Listening to the Moldy Peaches in the McGill library (well, one of them) and waiting to meet my friend leah to try and figure out if we're buff enough to handle being stagehands for the theatre department. I should audition for some of the plays, but I don't know where to start. I just want to be involved in theatre in any way I possibly can.
I need to find something exciting to do on Sat with the bf when he comes up to visit. I'm thinking Tamtam for sunday (for those who haven't heard of Tamtam in montreal, it's a HUGE drum circle that goes on every Sunday. It's basically a hillside overflowing with dancing hippies, teens, and people who just wandered over. Also, if you walk to the nearby field, there are usually acrobats practicing. Up the hill is a sort of midevil battle that goes on where people bring [really] padded weapons and beat the shit out of one another. Some Solinites, myself included, want to make weapons, paint ourselves in the McGill colors, and go to battle).
Canada kind of rocks.
I'm worried for one of my friends who isn't enjoying college. I mean, I understand. I'm still making friends and going through the "eh, new people?" feeling, but I'm having a great time going out and doing random shit and I do have a group of people I've been hanigng out with, not to mention everyone in Solin (and Mcgill in general) is really open and nice. My friend just sounds really sad and she says she has no friends where she is. I just want to give her a hug and help her, but I don't know what to do.
I'm eating junior mints. hahaha mel you dont get any junior mints.. o rly?
Rollo puzz, are you related to mel and fel? Also, I don't think I ever officially introduced myself to you. I wasn't around too much in August cause my sis was in town. I see that you joined in August. So howdy rollo do!! *shaking your hand vigorously* I'm Tempe! Your screen name makes me think of a candy that I can't remember the name of. Mmm...candy *droool*
I think you did introduce yourself...ummm ya you did. but second introductions are fun too! lol fel made up that name for me because rollo puzz=rollable puzzle and apparantly i said i liked it and i thought rollable puzzles were cool...(i dont really)
Creepy? You're talking to a girl who trains Roaches to be Broaches for Damian Kuloaches.
LOLOL oh and for the record... i have never even seen a rollable puzzle up close before... and im glad i havent because fel would be all "ONGZ TIFF NO WAI ITS A ROLLABLE PUZZLE! LOL GET IT ROLLO PUZZ HAHAHAHAA!"
LOLOL oh and for the record... i have never even seen a rollable puzzle up close before... and im glad i havent because fel would be all "ONGZ TIFF NO WAI ITS A ROLLABLE PUZZLE! LOL GET IT ROLLO PUZZ HAHAHAHAA!"
I have a teacher who collects those puzz 3-D things. You know those puzzles that you put together and when you're done, it looks like famous building? He does this in his dark damp cellar amid all his old ph.d degrees and textbooks. That may just be creepy, right?
Listening to the Moldy Peaches in the McGill library (well, one of them) and waiting to meet my friend leah to try and figure out if we're buff enough to handle being stagehands for the theatre department. I should audition for some of the plays, but I don't know where to start. I just want to be involved in theatre in any way I possibly can.
I need to find something exciting to do on Sat with the bf when he comes up to visit. I'm thinking Tamtam for sunday (for those who haven't heard of Tamtam in montreal, it's a HUGE drum circle that goes on every Sunday. It's basically a hillside overflowing with dancing hippies, teens, and people who just wandered over. Also, if you walk to the nearby field, there are usually acrobats practicing. Up the hill is a sort of midevil battle that goes on where people bring [really] padded weapons and beat the shit out of one another. Some Solinites, myself included, want to make weapons, paint ourselves in the McGill colors, and go to battle).
Canada kind of rocks.
I'm worried for one of my friends who isn't enjoying college. I mean, I understand. I'm still making friends and going through the "eh, new people?" feeling, but I'm having a great time going out and doing random shit and I do have a group of people I've been hanigng out with, not to mention everyone in Solin (and Mcgill in general) is really open and nice. My friend just sounds really sad and she says she has no friends where she is. I just want to give her a hug and help her, but I don't know what to do.
And how are you dear?
Ignore the fact that I suck at proportions....
wow... i know how your friend feels...
Right now I'm listening to this song that makes me giggle to the extreme...
let there be light... by justice... it is comprised of lyrics like " i want a see that ass bouncing on the floor" it really is amusing...
Also I'm waiting for my lab to start... I have no idea whats going on in said lab... as i don't understand the lab manual...
I had to redo my last lab so I'm sort of worrying... but the song is making me giggle.. so i'm worrying and giggling at the same time...
Ignore the fact that I suck at proportions....
these are fun
love the hair on the first one
love the hair on the first one
Yeah, btw, the first one is a minidress and tights, not a minidress, shorts and tights. I tried to redo the dress lenghth, but all I had was pen.
I'm eating apple turnovers. They're like apples, except turned over.
Sorry that made me laugh..fel too
I'm eating junior mints.
hahaha mel you dont get any junior mints..
Sorry that made me laugh..fel too
I'm eating junior mints.
hahaha mel you dont get any junior mints..
Rollo puzz, are you related to mel and fel? Also, I don't think I ever officially introduced myself to you. I wasn't around too much in August cause my sis was in town. I see that you joined in August. So howdy rollo do!!
I think you did introduce yourself...ummm ya you did.
but second introductions are fun too!
lol fel made up that name for me because rollo puzz=rollable puzzle and apparantly i said i liked it and i thought rollable puzzles were cool...(i dont really)
oh and for the record...
i have never even seen a rollable puzzle up close before...
and im glad i havent because fel would be all "ONGZ TIFF NO WAI ITS A ROLLABLE PUZZLE! LOL GET IT ROLLO PUZZ HAHAHAHAA!"
oh and for the record...
i have never even seen a rollable puzzle up close before...
and im glad i havent because fel would be all "ONGZ TIFF NO WAI ITS A ROLLABLE PUZZLE! LOL GET IT ROLLO PUZZ HAHAHAHAA!"
I have a teacher who collects those puzz 3-D things. You know those puzzles that you put together and when you're done, it looks like famous building? He does this in his dark damp cellar amid all his old ph.d degrees and textbooks. That may just be creepy, right?
and NO ONE is creepier than fel.
fel, is this troo?
No, it's not creepy! I had to do that once. It's more like evil than creepy. Teachers trying to train students to create a mutant army of fruit flies