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  • no.... I don't think so.

    mellow.gif , blink.gif , or laugh.gif ?
  • blink.gif for rizzle

    is anyone else going to see RUFUS WAINWRIGHT in TORONTO june 11th?

    w00t? hahaha
  • gah! i know you're stareing at me... but sorry im not...
    if you do... throw pogs at him

    q: have you tried the new mentos gum? if you have, is it good?
  • I haven't

    what song is stuck in your head?
  • I Used to Dance- DATAROCK

    do you have a favorite flower?
  • not really... i my mom loves orchids..

    q: do you have a favourte colour? wait scratch that... new question : do you spell colour with or with out a u?
  • With a u. But without really doesn't bother me the way it does my friends.

    What's the furthest you've got on the Rescue The Band game?
  • I've rescued Dan once or twice, but I've never gotten all the way up to Damian... :/ I'm kind of terrible at that game.

    Do you drink coffee?
  • I drink a shit load of coffee - cept i gave it up for lent and am still suffering from withdrawl

    apple or orange juice?
  • Either one! I hated apple juice when I was younger but for some reason now I love it... everyone else in my house can't stand it.

    Know any good card tricks?
  • as a matter of fact I do

    pick acard any card!!

    *waits while you pic*

    Now show it to the audience*

    Place it back in the deck

    Shuffle it!

    ..............*long dramatic pause while i pull out the card

    see - magic

    Question - if you could be an animal which one would you be and why?
  • image

    b/c he is the best drummer ever!

    Q: whats cuter... muppets or muppet babies?
  • muppets are over kill

    Frogs or cows?
  • cows have four stomachs, frogs only have one.
    i think it's obvious that cows are therefore somewhat superior...
    that's how my logic works anyway. cows beat humans too - OK Go must have 5 stomachs each, I guess....

    Could you survive if you were trapped on a desert island with nothing but a swiss army knife?
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Mar 30 2007, 11:58 AM)
    cows have four stomachs, frogs only have one.
    i think it's obvious that cows are therefore somewhat superior...
    that's how my logic works anyway. cows beat humans too - OK Go must have 5 stomachs each, I guess....

    Could you survive if you were trapped on a desert island with nothing but a swiss army knife?

    yes - id use my super fantastic cheetah esque skills to destroy anything in my path...and the swiss army knife to keep my nails in good form


    if you were stuck waiting for an interview in a room all by yourself//what would you be doing?
  • On the island: nope. I'd just end up dying from some weird berries I decided to eat or something....

    in a room by myself: I'd find something to count, like ceiling tiles or something... or test my memory and see if I can remember something that happened to me a really long time ago... weird stuff like that.

    Are you a good cook?
  • hell yeah!
    most of the time.

    I have been known to get frustrated with brownies that weren't cooking properly before realising that I hadn't turned on the oven.
    But when it works, its nice smile.gif

    Do you prefer to text or phone?
  • phone. my parents think texting is idiotic, therefore unless i want to pay 15 cents a message, i don't do it dry.gif

    Which really sucks, because I tend to get phone-phobia... having to call someone makes me really nervous, no matter who it is... I haven't figured out why yet, but normally if I can just call them, I can talk to them without any problems... but the act of calling someone on the phone is not pleasant for me....

    Has that ever happened to you? (I'm just sort of weird, so it probably hasn't)
  • QUOTE (missaggie @ Mar 30 2007, 12:17 PM)
    phone. my parents think texting is idiotic, therefore unless i want to pay 15 cents a message, i don't do it dry.gif

    Which really sucks, because I tend to get phone-phobia... having to call someone makes me really nervous, no matter who it is... I haven't figured out why yet, but normally if I can just call them, I can talk to them without any problems... but the act of calling someone on the phone is not pleasant for me....
    Has that ever happened to you? (I'm just sort of weird, so it probably hasn't)

    oh i totally understand! I love the phone and love talking on it but sometimes i just clam up for no real reason *shrugs*

    what is your fav msn short form
  • Hmmm...
    Don't really have one. I quite like writing in proper english
    I s'pose I use "btw" the mot. or ttfn, but that's more of a Tigger thing...

    how would you describe your life up til now?
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