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  • i think i've only heard one of their songs.

    vampires, zombies, or werewolves?
  • what do I like more? or what would I rather be?

    ok i'll answer both... I like the romantic notion of vampires and I'd rather be a werewolve, cuz i like me some sun.

    how do you feel about Dennis Leary?
  • umm... he's alright... I had to google him just to make sure I had the right face with the name unsure.gif

    are you afraid of going on airplanes?
  • kinda. I've only been on one once... but i don't really remember as i was really small. but I don't think i'd be freaked out to be on a plane.

    whats your favourite popsicle flavour?
  • purple duh!... blue for Mr. Freeze freezes!

    Q: have you ever ran a marathon?
  • HAHHAHAHAHAHA the thought of me running more than a mile is pretty dang funny.... I'm one of the world's worst runners. Ever.

    Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  • I dunno. I've never had a dog or a cat. But I kinda like the idea of having a cat. They seem like you have to work for thier love, but if they love you they'll always be there.

    Do you like that "meow meow meow meow" song?
  • .... the one off the meow mix commercials?? It's alright I guess. I don't really have an opinion about it...

    do you always eat breakfast?
  • yeah... but i really dont feel that hungry untill about 11o'clock. I guess it has just been engrained in me that breakfast is really important. Perhaps the most important meal of the day?

    q: long hair or short or bald?
  • Long hair when it's Damian and Andy
    Short when it's Dan
    Bald when it's Tim.
    So basically all three!!
    But generally long haired is my fave.

    Favorite day of the year?
  • I would say my birthday, but it's been crap before.... I don't think I have a set favorite- I come across it when it happens.

    do you wear glasses/contacts?
  • i wear glasses... i just got new ones... i wanted costello style...

    Q have you ever worn a weave?
  • like in my hair? noooooo.

    vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry?
  • chocolate if its icecream
    vanilla if its milkshake
    strawberry if its a fruit platter.

    where else can you wear a weave?
  • i dont know.

    whats a weave?
  • fake hair blink.gif

    ever bought condoms from the '99 cent maze'?
  • No I have not, for many reasons. Besides, the only ones I remember seeing were banana, and I don't believe that would be my flavor of choice.

    Do you enjoy 99-cent stores?
  • of course!

    oh, and they had other flavors, sissy. i remember seeing cherry and grape ones. i also remember seeing ribbed, ultra thin, and extra thick.


    would you even consider buying condoms from a 99-cent store?
  • ahh, probably not.

    babe or minger? (haha wiered show).
  • umm...?

    is it weird that i dreamt last night about me and billy getting married at this age...i'm 14 and he's 13 (which kind of bugs me because i think the male should be older, but whatev.)?
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