In this Discussion

Random Stuff



  • its from the not very big

    Man burns toaster - And his wife
  • nevermind I got it lol!
  • i rule at this game!
  • If you loved the original your sure to love the remake!!!!!!!!!

    Lazy Monday

  • you mean dawgs
  • dang! ... of course i meant dawgs...

  • image

    Why do i love this so much?



    You probably love it because it is AMAZING
  • i cant see it!

    i feel a great sence of loss..
  • get a better computer, loser!!
  • pfft your just jelous
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Jan 29 2006, 02:17 PM)
    pfft your just jelous

    dave`s jealous of a lot of things andy, especially you and all of your manly qualities wink.gif
  • huzza! =p
  • my toe itches
  • in communist russia..the cows eat toes
  • I'm sick and on a ton o' Excedrin (sp?) which makes me twitchy and more random than usual... so I'm going to let it out on all y'alls.

    1) My scarf that I'm currently donning is still sticky from the stage at the Toad's Place concert (I was sitting on the stage edge and prefered not to have sticky-ass syndrome, so I sat on my scarf). I decided against cleaning it because 1) I'm lazy and 2) every time I see the little sticky spot, I'm like "awww, Toad's."
    2) I think the barter system should be reinstated.
    3)I'm weating my red handprint pants (the only survivng clothing remnents from a paint fight I had back in ye olde summer). THey prompt a lot of fun conversations, such as this gem:
    [I'm shelving books all innocently in the library, my wonderful place of employment, when an older man walks up to me]
    Him: "What happened to your pants?"
    Me: "Machete Tag"
    Him: [without getting my attempt at a joke] "Ooooh, I see."
    4)I've always kinda wanted an iguana

    aaand, I'm done
  • never shake an iguana
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jan 30 2006, 06:54 PM)
    1) My scarf that I'm currently donning is still sticky from the stage at the Toad's Place concert (I was sitting on the stage edge and prefered not to have sticky-ass syndrome, so I sat on my scarf).  I decided against cleaning it because 1) I'm lazy and 2) every time I see the little sticky spot, I'm like "awww, Toad's."

    Word. I still haven't washed my red scarf from the concert...also mainly because I'm a lazyass and it still smells all smoky and OK Go-y.

    ALSO (THIS IS SUPER EXCITING) --- my bank has a new program where you can upload your own images to your credit card.

    AND GUESS WHAT YA'LLS: The first OK Go credit card EVS!

    (I'll be getting it in about two weeks. AAAKK!)
  • QUOTE (Connyfoo @ Jan 30 2006, 12:40 PM)
    AND GUESS WHAT YA'LLS: The first OK Go credit card EVS!

    (I'll be getting it in about two weeks.  AAAKK!)

    that is soooo cool... i want one that says "ok go can pay the bills" with a pic of the band! tongue.gif

    dudidudes! guess what i just did... i freakin made an E.Coli bacteria culture!!! i am such a nerd that i am soooo coolioed by this, but whateves....

    by the way, the E.coli was genteticly engineered so that it cant survive out side of the culture, aka not dangerous...but still dangerously cool... cool.gif
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