hahahah Tempe that reminds me of one the shirts Tyson wears in the All american rejects video...
I'll give them to the boys in November.
Dang it! You really have good ESP! I was watching the vid when I posted that.
Wow! The boys are going to love those! They're fantastic!! I can't wait to hear their reactions, esp. Damian's. Is that on paper? What did you use, color pencils or craypods?
haha I want to buy the shirt with that phrase so fucking badly!!!!! My brother has one that he bought at American Eagle *his the stores bitch I swear and he doesn't even work there* that says "Save Water, Shower Together"... I couldn't help but laugh at it because he's always with his guy friends, and when he wears it, and they're like walking together, it seems gay-ish *not to offend any gay people*, it's too funny, I pick on him for that, and I tell him to get the Save Water, Drink Beer one but I don't know if he will ... but for serious, t'is killer!
Also agent: those are awsome, big props.... now I want to steal them, but I won't, cuz I like/loe you that much
STORY TIME *not very interesting though*
So two days ago, my sister tells me she has to have a project due for school, so she wants my help and also cuz her teacher called me and told me if I could HELP her, anyways, so I'm helping her right.. and she tells me that she has to make a fish, so I emediately tell her that I was gonna make a stuffed one, and she's like, noooo I'll make a plastic cylinder one, or a bag one, cuz it'll be faster... and I just sit there telling her that it's gonna look like shit but she things that it wont. She gets this tiny grayish looking bag and starts stuffing it with ribbons and beads and all this shit right, and I'm just sitting there mad, cuz I want to make MY version, but I help her with hers a little bit, and put glue on the bag so that when it dryes I'll make eyes and mouth over it... but it ends up being just bleh, so I tell her to screw that crap, I grab a bunch of fabric and ask her to pick one that she liked... I ended up deciding how it would look, cuz she couldn't make up her mind. I chose this really pretty black fabric with silver stuff all over it, and I tell her that the fish is gonna looke all EMO lmfao, and she's like, an EMO fish!!! So anywho, I grab my sewing kit, and mark the fabric on the other side and start cutting out the shape of the fish, and then the fins and whatnot, I sew it and leave an opening to stuff it in, it took me a while to finish it cuz I was being distracted by the television lol, but anywho, I finished making it at around 4:20 AM *mind you I had started making it past midnight, and also the time it took for me to pick the fabric and stuff, it took me forever*... I wanted to take a pic of it, but the batteries were dead, so I didn't. Then in the morning my sister forgot to take it to school, so my mom took it instead... so now I'm waiting to get it back so I can take pictures of it and post them here, so you guys can see my creation, it's pretty sweet, you might like it lol... anyways, she also told me that some guy had made his fish with a shoe! A SHOE FISH! That one must look pretty awsome... but anyways, this is super long and you might not read it, but whatever, I had to write it down.
haha I want to buy the shirt with that phrase so fucking badly!!!!! My brother has one that he bought at American Eagle *his the stores bitch I swear and he doesn't even work there* that says "Save Water, Shower Together"... I couldn't help but laugh at it because he's always with his guy friends, and when he wears it, and they're like walking together, it seems gay-ish *not to offend any gay people*, it's too funny, I pick on him for that, and I tell him to get the Save Water, Drink Beer one but I don't know if he will ... but for serious, t'is killer!
Agent: What are these tumbs you speak of to Tempe? And yes, the story was scarry long, I just reread it and it almost made my eyes bleed! Thanx for reading the whole thing, it must have been painful, so I'm sorry. YUS! Emo fish are always the bestest, especially mine ... I shall post pics of it when I get it back... my sister told me that she saw it today and it was jung on the classroom ceiling, and when the teacher asked if she had made it she said YES!!! The nerve of her, IIIIII MADE IT!!!!!! MEEEEEEEE! gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
mIa, I'm glad my story made you laugh... I was just blabering on an on, I think I wrote it when I was half asleep hahaha, seriously.
Pearl: I wish I had a brother to make fun of him because of stuff like that. And to wear his shirt that would say "save water, drink beer" (unfortunatly I'm an only child... )
Pearl: I wish I had a brother to make fun of him because of stuff like that. And to wear his shirt that would say "save water, drink beer" (unfortunatly I'm an only child... )
Yeah I'll give you one if you want, I have 3 and 1 sister, they're so annoying, so yeah, take them
I make fun of them all the time, and they also pick on me from time to time, but they know that can't beat me ... I'm invinsible! BOOYAH!!!
QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Oct 20 2006, 10:07 PM)
Gaaah!! I've just been blinded by hairy geek butt! Damn you, "Trading Spouses"!
... I'm glad I missed that, but it's also hard to avoid when there are construction workers all over the freeway... at least yours was on TV... so I assume, hahaha
I love YouTube for providing me with the theme songs to shows from my childhood (i.e. Salute Your Shorts, Pete&Pete, Legends of the Hidden Temple, etc. etc.)
I should be studying. I'm terrified about failing college and life in general. I just can't start studying.
I love YouTube for providing me with the theme songs to shows from my childhood (i.e. Salute Your Shorts, Pete&Pete, Legends of the Hidden Temple, etc. etc.)
I should be studying. I'm terrified about failing college and life in general. I just can't start studying.
You're not going to fail as long as you have ambition. It sounds like you obviously do. The adventures you have are so amazing, you'll do well no matter what you do
My throat is killing me ever since I bumped into some jerk who coughed on me in the grocery store. I don't wanna have a cold
Older sister yes, oldest sibling no, I'm actually the second oldest, my brother Beto is the ""old one"" he's 2 yrs older then moi, then it's me and the rest of ""them"" hehe. Check this, ^^ him born in '81, me born in '83, then it's my brother Charlie born in '85, then it's the youngest of the bros, Alex born in '87, then last but not ""least"" my little sister Karla born in '89.... yup.
The 80s was a busy decade for my mom ... aaaaaaaaaah omg I just talked about my momma! *bites tongue*
QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Oct 21 2006, 06:19 PM)
My throat is killing me ever since I bumped into some jerk who coughed on me in the grocery store. I don't wanna have a cold
He coughed on you!!!? OMG that is disgusting! I hope you don't get sick love, especially from that GUY'S germs!! eeegh...
oh monday nights.... there's this "group" on campus called the Hutch Party Boys. and basicly (sp?), they're guys from the dorm called hutch. and they get shirtless and put on ties. and at 9:30 on mondays, they like to go to all of the dorms and yell down all of the hallways, to bring smiles to people's faces while they're studying. well, tonight they decided to wear short shorts or briefs, and brought a stereo with them. my roommate & i had our door open when they came around, so a few of them let theirselves in, shaked their asses a bit, then proceeded upstairs. it was pretty pretty pretty amusing, as hutch boys aren't exactly bad looking. i only wish i had some ones handy,
I love YouTube for providing me with the theme songs to shows from my childhood (i.e. Salute Your Shorts, Pete&Pete, Legends of the Hidden Temple, etc. etc.)
Are you part of the "I Hate It When Kids Suck At Putting Together The Shrine of the Silver Monkey" group on Facebook??
He coughed on you!!!? OMG that is disgusting! I hope you don't get sick love, especially from that GUY'S germs!! eeegh...
Ah you're sweet. Lol, well he didn't purposefully tap me on the shoulder and then cough in my face. I was turning a corner at the end of an aisle and ran into his coughing.
Oh and Freakazoid rocks! I'm so glad someone else remembers that insane show.
i made garlic bread yesterday, which of course involved me chopping up garlic, which my hands still smell like despite it being a day later and my hands being washed several times...
I'll give them to the boys in November.
Dang it! You really have good ESP! I was watching the vid when I posted that.
Wow! The boys are going to love those! They're fantastic!! I can't wait to hear their reactions, esp. Damian's. Is that on paper? What did you use, color pencils or craypods?
Its just on paper with coloured pencil crayons.
I have ESP? how cool.
So lucky you get to see the lads! Tell Tim-o I say hello, mmm jello.
Seesh, statistics hw is melting my brain.
How long did it take you to make those gorgeous pictures? What inspired you?
haha I want to buy the shirt with that phrase so fucking badly!!!!! My brother has one that he bought at American Eagle *his the stores bitch I swear and he doesn't even work there* that says "Save Water, Shower Together"... I couldn't help but laugh at it because he's always with his guy friends, and when he wears it, and they're like walking together, it seems gay-ish *not to offend any gay people*, it's too funny, I pick on him for that, and I tell him to get the Save Water, Drink Beer one but I don't know if he will
Also agent: those are awsome, big props.... now I want to steal them, but I won't, cuz I like/loe you that much
STORY TIME *not very interesting though*
So two days ago, my sister tells me she has to have a project due for school, so she wants my help and also cuz her teacher called me and told me if I could HELP her, anyways, so I'm helping her right.. and she tells me that she has to make a fish, so I emediately tell her that I was gonna make a stuffed one, and she's like, noooo I'll make a plastic cylinder one, or a bag one, cuz it'll be faster... and I just sit there telling her that it's gonna look like shit but she things that it wont. She gets this tiny grayish looking bag and starts stuffing it with ribbons and beads and all this shit right, and I'm just sitting there mad, cuz I want to make MY version, but I help her with hers a little bit, and put glue on the bag so that when it dryes I'll make eyes and mouth over it... but it ends up being just bleh, so I tell her to screw that crap, I grab a bunch of fabric and ask her to pick one that she liked... I ended up deciding how it would look, cuz she couldn't make up her mind. I chose this really pretty black fabric with silver stuff all over it, and I tell her that the fish is gonna looke all EMO lmfao, and she's like, an EMO fish!!! So anywho, I grab my sewing kit, and mark the fabric on the other side and start cutting out the shape of the fish, and then the fins and whatnot, I sew it and leave an opening to stuff it in, it took me a while to finish it cuz I was being distracted by the television lol, but anywho, I finished making it at around 4:20 AM *mind you I had started making it past midnight, and also the time it took for me to pick the fabric and stuff, it took me forever*... I wanted to take a pic of it, but the batteries were dead, so I didn't. Then in the morning my sister forgot to take it to school, so my mom took it instead... so now I'm waiting to get it back so I can take pictures of it and post them here, so you guys can see my creation, it's pretty sweet, you might like it lol... anyways, she also told me that some guy had made his fish with a shoe! A SHOE FISH! That one must look pretty awsome... but anyways, this is super long and you might not read it, but whatever, I had to write it down.
PS.. I love my EMO fish, yus yus!
To pearl: the length of that story scared me. But I read it all. Emo fish are always the best.
fun story
agentnumone those draws are amazing! Nice idea
mIa, I'm glad my story made you laugh... I was just blabering on an on, I think I wrote it when I was half asleep hahaha, seriously.
Yeah I'll give you one if you want, I have 3 and 1 sister, they're so annoying, so yeah, take them
I make fun of them all the time, and they also pick on me from time to time, but they know that can't beat me
I should be studying. I'm terrified about failing college and life in general. I just can't start studying.
I make fun of them all the time, and they also pick on me from time to time, but they know that can't beat me
Are you the older sister?
I should be studying. I'm terrified about failing college and life in general. I just can't start studying.
You're not going to fail as long as you have ambition. It sounds like you obviously do. The adventures you have are so amazing, you'll do well no matter what you do
My throat is killing me ever since I bumped into some jerk who coughed on me in the grocery store. I don't wanna have a cold
Older sister yes, oldest sibling no, I'm actually the second oldest, my brother Beto is the ""old one"" he's 2 yrs older then moi, then it's me and the rest of ""them"" hehe. Check this, ^^ him born in '81, me born in '83, then it's my brother Charlie born in '85, then it's the youngest of the bros, Alex born in '87, then last but not ""least"" my little sister Karla born in '89.... yup.
The 80s was a busy decade for my mom
He coughed on you!!!? OMG that is disgusting! I hope you don't get sick love, especially from that GUY'S germs!! eeegh...
there's this "group" on campus called the Hutch Party Boys. and basicly (sp?), they're guys from the dorm called hutch. and they get shirtless and put on ties. and at 9:30 on mondays, they like to go to all of the dorms and yell down all of the hallways, to bring smiles to people's faces while they're studying. well, tonight they decided to wear short shorts or briefs, and brought a stereo with them. my roommate & i had our door open when they came around, so a few of them let theirselves in, shaked their asses a bit, then proceeded upstairs. it was pretty pretty pretty amusing, as hutch boys aren't exactly bad looking. i only wish i had some ones handy,
Are you part of the "I Hate It When Kids Suck At Putting Together The Shrine of the Silver Monkey" group on Facebook??
Ah you're sweet. Lol, well he didn't purposefully tap me on the shoulder and then cough in my face. I was turning a corner at the end of an aisle and ran into his coughing.
Oh and Freakazoid rocks! I'm so glad someone else remembers that insane show.