Oh my goodness, I think the left hemisphere of my brain just imploded from the sheer awesomeness of that.
I was shocked to see that myself.
1. The show is all-ages. The Magic Stick rarely has all-ages shows. 2. THE TICKETS ARE $.89!!!!!! 3. The show is on a Sunday. I may have to skip school on Monday.
Oh. but it's so much more fun to come in the next day totally out of it, still vaguely smelling of concert even if you spent 30 minutes in the shower (though the smell could just be all in your mind since you're so tired). I've only pulled this stunt twice (I know, I'm so xH-CORE!!!!x)
1) The Green Day Concert. It was a Thursday and I had gone with a large group of friends. The next day, we met in the senior parking lot, opened a box of donuts, and attempted to form coherant sentences as we curled up in the back of the minivan and retold concert stories 2)My first OK Go concert experience. 'Twas at Irving Plaza on a Tuesday night. Of course, it was completely worth my brain-dead-ity the next day.
Congrats again on the awesome ticket price! You're a true concert rocker for finding such an awesome deal.
The Shins' Kissing The Lipless reminds me of the summer when i pranced through sprinklers in bare feet and cuddled in the grass as my friends and I ate candy.
The Shins' Kissing The Lipless reminds me of the summer when i pranced through sprinklers in bare feet and cuddled in the grass as my friends and I ate candy.
I love that song... it does remind me of happy summer moments as well...
Irving Plaza? Are you from NYC? Or around? (You've probably said where you're from somewhere else, and I'm just a dumbass and can't remember...)
I'm from a suburban Connecticut town about 1.5 hours from NYC. This fact is absolutely amazing because I can hop on the train in the morning, be in the city by late morning, and spend the entire day in the village. I'm a complete and total city addict; this is mostly due to me having grown up in suburbia. It's my firm belief that suburban kids reach a point where one can't stand suburbia anymore so they either 1) move to the city and become bohemians/business exs. or 2) move to the middle of the woods and become hermits and write about ponds Thoreau-style.
QUOTE (agentnumone @ Feb 11 2006, 08:43 PM)
I love that song... it does remind me of happy summer moments as well...
Glad someone else understands. I think it's simply a summer-like song. Songs that transport me back to warmer months and good memories are always enjoyable.
Glad someone else understands. I think it's simply a summer-like song. Songs that transport me back to warmer months and good memories are always enjoyable.
Ok, I have a library friend. He showed up one day and took pity on my shelving and started talking to me. As a result, I've gotten "new" (i.e. music he burned for me in his spare time) music to add to my iPod (Kimya Dawson, the Books, the Clash, Otis Reddington, &c.) and I give him some of my own loves (like OK Go... that was the first). It's sort of a music free exchange, if you will.
Anyway, that really doesn't matter. The other week, I was shelving and we were talking. Since we barely know eachother, we were just talking about our day and how annoying the 917 travel books are (really, 914-917 in nonfiction is awful). So, I'm shelving and he turns to me and says, "what do you do?" Not knowing how to reply, I asked him the same question. Instead of telling me where he worked/about his family/about his hobbies, he went off about how he is a clutter-freak and currently reorganizing and basic aspects of what makes up his life... not in terms of interests or anything, but actually what he DOES, if that makes any sense. It wasn't about the job or the trials of the day, it was about what made him, him.
Anyway, after he said his goodbyes (without me really answering since I really didn't know how to respond), I went home and thought about it. No one had really asked me such a question before. Surely I had recieved the "what are your interests?" question, but never "what do you DO" insinuating "what makes you, you?" I'm still thinking how to respond... but I thought something along the lines of such:
I am a faux rebel. I delight in finding something new and making it my own. I am a consumer of music and find uttmost joy when I play my piano. Music, in that sense, is me. I invent, I try to rebel against the "sheep" mentality, though I often get stuck in the crowd. I play. I refuse to act my age. I skip whenever possible. I enjoy losing myself in the embraces of other people. I am a rabid reader, though the television often lures me away from my books, I admit. I am someone who enjoys lying on the stage and taking in the sound of the fans.
Now, this I already know about myself, so I have a question for you lovely boardies,
What do YOU do? Feel free to explore; it's something that needs to be investigated more often.
if you were my interpol antics cd, where would you be?!? i already checked the fridge... and by fridge, i mean the several leaning stacks of cds strewn about...
In your CD player. Mine barely ever comes out of there... Also, at a friend's house. My friends have an annoying tendency to steal my CDs and not give them back for over four months...
What do YOU do? Feel free to explore; it's something that needs to be investigated more often.
huh... I don't know. I really don't. This kinda reminds me of the "What makes you tick?" question that I had to answer for a couple of classes, except I actually don't mind answering this one.
My first answer, right off the bat, would be Deep Thought. complete with capital letters, I would be much too happy philosophising for the rest of my life.
I'll get back to that, though. Maybe I could ask my friends for suggestions.
My first answer, right off the bat, would be Deep Thought. complete with capital letters, I would be much too happy philosophising for the rest of my life.
$.89 tickets are AWESOME!!!!
I'm going to see the Subways and the Gun Shys for 89 CENTS!!!!!
That's so amazing.
$.89 tickets are AWESOME!!!!
I'm going to see the Subways and the Gun Shys for 89 CENTS!!!!!
That's so amazing.
a-BUH? How'd you manage to do that?
I'm amazingly impressed!
I'm amazingly impressed!
radio stations are my savior. The cool ones at least.
I was shocked to see that myself.
1. The show is all-ages. The Magic Stick rarely has all-ages shows.
2. THE TICKETS ARE $.89!!!!!!
3. The show is on a Sunday. I may have to skip school on Monday.
1) The Green Day Concert. It was a Thursday and I had gone with a large group of friends. The next day, we met in the senior parking lot, opened a box of donuts, and attempted to form coherant sentences as we curled up in the back of the minivan and retold concert stories
2)My first OK Go concert experience. 'Twas at Irving Plaza on a Tuesday night. Of course, it was completely worth my brain-dead-ity the next day.
Congrats again on the awesome ticket price! You're a true concert rocker for finding such an awesome deal.
Oh, I could go to school all brain dead. It wouldn't matter really. It's the week before spring break, I'm not doing anything in school.
I can't wait until this summer though, all these good concerts! I'm excited.
oh, and thank you.
Irving Plaza? Are you from NYC? Or around? (You've probably said where you're from somewhere else, and I'm just a dumbass and can't remember...)
I love that song... it does remind me of happy summer moments as well...
I'm from a suburban Connecticut town about 1.5 hours from NYC. This fact is absolutely amazing because I can hop on the train in the morning, be in the city by late morning, and spend the entire day in the village. I'm a complete and total city addict; this is mostly due to me having grown up in suburbia. It's my firm belief that suburban kids reach a point where one can't stand suburbia anymore so they either 1) move to the city and become bohemians/business exs. or 2) move to the middle of the woods and become hermits and write about ponds Thoreau-style.
Glad someone else understands.
uh, obviously
Anyway, that really doesn't matter. The other week, I was shelving and we were talking. Since we barely know eachother, we were just talking about our day and how annoying the 917 travel books are (really, 914-917 in nonfiction is awful). So, I'm shelving and he turns to me and says, "what do you do?" Not knowing how to reply, I asked him the same question. Instead of telling me where he worked/about his family/about his hobbies, he went off about how he is a clutter-freak and currently reorganizing and basic aspects of what makes up his life... not in terms of interests or anything, but actually what he DOES, if that makes any sense. It wasn't about the job or the trials of the day, it was about what made him, him.
Anyway, after he said his goodbyes (without me really answering since I really didn't know how to respond), I went home and thought about it. No one had really asked me such a question before. Surely I had recieved the "what are your interests?" question, but never "what do you DO" insinuating "what makes you, you?" I'm still thinking how to respond... but I thought something along the lines of such:
I am a faux rebel. I delight in finding something new and making it my own. I am a consumer of music and find uttmost joy when I play my piano. Music, in that sense, is me. I invent, I try to rebel against the "sheep" mentality, though I often get stuck in the crowd. I play. I refuse to act my age. I skip whenever possible. I enjoy losing myself in the embraces of other people. I am a rabid reader, though the television often lures me away from my books, I admit. I am someone who enjoys lying on the stage and taking in the sound of the fans.
Now, this I already know about myself, so I have a question for you lovely boardies,
What do YOU do? Feel free to explore; it's something that needs to be investigated more often.
In your CD player. Mine barely ever comes out of there...
Also, at a friend's house. My friends have an annoying tendency to steal my CDs and not give them back for over four months...
huh... I don't know. I really don't. This kinda reminds me of the "What makes you tick?" question that I had to answer for a couple of classes, except I actually don't mind answering this one.
My first answer, right off the bat, would be Deep Thought. complete with capital letters, I would be much too happy philosophising for the rest of my life.
I'll get back to that, though. Maybe I could ask my friends for suggestions.
A+ for the Douglas Adams ref.
I'm a student... so that means i do nothing most of the time... and a day before exams I'm extremely busy.