Yes!!! You should go!!! You've got everything planned out to take care of the mishap, so I say, enjoy yourself before that class gets the chance to take over your life. (Oh, and hug Jen for the rest of us American boardies)
you mean you don't like doing that?! yeah, me neither. it sucked balls. 'cause some of them always got away.
Fel, are you mating real fruit flies? When I had to do that, it was computerized. No real insects were harmed/used. Thank goodness.
BTW, you know what really sucks? Having a psycho loser for a patient, who is way older than you, flirt with you. I've had two different patients do this twice now. I'm certainly not trying to flirt with them! They take kindness the wrong way completely. Why can't I have a cute Davy Jones look a-like patient flirt with me? Bleh.
Yeah, I'm with you on that one, I'd love for a really HOT young guy... maybe 23 to 33 to flirt with me. The guys around here are too young, and the ones that aren't are either taken, or I'm not attracted to, bleh... why do we have to like men so much?
You know what is even more um wrong/weird? EVERYONE flirts with my MOM!!! Seriously, these like really amazingly hot guys are always flirting with her, and I'm like, 'MA you're married!!... to my dad!!!!'... maybe they see me as intimidating or something cuz I'm like a GIANT next to my mom =\... maybe they like short older women? AAAAAAAAH... frustration much? yup.
Yes!!! You should go!!! You've got everything planned out to take care of the mishap, so I say, enjoy yourself before that class gets the chance to take over your life.
OMG yes, do do that *haha doodoo, anyways*, tell her we love her, and that if I could, I would have sent her a gift, but I don't know WHERE to lol
Not that anyone cares but I'm all excited for them.
My internet has died recently if anyone has wondered why I have disappeared off the face of the Earth. Am borrowing a friends net atm.
cant you tell im excited?
cant you tell im excited?
you mean you don't like doing that?!
yeah, me neither. it sucked balls. 'cause some of them always got away.
yeah, me neither. it sucked balls. 'cause some of them always got away.
Fel, are you mating real fruit flies? When I had to do that, it was computerized. No real insects were harmed/used. Thank goodness.
BTW, you know what really sucks? Having a psycho loser for a patient, who is way older than you, flirt with you. I've had two different patients do this twice now. I'm certainly not trying to flirt with them! They take kindness the wrong way completely. Why can't I have a cute Davy Jones look a-like patient flirt with me? Bleh.
You know what is even more um wrong/weird? EVERYONE flirts with my MOM!!! Seriously, these like really amazingly hot guys are always flirting with her, and I'm like, 'MA you're married!!... to my dad!!!!'... maybe they see me as intimidating or something cuz I'm like a GIANT next to my mom =\... maybe they like short older women? AAAAAAAAH... frustration much? yup.
In that case, have you got one of those really loud boat horns I could borrow?
what have i missed?
I am sad.