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Random Stuff



  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Dec 3 2005, 01:03 AM)
    I want to play the xbox at my dad's!  My mom has a a PS2 and it sucks.  I love my xbox so much better. 

    Has anyone played Knights of the Old Republic?  I love that game.  And the sequel is even better.

    i love your beautiful words.
  • games, games, games.... it's all that's played at this house... my brothers have XBox PS2 and blah blah blah, they're insane, I could do with just one.
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Dec 3 2005, 02:37 AM)
    No way, everyone's allowed their own opinion

    I know that. I just think you're going to hell for saying that! but you can speak freely, as can I.

    don't take that seriously.
  • i wub.gif my cubie more then most things i own....

    its alllll about the gamecubes baby
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Dec 3 2005, 03:58 PM)
    i wub.gif my cubie more then most things i own....
    its alllll about the gamecubes baby

    I've never played with a gamecube. I want to stick to my xbox anyway.
  • your x-box would eat my lil cube alive if it could
  • hmmm what to choose... oh the agony of having to pick one over the other!!
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Dec 3 2005, 04:03 PM)
    your x-box would eat my lil cube alive if it could

    It would, it really would. And Pearl, you know which one to choose. biggrin.gif
  • oh gosh darn.. I guess nintendo it is *sigh*
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ Dec 3 2005, 04:24 PM)
    oh gosh darn.. I guess nintendo it is *sigh*

  • get a x-box pearly
  • You want me to get an X Box? haha and I thought you'd say gamecube tongue.gif.... but yush I am getting the new X Box, hope it's fun... and I'm waiting for the PS3 to come out too.
  • your to easy to change your mind over...

    hmm i could use this power for evil kinkyness..

    but i wont....deedo does that kinda thing though =(
  • Yes I am.
    Yes you could.
    Why not?
    I don't think she would mind, but I could be wrong...
  • Anyway guys...

    N64 was sooo much better than psh2 cubert or xboxers, but yes the Cubert is just about as good

    Best handheld game thing is the PSP
  • one of my spoiled little cusins got a psp... im jealous... dry.gif
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Dec 4 2005, 12:48 AM)
    Anyway guys...

    N64 was sooo much better than psh2 cubert or xboxers, but yes the Cubert is just about as good

    Best handheld game thing is the PSP

    you sir are talking bollocks =)

  • ... steering this tread away from video games...

    Has anyone heard of this artist named Ted Leo? He rock my socks... i have a link to his vid... dont mind the ad for 15seconds...

    check it yo...

    if that doesnt work the mp3 is here>>Me and Mia

    and for even more info go to

    .... see how easy i am making for you to start luv'n this guy? Ill even throw in a photo!
  • Poppy stuff from the little I've heard of Ted Leo...what about "the pharmacists" tho?

    ...darbie, how's that dress coming along? i want to see the finished product.
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