They cancelled the Rufus Wainwright & Family tour. I'm seriously bawling my eyes out right now, I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. I had front row tickets and everything.
Thanks . On top of the whole thing, I'm panicking because it was cancelled due to a family illness. I love them so much it's like they're my own family, and I know that Rufus' mom Kate had a cancer scare earlier this year, but I'm so worried for all of them. Blagghhh.
Thanks . On top of the whole thing, I'm panicking because it was cancelled due to a family illness. I love them so much it's like they're my own family, and I know that Rufus' mom Kate had a cancer scare earlier this year, but I'm so worried for all of them. Blagghhh.
Since Canada I guess has rules regarding what can go into their food, Canadian oreos have an ingredients list that's very very short, compared to the thimb-length American one. It actually has "Sugar" as the first ingredient versus "High Fructose Corn Syrup."
The scary thing about all oreos is that they're vegan. There is no dairy in them. Kind of makes you wonder about the frosting, eh?
Actually, I have to say, I've eaten a lot of Newman's O's- ie, Paul Newman's version of Oreos, which I believe are vegan as well, or at least all natural- and I really like them. In general, I like natural foods better than over-processed stuff, which is the main reason I really like the French way of cooking- everything's fresh and basically NOTHING, not even the cookies I bought from the Franprix, has preservatives in it.
(Mind you, the Frenc word for preservative is conservatif. Preservatif, however, is the French word for condom.)
I've never much worried about the cream filling- there are vegan ways of coming up with stuff like that. Think about it this way- if it wasn't vegan and wasn't dairy, that'd be A LOT scarier.
My church runs a thing for the homeless every Monday night, and I helped at it for the first time tonight. And a homeless guy told me I had a pretty smile.
It was very cool.
QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Nov 6 2006, 05:01 AM)
Actually, I have to say, I've eaten a lot of...dear God, what's his name? Paul Newman!
OK. I'm calling on help from all you well-knowledged and impartial Boardies. This is a very serious issue and I expect you to treat it with the utmost care.
The background: I argue with Ken about very stupid things. Really. Our arguments usually have to do with whether or not Sheryl Crow should be wearing skimpy clothes since she's oldish (me: she can wear whatever she wants. Ken: it just looks awkward) or potatoes.
This argument: regarding the tender subject of throwing up. He has only thrown up twice in the past twenty years. I argue that this makes him a puker since he has, in fact, puked. He argues that a "puker" is one who throws up at least once a year. We honestly argued about this for about 10 minutes.
A puker would be a routine puker, but his time frame is way off. At least once a year is an unreasonable quota for people who aren't Lindsay Lohan, thereby negating his argument and rendering you the victor by default.
A puker would be a routine puker, but his time frame is way off. At least once a year is an unreasonable quota for people who aren't Lindsay Lohan, thereby negating his argument and rendering you the victor by default.
Thanks for participating in our ludicrous argument. You're fantastic.
Edit: You really think once a year is too much? I think I've puked once a year since I was a baby, usually due to stomach flus [and twice from drinking too much (which is why I don't drink much anymore)]. I don't know, I never thought once a year was an overload of puking. Though, the L.Lo comment made me lol.
Of course not, I was just helping you win. I don't know, I don't puke very often, but maybe not every puker will reach that so it should be like 2-3 years, maybe.
Wow, I have a feeling I'm going to be having more arguments like this from now on..
Wow, I have a feeling I'm going to be having more arguments like this from now on..
They're actually fantastic. Some couples argue about VERY SERIOUS THINGS whereas I prefer to "argue" about completely ridiculous things.
We just end up laughing after and going back to our standby argument about pheromones.
OK. Another poll: are pheromones applicable to humans in the sense that do pheromones play a part with our sexuality OR are pheromones a non-issue because of all the perfume we use that would cover it up anyway?
OK. I'm calling on help from all you well-knowledged and impartial Boardies. This is a very serious issue and I expect you to treat it with the utmost care.
The background: I argue with Ken about very stupid things. Really. Our arguments usually have to do with whether or not Sheryl Crow should be wearing skimpy clothes since she's oldish (me: she can wear whatever she wants. Ken: it just looks awkward) or potatoes.
This argument: regarding the tender subject of throwing up. He has only thrown up twice in the past twenty years. I argue that this makes him a puker since he has, in fact, puked. He argues that a "puker" is one who throws up at least once a year. We honestly argued about this for about 10 minutes.
after studying this subject for a good 30 mins online i quote:
"a puker is someone, or somthing that pukes at least once a month"
I agree with Ken, mostly- I don't think having puked at least once in your life makes you a puker.
And actually, I'd consider a real puker to possibly be more frequent that twice a year. I think it really depends on the context of the puking. Did you puke for a month because you had a stomach virus? You're probably not a puker. Do you puke EVERYTIME you get sick? Then you're a puker. When you drink too much, do you throw up? You're a(n alcohol) puker. But if your body just holds it in (and either you get a massive hangover or you die), then you're not a puker.
so, random if you pause it at 2:13 when there's the light from a camera flash, you can see a third of the back of my head *nods*
I am about to watch this: for the first time in quite a few months.
I used to be OBSESSED with Cirque du Soleil. I watched it on at least a weekly basis, fast-forwarding to my favorite parts. It was kind of weird, I know, but I loved it. It made me want to create and build. I even got into very simple contortion for a while. Yeah.
Aww, that's aweful. You need a virtual *hug*
i got him to sign an over head transparancy for me and this is what he wrote on it...
go to my myspace blog for more pictures and shiz...
The scary thing about all oreos is that they're vegan. There is no dairy in them. Kind of makes you wonder about the frosting, eh?
Actually, I have to say, I've eaten a lot of Newman's O's- ie, Paul Newman's version of Oreos, which I believe are vegan as well, or at least all natural- and I really like them. In general, I like natural foods better than over-processed stuff, which is the main reason I really like the French way of cooking- everything's fresh and basically NOTHING, not even the cookies I bought from the Franprix, has preservatives in it.
(Mind you, the Frenc word for preservative is conservatif. Preservatif, however, is the French word for condom.)
I've never much worried about the cream filling- there are vegan ways of coming up with stuff like that. Think about it this way- if it wasn't vegan and wasn't dairy, that'd be A LOT scarier.
It was very cool.
Damn! Girl, I learn so much from you.
HAHAHAHAHA. Ooops. That's not what I meant. Um. I'll go change that now...
aww. Him and his wife are so cute. MSTKRFT Vid shoot was fun times.
Rollo Puzz will deny it, but i know she loved it.
The background: I argue with Ken about very stupid things. Really. Our arguments usually have to do with whether or not Sheryl Crow should be wearing skimpy clothes since she's oldish (me: she can wear whatever she wants. Ken: it just looks awkward) or potatoes.
This argument: regarding the tender subject of throwing up. He has only thrown up twice in the past twenty years. I argue that this makes him a puker since he has, in fact, puked. He argues that a "puker" is one who throws up at least once a year. We honestly argued about this for about 10 minutes.
Thanks for participating in our ludicrous argument.
Edit: You really think once a year is too much? I think I've puked once a year since I was a baby, usually due to stomach flus [and twice from drinking too much (which is why I don't drink much anymore)]. I don't know, I never thought once a year was an overload of puking. Though, the L.Lo comment made me lol.
Wow, I have a feeling I'm going to be having more arguments like this from now on..
They're actually fantastic. Some couples argue about VERY SERIOUS THINGS whereas I prefer to "argue" about completely ridiculous things.
We just end up laughing after and going back to our standby argument about pheromones.
OK. Another poll: are pheromones applicable to humans in the sense that do pheromones play a part with our sexuality OR are pheromones a non-issue because of all the perfume we use that would cover it up anyway?
The background: I argue with Ken about very stupid things. Really. Our arguments usually have to do with whether or not Sheryl Crow should be wearing skimpy clothes since she's oldish (me: she can wear whatever she wants. Ken: it just looks awkward) or potatoes.
This argument: regarding the tender subject of throwing up. He has only thrown up twice in the past twenty years. I argue that this makes him a puker since he has, in fact, puked. He argues that a "puker" is one who throws up at least once a year. We honestly argued about this for about 10 minutes.
after studying this subject for a good 30 mins online i quote:
"a puker is someone, or somthing that pukes at least once a month"
i should have my own tv show..
And actually, I'd consider a real puker to possibly be more frequent that twice a year. I think it really depends on the context of the puking. Did you puke for a month because you had a stomach virus? You're probably not a puker. Do you puke EVERYTIME you get sick? Then you're a puker. When you drink too much, do you throw up? You're a(n alcohol) puker. But if your body just holds it in (and either you get a massive hangover or you die), then you're not a puker.
for the first time in quite a few months.
I used to be OBSESSED with Cirque du Soleil. I watched it on at least a weekly basis, fast-forwarding to my favorite parts. It was kind of weird, I know, but I loved it. It made me want to create and build. I even got into very simple contortion for a while. Yeah.
I'm so excited. I forgot how amazing it is.
have fun