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  • i think I'll paint my wall this weekend... i just have to choose some colours ... any suggestions?
  • Red on two of the opposite walls, and purple on the other two wink.gif
  • haha, where have i heard of that combination before...?? My flat's really small, basically just one room with my kitchen and ... maybe i should take some pictures to show, but i'd have to tidy up (argh...) and i am still waiting for my poster to arrive ... purple is nice, red is...maybe... for my wardrobe (yes, it is huge ....)
  • yellow is my favorite color (betcha never would have figured THAT one out...) so, i vote for that. smile.gif yellow and purple is one of my fave combos
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Dec 11 2007, 02:02 PM)
    That Sweeny Todd film is coming out soon, avec le gorgeous Johnny Depp. But why oh why does it have to have Helena Bloody Bohnam Carter in it too?? Oy, she grinds my gears.

    O man, I can't wait! I actually saw it already, but I want to see it again, with my family. I totally suggest you all go see it. It's really good. Especially if you've seen the play already. O and it's just a tad bit bloody...haha
  • Should I eat a granola bar or left over Thai food?

  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Dec 11 2007, 08:48 PM)
    Should I eat a granola bar or left over Thai food?

    i just ate your granola bar, so i think you're stuck with thai... tongue.gif
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Dec 11 2007, 08:13 PM)
    i just ate your granola bar, so i think you're stuck with thai... tongue.gif

    mmm thai

    Help, I have so much dandruff that when I rub my head, the flakes start to fall and fall like snow. Wow, white christmas dandruff!

    Do bald people get dandruff?
  • Tempe, try T-Gel. It used to be by prescription, so it's powerful stuff. I gurantee it'll work.

    Is photobucket not working for anyone else? I had a ton of photos in mine, including ones I hadn't yet saved to my HD...if they lose everything, I'm gonna have to slap somebody. They've had so many problems since Fox bought them over.

    We're having a nor'easter.
  • Could we just look at this?


    What the fuck kind of high temperature is that??? Fuck Saturday.
  • gtljjliiioh!!!!! 8! Is that the high! Oye Gavalt!
  • I know right! I spent a good 15 minutes talking with one of my roomies about possibly staying in Montreal for a good chunk of summer break and getting jobs. We just sat and mulled over how AWESOME it would be to, you know, actually being able to go outside without freezing off our nonexistent balls. ALSO! Summer means jazz festival. And La Ronde. And not having to put on 20 layers of clothes.

    However, I'm not going to lie; some weird part of me loves the winter. I love hibernating and, when I happen to be up in the morning (like I was this morning) and it is SO fucking cold, but I'm walking up Rue University and the sun is a little above the horizon behind me, right in line with the road, making everything in front of me yellow and clear, it's just kind of magical.

    Maybe winter's not all that bad. It certainly makes me want to listen to Arcade Fire some more.
  • I do like winter. Well, December-ish winter. February-ish winter is just miserable.


    Mika's playing the Orpheum Theatre in Feb!!! daskfjhakgf I neeed to find someone to go with. like, neeeeeed.
    tickets go on sale tomorrow... hmmm....

  • ^^ Um I'll go see Mika!!!!

    Now I just need to get up there somehow hahaha
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Dec 13 2007, 10:53 PM)
    I do like winter. Well, December-ish winter. February-ish winter is just miserable.


    Mika's playing the Orpheum Theatre in Feb!!! daskfjhakgf I neeed to find someone to go with. like, neeeeeed.
    tickets go on sale tomorrow... hmmm....

    Oh I know! He's playing *here* on Jan 31! I'm so excited!
  • ooohh.. i want to see mika too!!!
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Dec 13 2007, 10:53 PM)
    I do like winter. Well, December-ish winter. February-ish winter is just miserable.


    Mika's playing the Orpheum Theatre in Feb!!! daskfjhakgf I neeed to find someone to go with. like, neeeeeed.
    tickets go on sale tomorrow... hmmm....

    I am soo jealous!!! I really hope you get to go. I really want to but the closest show is in chicago and i cant go that night! ughhhhhhh.

    oh MIKA... smile.gif
  • Haha I love you guyses reactions to Mika wub.gif

    well, if my friend moves back from Canada by then, then I'm all set.
    If not, I'ma ask some kids in my asc (academic support center, my school's name for study halls) who I know like him as much as I do.
    It's a Friday night, too. oooh i'm so excited.

    aww kt, that sucks. maybe eventually he'll come somewhere closer to you.

    and the rest of you, I hope you get to see him too! oh I'm so excited. sjkfdakjfhdjkhdg

  • lol, my sister is all excited about Mika coming here too. Every time she sees me on youtube, she makes me watch a Mika video. I love Big Girls a lot! But with her, the excitement should be quelled b/c I'm pretty sure there's no way she'll be going.
  • hello world.
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