I like Beetlejuice. I think that's one of the best movies ever out of the 80s. That and The Boy who could Fly. The flight of the Navigator, The Explorers, The Goonies, and Revenge of the Nerds is pretty funny. There's all sorts of films from the 80s that I love, but those are probably my favorite. Yeah.
Yoouu will never know . . .
hahahahaha, wonderful.
Is there a Donatello one?!?!
not that i know of...
He's cute to me.
hahaha, glad I'm not your child!
He's cute to me.
If that's what you're into...
I am...
guess who's not getting any cake now?!? YOU!..
I think they were trying to copy the movies. WHICH ARE AMAZING!
I have to buy them . . . . somewhere.
And that's Donatello in fighting-mode. I'd rather see that then him sitting on a couch eating pizza in his sewer all day.
*HUGE GASP* They'r making a Ninja Turtles movie! And it's comingout in 2007! YAY!
Think about it:
turles who EAT PIZZA
Kick some evil ass
and take advice from an old rat
That's genius right there