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Random Stuff



  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Mar 26 2007, 11:59 PM)
    oh dude dont ever try to drive in LA.. there are crazy junctions everywhere! haha

    wtf you guys are twins?!?!?! wow i learn something new about a boardie everyday! ha!

    its a stupid road for stupid brumies...

    they are the best twins i know!
  • QUOTE (meliswilis @ Mar 26 2007, 05:41 PM)
    what?! they make those?!

    dry.gif i must live under a rock...
    is 'rollo puz' older or younger than you?

    yarr felster is me twin. shes five mins older than me.

    Rollo puzz is a youngin'
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 26 2007, 07:50 PM)
    its a stupid road for stupid brumies...

    they are the best twins i know!

    best british person i know!
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Mar 27 2007, 12:52 AM)
    best british person i know!

    but you kinda know electra =p

    (see what i did there, it was a compliment!)
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 26 2007, 08:07 PM)
    but you kinda know electra =p
    (see what i did there, it was a compliment!)

    oh Andy... you player you!
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Mar 27 2007, 01:11 AM)
    oh Andy... you player you!

    i know! smooooth right =p
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 26 2007, 08:12 PM)
    i know! smooooth right =p

    hahahah Electra watch out! he has his eye on you. ph34r.gif
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Mar 27 2007, 12:28 AM)
    hahahah Electra watch out! he has his eye on you. ph34r.gif

    chkl, i love intra/inter (idk which 1) -board romance...

    so cute
  • ^ hahaha i'm waiting for the day they meet in real life. should be interesting i think. cool.gif
  • ^^
    oh, yes!!

    i bet the makeout sessions starts w/in 2 minutes

    edit: that sounds gross
  • hahahahahha
    its okay i forgive you vinnie =] i understand the train of thought.
    i hope they dont get mad at us though haha.
    its quite fascinating though! smile.gif
  • how come there isn't a SoCal boy around here to start something up with? haha jk jk.
  • ^^hahaha

    that would b weird . . .

    random note: daniel craig (sp?) is really ugly.
  • whos daniel craig?
    dont get mad at me for not knowing if i'm supposed to know..
  • okay i wiki'd daniel craig!
    hes the new bond dude
    and yes google images has informed me that he indeed is NOT pleasant to look at.
  • ^^^ YES!!!!

    not cool

    has anyone seen the vid of meridith viera (sp?) falling down??? totally embarrassing.
    skip to about 5 minutes.
  • I'm trying to memorize all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody... Its so hard... this song has so many parts.... My goal is to be able to sing it without any music.... Greatest Goal ever maybe?
  • ^^^^

    i dont like that song, but awesome goal.

    i want to memorize EVERYTHING!
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Mar 27 2007, 01:18 AM)
    random note: daniel craig (sp?) is really ugly.


    He's not the typical "Bond" handsome like Brosnan, but he is still pretty attractive,
    especially in "Layer Cake" (that movie made no sense at all. I seriously still don't know what happened during that movie)

    I'd totally make out with him
  • hehehe!

    well he IS bond.

    and i think hes better than the last guy.
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