Yeah, I have reading to do too, but that is second priority to the papers. Right now, I'm at that antsy stage where I want to run around outside and scream.
Yeah, I have reading to do too, but that is second priority to the papers. Right now, I'm at that antsy stage where I want to run around outside and scream.
oh I know that stage too well. I experience that stage about, all the time.
Well the homework I have is make-up homework from Friday because I was absent (as some of you know). Also, I have some work on a research paper to do. Blah. But it's not due until next week sometime.
I have a stupid research paper due Monday. I hate research papers.
You know my friend that sort of looks like Damian? Well my other friend is making up a movie, and he's a horseradish farmer, my other friend is his black slave, and I'm their love child. I guess it's set in the Civil War, I don't know.
But we were calling each other daughter and father today. It was funny.
yeah, that's how I felt. I like to exaggerate though.
by the way, your friend listend to my friend's radio show.
Yeah I know! I think she's been listening to it since yesterday, and she has it as her name on MSN. She loves the station.
Hell yes, go live.
Haha, I noticed. I'm listening, by the way!
I know! Thanks . . . . . darling.
same here.
I have to finish my sketchbook and psychology homework.
oh I know that stage too well. I experience that stage about, all the time.
Well the homework I have is make-up homework from Friday because I was absent (as some of you know). Also, I have some work on a research paper to do. Blah. But it's not due until next week sometime.
I hate Freud.
I hate Freud.
Oh I hate that stage, too.
It's horrible.
I got my stuff done, I'm just listening to Dave's station and doing homework.
I am beginning to hate writing essays!
i have 2 due next week along with a term test and an assignment....
F U uoft!
BUT - despite my hatred of uni work load - i love UOFT SMC w00t w00t!
You know my friend that sort of looks like Damian? Well my other friend is making up a movie, and he's a horseradish farmer, my other friend is his black slave, and I'm their love child.
But we were calling each other daughter and father today. It was funny.
especially college admisiion essays