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  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Nov 9 2005, 10:16 PM)
    haha yeahh
    i dont know if i couldve gone,  but a bunch of my friends went and i had no idea!

    They didn't tell you?!?! That's not nice.
  • Who let you go? Who let you go? Who let you go? Who let you go?
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ Nov 9 2005, 10:24 PM)
    Who let you go? Who let you go? Who let you go? Who let you go?


    I checked out the bands opening for Steel Train. The Spill Canvas is a lot of acoustic stuff, but it is really really emo. Something I'm not really in to. One song I was reminded of Ohio is for Lovers, you know, during the "cut my wrists and black my eyes" or whatever.

    I don't know if I'll like them.

    Gratitude is OK, but I'm not completely sold on them yet. I guess I'll have to see them live. I don't know if I'll like them either.

    But Steel Train is really awesome. I can't wait to see them.
  • Spill Canvas.. hmmm I like acoustic, and I like emo. It's good you checked them out... cuz my computer is slow as fuckin' hell!
  • Well I guess it doesn't matter if I like them or not, because my mom is being a bitch and not letting me go. Sorry for the use of words, but it's true. I told her about the show two weeks ago, and I told her it was in Grand Rapids, and she didn't have a problem with me going.

    NOW, I told her about it and she flipped her lid. She doesn't think I should go because it's in Grand Rapids and she doesn't want me going there because it's too far away. WHAT THE HELL. I proved to her that I'm fine in Detroit with my friends by ourselves when I saw the Redwalls. I didn't get jumped or any of that stereotypical crap like she thought. And I think Grand Rapids is not as bad as Detroit!

    Oh, and Ann Arbor is 3 hours away from me, just like Grand Rapids, and she was going to let me go to see OK Go tonight, but the fact that I had to be 18 to get in prevented me from going.

    The Steel Train show is on a Saturday, I'm not interfering with school. I'm not going by myself, and some people are expecting me to be there.

    It wouldn't be a big deal to me if I went to a concert every weekend, but I don't. I stay home all the time and bend over backwards for my mom; I babysit all the time, the house is always clean when she gets home. Sometimes I don't even go to my dad's on the weekends so I can babysit my sister. And I don't even see my dad a lot. The least she can do is let me go to a concert.

    She's crazy. I don't know what she's going to do when I live in Chicago. She's going to be insane.

    Sorry this is so long, I basically spilled everything right now.
  • In reading that I'll have to say your pretty lucky. Before 18 I wasn't allowed to do anything. It's only recently that my parents have given in and let my sis and I go to concerts. They're scared letting us go to places in Toronto (our own town), don't even get into other cities. They freaked when we saw Conan in Toronto, and I think that was the only thing I ever did before 18 worth doing. So I totally understand where your coming from.
  • but that's the thing, my mom doesn't let me go anywhere! I don't live near any big cities, so I have to drive to see concerts. I don't have a problem with driving because I like road trips with my friends. My town is so dull I don't feel like going anywhere around here. All the stuff I want to do is in the cities.

    My life consists of babysitting. That's pretty much it. I had to fight with my mom for two months to even let me see the Redwalls alone. TWO MONTHS. It's really depressing.
  • oh i understand - i have crazy parents too - well mainly just a crazy old bat of a wop mother...but she'll get over it...when im like i dunno 45!!!
  • Ugh parents are definitely insane... my mom not so much, but my dad is WAY over protective... he won't even let me and my older brother get our own place because, we'd have to pay too much rent, and there'd be too many payments on water, gas, electricity and whatnot... and I'm just thinking... how the hell are we gonna be independent if he won't let us get a place of our own... and also TAXES! Ok wtf? duh! My dad is crazy.... he won't even let my 18 and 19 yr old brothers stay out too late with their friends... ok 1. They have a car to get around places, 2. they are responsible, 3. THEY'RE FUCKIN' 18 and 19! He says that if we ever BUY a house, we should build it in the acre we have now :rollseyes: ok clingy much... he should let us make our own choices and make our mistakes... how else are we gonna learn!!!! We are 5 kids in this family and only 1 is under 18, so us 4 are dying to leave the house pronto.... we've even researched some appartments without telling my dad.... he's gonna be po'd when he finds out lol... oh well... once I'm out it's free me, and going everywhere I want without having to check IN..... oh yeah he want's us to call the house so he can know where we are, and how long we'll be staying there... oh and forget sleeping over at a friends house... we could like die or something... sheesh!

    ok... end rant!
  • Yee Haw!
  • i have no idea what any of you are talking about.....
  • dont worry...neither do i...neither do i
  • QUOTE (76 @ Nov 11 2005, 09:27 AM)
    i have no idea what any of you are talking about.....

    that's perfect, because i have no idea what you are talking about...
  • except for the bills, being on your own is awesome. i'm never out past one am, you think your dad would let me live with you guys, pearl?
  • I think the worst part of living on your own is cleaning... I hate to clean and my mom was really cool about washing my dishes and folding my laundry... as long as I like cooked dinner she would wash all of the dishes... now it's like we don't cook cause we don't want to have to clean up
  • haha i totally wish i lived on my own...if i could i woud live closer to my university so i dont have to commute my ass dowotown everyday! gah id love to live away from home omg! ID GET TO COOK ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!

    le sigh*
  • *sends thought vibes*
    <move to endland...bring dee with you...and okgo..>
  • omg we could live together and mock ppL! how much fun would that be?

    dee and i have always wanted to go to england! we are planning a trip sometime...eventually!
  • I really wouldn't mind living on my own, or with room mates. I kind of like the house clean, so I don't have a problem cleaning. I do my own laundry along with other things.

    bills I don't have to worry about for the next for years. I'm living in a dorm, or until my cousin is able to move to Chicago with me. Hopefully it's during my second year of college.
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