I bumped into Rusty's friendster account just now. Nothing. I just didn't know he's got a friendster account. Everyone know about this already, right? Urgh, alright I'm gonna shut up now. Carry on with your topic. XD
Barry has just noted that you are missing "Let's Talk About Sex" by Salt 'N Peppa, "I Wanna' Sex You Up" by Color Me Badd and "Move Closer" by Nelson Phyllis.
I don't know how keen you are on Christina Aguleira, but "Get Mine, Get Yours" is pretty charged.
I feel like "This Love" by Maroon 5 is pretty sexual/sleazy, but maybe it's just the music video that makes me think of that.
"In The Bathroom Is Where I Want You" by Nightmare of You is great too. As is their song "Ode to Serotonin," which I think I sent you before...
Barry's just mentioned "I Want You Bad" by the Offspring, "Freak Me" by Another Level, and a bunch of RHCP songs: ""Suck My Kiss," "Sir Psycho Sexy," "Catholic School Girls Rule," "Purple Stain," and "Super Secret Song Inside" (which apparently was originally named "Party on Your Pussy").
I just thought of "Sugar Me" by Lynsey de Paul, and- HAHAHAHA- "2 Become 1" by the Spice Girls. 'Cause we all knew what they were singing about.
Also: speaking of sexual related activities, I am trying to bring back the word "necking"/"to neck"/et. al. It's a lot more fun than just "making out" which has, may I say, has become a bit drab due to overuse.
So, if your hearts see fit,l throw "neck" into general conversation and be part of a vocabularic (not a real word, I know) revolution.
Oh my God I know. It's the twang that gets me every time.
"I got this girl I wanna TWAAAANG
Have you ever seen the live recording of Add it Up? Holy crap the bass is AMAZING at the end.
Edit: actually, the song that started this conversation about my old CD being sexually charged was "Add it Up." Hahaha. Whoops.
Even if you do or you don't love Elliott Smith, you still have to appreciate this photo.
He's not all sad, you know.
I bumped into Rusty's friendster account just now. Nothing. I just didn't know he's got a friendster account. Everyone know about this already, right? Urgh, alright I'm gonna shut up now. Carry on with your topic. XD
BTW, love the list, it's brilliant
Barry has just noted that you are missing "Let's Talk About Sex" by Salt 'N Peppa, "I Wanna' Sex You Up" by Color Me Badd and "Move Closer" by Nelson Phyllis.
I don't know how keen you are on Christina Aguleira, but "Get Mine, Get Yours" is pretty charged.
I feel like "This Love" by Maroon 5 is pretty sexual/sleazy, but maybe it's just the music video that makes me think of that.
"In The Bathroom Is Where I Want You" by Nightmare of You is great too. As is their song "Ode to Serotonin," which I think I sent you before...
Barry's just mentioned "I Want You Bad" by the Offspring, "Freak Me" by Another Level, and a bunch of RHCP songs: ""Suck My Kiss," "Sir Psycho Sexy," "Catholic School Girls Rule," "Purple Stain," and "Super Secret Song Inside" (which apparently was originally named "Party on Your Pussy").
I just thought of "Sugar Me" by Lynsey de Paul, and- HAHAHAHA- "2 Become 1" by the Spice Girls. 'Cause we all knew what they were singing about.
I just burned the CD, but if you have any songs that you have time/effort to upload, it would be very much apreciated.
"This Love"
"Get Mine, Get Yours"
"In The Bathroom Is Where I Want You"
"Sugar Me"
"2 Become 1"
I have "Suck My Kiss" but sendspace isn't working right now...
So, if your hearts see fit,l throw "neck" into general conversation and be part of a vocabularic (not a real word, I know) revolution.
i use 'snog'
Yes and (I apologize in advance for saying this) it's supposed to make you feel all tingly in all the right parts.
But "neck" is so retro and therefore cool. YOU WANT TO BE COOL DON'T YOU?
ill miss you 'snog'...
or kill them?
...thats hot
or kill them?
...thats hot
No. It means to make out, silly.
i would neck you for this, but i fear you would think we wre making out
You'd love it, shut up.
In other news, I'm really pissed right now.
so ha
anyways, everyone needs to go watch the king lizzard vid on my myspace
its the first one on the left hand side
King "Lizzard" . . . Lizard King . . .