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  • o really, my brother lives in Brooklyn, cool!!!!

    ya they are very similar!
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jul 13 2007, 06:21 PM)
    Lol! Hey Leon! You're dad is hillarious laugh.gif

    Thanks! tongue.gif

    QUOTE (porifera @ Jul 13 2007, 06:25 PM)
    o really, my brother lives in Brooklyn, cool!!!!

    ya they are very similar!

    Oooh...maybe we can get them together, then we can be sisters! Hehe.
  • ^^^ HAHAHHA

    you are way too funny hahah!!!!!

    ya can you imagine...sisters haha

    how old is your sister?
  • LOL

    She's turning 25 in October.
  • cool!

    ok so go and visit your sister, i'll go and visit my brother, and then we'll be like "um i gotta go somewhere. i'll be back later." haha and we'll meet up and go on some crazy adventure haha
  • Hehe.

    How old is your brother?

    We can take our siblings out for some errands then "accidentally" bump into each other outside a restroom or something. And I'll be like, "Patty? Patty!" And my sis will be like, "Who's she?" Then I'll say, "Oh, mom might not have told you this, but you were engaged at birth to Patty's bro. THE TIME IS NOW."

    um my brother is 23.

    o wow, AMAZING PLAN, i love it. it's gonna totally work!!!!
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jul 13 2007, 06:53 PM)
    Hey Leon! I hate that commercial for Skittles where there's an old fat guy getting milked as if he's a cow. Some other guy tells him, maybe you should stop eating so many of those. You're making my milk sour.

    It makes absoultely no sense, is disgusting without being overtly so, and is vaguely trippy.

    omg, yes!! It's the most disgusting commercial I've seen in a long time! It's vomitrocious, as Muffy would say.
    And that dog butt one is ewww and totally pointless- and the kid gives this evil look.
    I hate that berries and cream one too, but it's really tame compared to the milking old man.

    Commercials are getting so gross. I like the iphone ones, since OK Go is on it, and the old Cingulair one with the OK Go reference...yeah, I think phone commercials are the only commercials I can stand now'adays.
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jul 14 2007, 12:56 AM)
    It's vomitrocious, as Muffy would say.

    BWAHAHAHAH! damn you know how to make a girl laugh with a random arthur refrence.
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Jul 13 2007, 11:19 PM)

    um my brother is 23.

    o wow, AMAZING PLAN, i love it. it's gonna totally work!!!!


    I don't think she dates younger guys.

    But it's worth a shot.
  • HOW could anyone hate the Berries and Cream lad!?
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Jul 14 2007, 11:48 AM)
    HOW could anyone hate the Berries and Cream lad!?

    lol, sorry.
    so why I don't like it:
    it's just so...demeaning, in my opinion...the two guys with the skittles are all "We're cool" and the short guy is all "Laugh at me!" It seems like such pointless denigration. Well, it's just my opinion, doesn't mean anything. I'm probly over- sensitive but I just can't stand that commercial.
  • the breakfast club is on USA right now... this is SUCH a classic.
  • i love that movie.

    i always try to do that chicks '80's leg dance" but its too difficult for me...

    if you can do it you're probably radder than me.
  • ^^^^


    i was listening to atlantis to interzone and then started doing some random dancing, like karate chops or something, and then i tried to do that dance, but it just came out horrible! i almost kicked my bro in the face, but that might have been on purpose, eheh.
  • aww the breakfast club!!! it was good until the end when everyone started kissing and they gave the girl a makeover. so silly.

    hey! there's a GIANT spider outside my window

  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Jul 14 2007, 05:43 PM)
    i love that movie.

    i always try to do that chicks '80's leg dance" but its too difficult for me...

    if you can do it you're probably radder than me.

    My friends and I have tried many a time to do the dance, but it usually ends with one/all of us falling over. We need to practice in places with softer floors.
  • I need to get back to this board. I need a place away from the those other boards.

    Oh God I need a life, I'm trying to find a board to bitch about my board.

    I'm a wee bit depressed sad.gif
  • QUOTE (Wolf359 @ Jul 15 2007, 02:30 PM)
    I need to get back to this board. I need a place away from the those other boards.

    Oh God I need a life, I'm trying to find a board to bitch about my board.

    I'm a wee bit depressed sad.gif

    Wolfie! Where ya been? Aww, sorry you're depressed. Would it feel better to share? We all like to whine to each other about things. That's what makes this board so great.

    Me sister will be at my door any minute now! She's visiting from the big NJ
  • aww! the Arizonia Sis' reunite! hope you have a fun time!
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