In this Discussion

Comments On Andy's Blog

edited November -1 in OK Go


  • He's fabulous.

    And I think 99% of us think he's absolutely gorgeous.
    Plus, he's definitely sweet & rad.

    Oh and I do think Damian is just trying to flash us, he should stop trying to be so sly about it and just do it.
  • Regarding the comment about using band members as stripper poles, I would also like to make a motion that band members(of any band) should not use fans for such purposes either. I was unfortunately involved in such an incident and must agree that is only funny for a few seconds. laugh.gif
  • i like new andy. sounds fun.
  • i have something to comment!!

    when i meet him, i will teach him some dance moves. lol i'm going to teach rusty some ballet shit he can bust out at concerts. maybe even tap.

    that would be the hotness.
  • the odd thing is.. I think he's pretty cute and all, but in this weirdddd 5 year old trapped in a 25 year old's body type way.....
  • LOL sai wtf are you talking about? that you mention it...

    i know some guys like that

    oh...another comment: ok go bowls? thats awesome. i'm a bowler on my school's team. however, my average sucks. it's dropped down from like, 162 to 150 or something like that...i think i was ranked very last on teh varsity series, actually. lol it was so embarrassing
  • Bowling is the s**t. I went bowling with the chemistry club once (b/c Salmeen is a pre-pharm chick) and I kicked all their asses, which is funny cause I thought I did really bad and I was like, "woah! I won!?!"

    I haven't seen the new Andy, so I can't really tell if he's cute or not, but little boy cute boys are so cute. As long as they have some manly aspects to balance it out. Like the combination of big round eyes and stubble is so cute. It makes me all melty. lol.
  • lol julie is getting all melty!!

    aw snap

    and bowling totally is the shit

    and ahh...chemistry is the best subject ever. i wish my school had a chemistry club that i could join
  • i used to like chemistry a lot until i started taking o. chem. it's interesting sometimes, but overall it makes me cry inside. i'd probably like it if i wasn't taking a class in it, ha ha. i do however like o. chem. lab. tons of fun.

    i wish i could dance. i mean, i can dance ballet, but even then it's difficult for me if i'm not choreographed ahead of time, ha ha.

    maybe tim could teach me some of his fresh moves. tongue.gif biggrin.gif

    that's a loverly pic in your sig sara... who is that?
  • lol i have no idea

    i just thought it was really really nice looking

    see...i can do like...jazz or hip hop on the spot, but everything else im totally lost

    i barely have experience in ballet (if you can call it that, even...only like, one year of beginner classes) tim is probably an awesome dancer. lol.

    also though, i definitely do NOT have the body of a ballet dancer. i am huge, and it's pretty bad, but i guess it's ok because in modern dance (martha graham style, lol) it doesn't really matter.
  • Hey Andy, I can teach you some old cheerleading dances. That would be amusing. But you have to do them when you come to NoHo in March. wink.gif

  • Andy could learn some dance moves from this guy.
  • or dancing spiderman

    lol remember that?!
  • QUOTE (sara with no h @ Feb 22 2005, 10:16 PM)
    or dancing spiderman

    lol remember that?!

    AH i remember that
    i loved that picture.
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Feb 22 2005, 11:58 PM)
    AH i remember that
    i loved that picture.

    Hahaha, remember when Andy posted that he had been staring at it for hours?

    Everyone loved my Spidey..
  • lol he should come back and make a cameo or something, lol
  • Got to see the guys in concert at the Empty Bottle... Great show, I enjoyed it very much. I also enjoyed watching Rusty and Tim play pool before the show, it was awesome. For only being his third show I think Rusty did a great job. Keep up the good work guys!

  • hehe ok so somebody GET A PHOTO OF HIM AND POST IT!!!! lol
  • QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ Feb 25 2005, 06:35 AM)
    hehe ok so somebody GET A PHOTO OF HIM AND POST IT!!!! lol

    I have a really good pic on my cell phone, only thing is... I can't figure out how to get them on to the damn computer. My software doesn't like me.
  • QUOTE (rossissuzy @ Feb 25 2005, 10:58 AM)
    I have a really good pic on my cell phone, only thing is... I can't figure out how to get them on to the damn computer. My software doesn't like me.

    sometimes you can send pictures from your cell phone as an email to yourself... at least that's what i do. like, instead of typing in a phone number for sending it, type in an email address.
    i say this because i, too, want to see a picture of this rusty fellow, who seems quite cool.
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