In this Discussion

Random Stuff



  • =D that's great, tempe!

    hmm... I have tons of stuff to do tomorrow---> drama meeting after school, then math team meet, then jazz band, then homework.

  • Consider this my white flag.

    I think I'm giving up.


    EDIT: I take back my white flag. For now.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Nov 1 2006, 08:08 PM)
    The coolest thing happened today at your friendly neighborhood Timpe dentist's school. My best friend had to treat an Elvis impersonator!! For real! There was this dude sitting there in the chair with a Fat Elvis hairstyle, wearing the famous Vegas glasses hooked in his shirt pocket. He was pretty quiet though, so I couldn't tell how close to Elvis he sounded. My friend who treated him says that the guy is a professional Elvis impersonator. He works at the local casino. It was surreal!

    hahahha! oh my gosh! that totally reminded me of the time me and the sis' went to this street festival...

    there was an UBER lame elvis impersonator there... and it was werid...

    gah! aslo in downtown toronto theres this imfamous street busker who wears a silver elvis suit and paints himself silver. He pertends hes like... an Elvis Robot?

    best elvis robot ever...
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Nov 2 2006, 01:08 AM)
    The coolest thing happened today at your friendly neighborhood Timpe dentist's school. My best friend had to treat an Elvis impersonator!! For real! There was this dude sitting there in the chair with a Fat Elvis hairstyle, wearing the famous Vegas glasses hooked in his shirt pocket. He was pretty quiet though, so I couldn't tell how close to Elvis he sounded. My friend who treated him says that the guy is a professional Elvis impersonator. He works at the local casino. It was surreal!

    HAHAHHA. That's fantastic.

    Yesterday, my roomies and I managed to clog up the toilet (I don't know how. We just avoided the subject).

    So, in a tizzy and not knowing exactly what we were doing, we got a plunger and proceeded to record our efforts (the sound is off, but it doesn't matter). Reference: Solin used to be a chocolate factory. While pondering how good the pipes in said chocolate factory would be, we decided it would be hilarious to name our bathroom "the chocolate factory." Potty humor? A+. So, that explains the title.

    Yeah. Yeah.
  • My friend gave him a high-five once and she had silver paint all over her hand for like three hours.
  • bob dylan has to be the most incoherent person i've ever seen in my life. even when he's talking, you can't understand him. and he's so old now & like, mumbly, that it took me FOREVER to figure out one of the songs he was singing tuesday night was fucking "like a rolling stone" rolleyes.gif
  • "Don't invite any zombies to a celebration of Diwali!"
    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
  • "I'm..a drunk driver.."
  • Jim's so cute.
  • Did you know that chick is Quincy Jones' daughter? And that she and John used to date in real life? Grrrrr.
  • No, I didn't. That's kinda wild.

    He did a good "drunk." A lot of actors are terrible at it.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Nov 1 2006, 07:08 PM)
    The coolest thing happened today at your friendly neighborhood Timpe dentist's school. My best friend had to treat an Elvis impersonator!! For real! There was this dude sitting there in the chair with a Fat Elvis hairstyle, wearing the famous Vegas glasses hooked in his shirt pocket. He was pretty quiet though, so I couldn't tell how close to Elvis he sounded. My friend who treated him says that the guy is a professional Elvis impersonator. He works at the local casino. It was surreal!

    Casinos in Tempe??
  • QUOTE (Wolf359 @ Nov 2 2006, 08:46 PM)
    Casinos in Tempe??

    Lol, I think he was talking about the Fort McDowell Casino or Casino Arizona, whichever one that does all those commercials with Tina Turner, Madonna, and Blues Brothers impersonators.

    Oprah has this doctor dude on her show, and he's so full of crap!!!
    Ha, had to rant there laugh.gif

    Edit: Hey, look at Wolfman w/ his neato AZ Peacemakers icon!
  • i'm semi-freaking out right now. i just found out that ok go is doing a free concert at my school (!!!!!!) which, incredibly super duper amazing. in addition to seeing them again, i'll totally be able to get some of that merchandise i've been eyeing. BUTTTTTTT.... (and oh boy, it's a big butt tongue.gif mad.gif ) it's the same day as the AAR/MCS/Format concert.
    my friend's favorite band is MCS...but mine is OK Go!!! and i already promised her i'd go...and we already bought tickets and AHHHH!! i dunno what to do. i mean...all things considered, both would be awesome concerts (esp since the format is prolly my 3rd favorite band)...but IT's F***ING OKGO!!!! and after what J orge posted about the new concerts being absolutely amazing....arggggg

    i dunno....fingers crossed that either we'll be able to stay for ok go's set and then speed over to the sports arena to watch MCS...or maybe find someone who'd be willing to take my ticket? but WOW.
    just my luck.

    ...FREE CONCERT!! ARGGGGGG mad.gif dry.gif

    EDIT: i just realized how lame this post was. i'm super excited that i have the chance to go to either concert, and as awesome as it would be to see okgo, it wouldn't be the end of the world if i couldn't make it to this concert. haha, i'm really NOT this lame. (well...i am, just not all the time)
  • QUOTE (sherib @ Nov 2 2006, 09:01 PM)
    "Don't invite any zombies to a celebration of Diwali!"
    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

    that was SUCH a great episode... heheh... my dad plays all of those songs.... unsure.gif

    QUOTE (e 5170a @ Nov 3 2006, 02:15 AM)
    EDIT: i just realized how lame this post was. i'm super excited that i have the chance to go to either concert, and as awesome as it would be to see okgo, it wouldn't be the end of the world if i couldn't make it to this concert. haha, i'm really NOT this lame. (well...i am, just not all the time)

    AH! that wasnt lame... i would be full on FREAKING OUT! ... and not in the good way...?
  • you should read my blog for a fun random story that happend to me at work today

    it can be found in my sig

    oh my
  • QUOTE (e 5170a @ Nov 3 2006, 12:15 AM) i'm semi-freaking out right now. i just found out that ok go is doing a free concert at my school (!!!!!!) which, incredibly super duper amazing. in addition to seeing them again, i'll totally be able to get some of that merchandise i've been eyeing. BUTTTTTTT.... (and oh boy, it's a big butt tongue.gif mad.gif ) it's the same day as the AAR/MCS/Format concert.
    my friend's favorite band is MCS...but mine is OK Go!!! and i already promised her i'd go...and we already bought tickets and AHHHH!! i dunno what to do. i mean...all things considered, both would be awesome concerts (esp since the format is prolly my 3rd favorite band)...but IT's F***ING OKGO!!!! and after what J orge posted about the new concerts being absolutely amazing....arggggg

    I see your delimma, however: Go See OK GO!!! I'd die if they did a free concert at my school. (Well, I wouldn't DIE but I'd come pretty damn close, and that'd be a problem cause my friends already think I'm nuts.) Then again, it's a dental school, so why would anyone want to perform there who doesn't have to?

    You'll enjoy either concert I'm sure. Everything has to come all at once. It's no fair that you can't just have one one week, and another the following week.
  • I'd be really torn, too, e 5170a. I must say you're a good friend for making that decision ... I don't know that I could have unsure.gif

    On to randomness (or not so random, as Halloween costumes were being discussed earlier): this chick at work (not in my dept.) dressed up at work as Steve Irwin and had a stuffed-animal stingray pinned to her chest.

    Two years ago, she dressed as Lindy England, as in Abu Ghraib Lindy England ...

    I don't understand some people.
  • QUOTE (sherib @ Nov 3 2006, 11:41 PM)
    On to randomness (or not so random, as Halloween costumes were being discussed earlier): this chick at work (not in my dept.) dressed up at work as Steve Irwin and had a stuffed-animal stingray pinned to her chest.

    Two years ago, she dressed as Lindy England, as in Abu Ghraib Lindy England ...

    I don't understand some people.

    I don't understand some people either. It's strange what some people can get away with. And if you work in a field where you have to interact w/ a variety of people, seesh you meet a lot of crackpots!
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Nov 3 2006, 07:52 PM)
    You'll enjoy either concert I'm sure. Everything has to come all at once. It's no fair that you can't just have one one week, and another the following week.
    yeah...i know. and what really gets me is that if the concerts were even a couple hours would be totally doable, but trying to get offcampus and out to the other concert and deal with parking...yeah it would just be impossible.
    QUOTE (sherib @ Nov 3 2006, 10:41 PM)
    I'd be really torn, too, e 5170a. I must say you're a good friend for making that decision ... I don't know that I could have unsure.gif
    haha, actually i've been stressing over this ever since i found out about the concert conflict. and today my friend (who i absolutely love, btw) said that she knew that i was really torn...and since ok go is my favorite band she's going to try to find someone else to go with her. wub.gif happy.gif
    QUOTE (sherib @ Nov 3 2006, 10:41 PM)
    this chick at work (not in my dept.) dressed up at work as Steve Irwin and had a stuffed-animal stingray pinned to her chest.
    I don't understand some people. about being completely insensitive. although i'm kinda impressed that she managed to find a stuffed animal stingray.
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