for some weird reason we were all sitting at round tables, and Damian came to my table. He was like; 'Do you want to be in our clip?' And I was like, HELL YEAH!
^ I also had a dream where OK Go came to my school. Tim asked me if I could round up some people who would like to audition for a place in their new music video.
(I'm guessing this part was inspired by having watched the Notre Dame marching band version of 'This Too Shall Pass')
So I did just that and loads of people showing up in the sports hall playing different instruments such as tambourines. I was overseeing the auditions then suddenly it was the end of the school day and i walked out with a few friends and saw the backs of the members of OK Go... then i woke up
I had to include this dream i had today, it was epic:
OK Go were doing the AMW dance for the SSX game then i went to talk to them and damian cuddled me from behind and we went to my primary school's field. we heard something from the changing rooms so we went to have a look and andy was in there surrounded by three blonde girls. one of the girls ended up kissing him and i was like omg 'BACK OFF BITCH HE'S MINE' but in my head
I was just an observer in this dream.
It was night in a modern city but the street was not paved, just dirt, and it was deserted. Tim came walking down the street with a little boy who looked to be 7 or 8 years old. They aproached a building and Tim said to the boy "You, stay out here. Don't talk to strangers." (Tim didn't sound like himself. He sounded like he was doing a John Wayne impression.)
Now we are inside the building. It's a bar, a sundae bar, and Tim is eating a hot fudge sundae. He finishes and says to the bar keep "Give me another!" Then I woke up.
The thought of sundaes being for adult enjoyment only delights me.
I'm gunna try and remember my dream as best as I can because it was really vivid and epic
It begins with me in the school gym playing tennis/badminton with people and I went to my laptop to check the thewilltorock blog to see it has finally been updated by Andy and it took some time for me to find the secret page where he does regular blog updates (sneaky sneaky)
Then it was dark and I had gone to a playground with OK Go. We were all on the roundabout and they were eating some kinda curry rice dish. I asked for a hug from Tim but before I got one, Andy said "Wait! You gotta try this Jade!" and fed me a bit of his food like a mother feeding her baby*.
*I say that because he kinda did that thing where the mum/dad does that 'here comes the chu-chu train!' action with his fork but without the SFX...or words. kinda tasted good...sorta sweet and creamy. Afterwards I recieved a very long and warm hug from Tim hehe :)
Here's the weird bit (that I don't remember so well).
OK Go were involved in a heist. They got their gear on and stood in an elevator with this woman who organised it and they started talking about the plan and what they were gunna do and what the woman was gunna do.
Later OK Go had sucessfully stolen this briefcase and was coming to save the woman because she was stuck in this office so Dan got out this weird contraption and shot a zip line thing to where the office was then Damian zoomed up and saved the woman!
Woooo! hooray for Damian!
Haha, I can totally imagine that.
I had a strange dream the other night, where Andy was engaged to Regina Spektor.
Turns out she broke up with him, and I wnted to come on the boards to see if he was okay, but my friends wouldn't let me and kept shooting at me with Nerf guns...
Dream time people
There was a weird segway dream that lead up to the OK Go part:
I was in a ring surrounded by darkness with some little things like the Rabbids but cuter and more intellegent and they were gunna be attacked so I picked some of them up and OK Go appeared and helped out. We ended being spilt up when we got into this room, I was with Andy and Dan in a corner and Damian was with some of the bunny things (don't know where Tim went).
Damian ended up being caught by the mysterious attackers and I ran up to him and said
"No, you can't take him!"
Then he said:
"Don't worry I'm just going to testify and save the day"
So I gave him a hug...then I kissed him...I repeat: I kissed him


After Damian was taken into the darkness Dan came up to me and asked me
"Why did you kiss him?"
"Because I wanted to know if he was an amazing kisser"
"You do remember that you are going out with Andy right?"
Again...

So I gave Andy a really long hug, then I woke up
The dreams where two guys from the same band are romantically interested/involved/intimate with you are the most frustrating. Especially when you only know about one of them! LOL!
I had a dream several nights ago in which I was encountering all sorts of people, known and unknown to me, famous and obscure, and I was urgently telling them, "I need communication! I NEED to COMMUNICATE!" The same thing over and over, person after person and most of the people were just moving on without even acknowledging me. Among the more well known I approached were Oprah (who had that "I don't have time" look, but at least she paused a moment), PeeWee Herman (who seemed concerned) and Damian (who looked at me very intently, as though trying to decipher my deeper meaning).
The fact that Damian and PeeWee actually stopped was encouraging, but apparently, I was unable to communicate anything beyond my need to communicate (How's THAT for symbology?
). I just repeated my initial statement, a little more pleadingly. Damian took a moment to step away and confer with PeeWee (who, gentleman that I'm sure he is, had not gone on like everyone else and left me isolated and incommunicado). They whispered and looked back at me. Damian seemed to be arguing for me and while PeeWee was not reluctant to help, he still wanted to hear all of whatever Damian said.
Damian concluded with a big gesture as if to say "So you see…" and PeeWee pulled something from his pocket, handed it to Damian and then, turning back to me, did the "Heh heh" and wave before skipping off. Damian watched him go and then approached me again. He got really close and drew his hand, which held the something PeeWee had given him in a fist, up. I repeated myself, again, but very softly. He put up his finger to shush me even more and smiled. A BIG, I've-got-the-best-bike-on-the-block kind of smile. It seemed an almost conspiritorially gleeful grin. And he opened his hand to reveal a tiny, fingernail-sized, red plastic megaphone. He was so pleased! I was confused. Broken record me said, "I need to communicate…" He took my hand, pressed the megaphone into my palm, then he leaned in close, moving my hair and whispered, "OK… Go!"
As dreams go, not the least obvious, but the only other time I dreamt anything to do with Ok Go was years ago and in that dream they were telling this old band I used to work for how almost everything I had ever suggested to the band (that they didn't do!) was, in fact, a recipe for success, and how they–Ok Go–were proof of it. Clearly, a manifestation of my wounded ego, that one. Oh! Except I had a few dreams that I didn't realize featured them until later… they were stand ins for or previews of something…
So now I just have to figure out how to obtain my metaphorical miniature megaphone (though a real one would totally make me happy), and I'll be set to take on the world!
Now that I've been sleeping better in the last few years, I don't remember my dreams very much anymore. But when I saw David Tennant's "Hamlet" really close after seeing OK Go in concert for the first time - I had a Shakespearian like dream with all the boys plus Tennant - I just wish I could have remembered more of it!
Anyway, the real reason I'm posting - does this secret link on the blog really EXIST!?!? I've seeing rumors of the like - but I think I've clicked on just about everything on that site!
I have no idea.
I wish it was true, but it does sound like something Andy would do on there...
I don't know about the secret link, but I want to have YOUR dream!
I've had several OK Go dreams lately. Must be the summer energy/creative spark/birthday madness I get this time of year. Or maybe it was a casual discussion the other day in which a friend reminded me of another OK Go connection (Damn, those guys know everybody!
Anyway, I'll tell you one of the dreams.
I was sleeping, in the dream (or whoever I was supposed to be was asleep), and kept feeling and hearing movements and sounds around me and then outside the door (the door in the dream, not my actual bedroom door, which is always open anyway). I was trying really hard to ignore it, especially because voices were becoming distinct and every so often the door would open and someone would slip in and out… and I turned toward the wall as I realized the voices were members of OK Go.
"Think we should wake her?" (not sure, but this could have been two voices at once, Dan and, I assume, Damian)
"No, don't wake her…" (pretty sure that was ARoss)"We should wake her."
"You wanna wake her?" (Tim)
"No, let her sleep…" (Andy again, bless him)
"I Want to Wake Her UP!" (Damian obviously)
"I'm going to wake her up" (sound of the door being approached…I turned over and thought I'm going to kill him)
I was getting all agitated and grumpy and I-Swear-If-Anyone-Opens-That-Door-They're-Getting-A-Face-Full-Of-Pillow. And I heard Andy say, "You probably already woke her up anyway…" And the sounds got hushed again, like maybe Damian thought better of barging in, and I began to drift off away from that dream, but then I heard a voice again.
It was closer, like inside the door, and it said, softly and sweetly, and all please-don't-be-mad-at-me, "Do you want to wake up now? I turned toward Damian's voice, sort of being pulled back to the details of that dream, and he said, "Wake up… I am making coffee for you." And I said–and may have mumbled it aloud for real–"You know, that might be the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me."
And I opened my eyes to realize the dream had shifted and I was actually awake. Damn! I hate when something I say in the dreamscape transports me to the waking world before I'm ready! I hate when I wake up to no musicians and no freshly brewed coffee.
Plus, only I would think of coffee as a sweet, even romantic, gesture. ;) He could have said, "I'm taking you to the Taj Mahal", or "I booked you Moroccan holiday", "Front row center for a private show with Leonard Cohen" and I wouldn't have been so moved. LOL!
Football/OK Go cross-over dream!
I dreamt that I went on facebook to go on the OK Go fan page and there was an announcement that a live stream of the OK Go team playing in the world cup was gunna be up so I waited for that to happen then I magically appeared on the football pitch with the two teams starting to play...but OK Go weren't there.
I looked around for them and there they were sitting in front of a swimming pool (I have no idea why haha) and the pitch was gone. I hung back with my friends darting my eyes to OK Go then back to the floor and when I looked at Andy he sorta nodded and smiled at me. This is when I mustered up the courage to talk to them.
I walked over to Andy and talked to him about random things and then I asked him if SDR are doing anything this year but we got interuppted by something and I ended up never getting an answer.
Dan and Tim called me over and I introduced myself, Dan shook my hand and hugged me.
My phone woke me up :( I wouldn't be that calm while talking them anyway haha I'd be shaking and mumbling a load of crap.
Six Degrees of OK Go?