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  • nope.
    well i do bet, but only when i know for sure im right.
    like when my friend said she could quit smoking.
    knew she couldnt.
    i won $30
    and some stupid bets with my mom.

    same question
  • um if scratchies count then yes i do! and im pretty bad at betting me and my sister still ahve this $10 bet about teh first spiderman movie from about 2 years ago! haha


    do u have glasses?
  • i have sun glasses.

    i might in a year.

    do you like soup?
  • It's pretty good, I really like broccoli cheese soup.

    Do you like vegetables?
  • debends on the vegetable... I'm up for almost any vegi, cept for ocra... eww... ocra... you are the bain of my existance.

    whats your least favourite vegetable?
  • Ocra! For real. I mean come on, that veg is just slimey and furry all at the same time. mellow.gif

    What's your favorite seasoning?
  • curry. if that counts of a seasoning... curried anything is soooo damn delicious...

    do you like curry?
  • I'm not sure that I've ever had much curry. Sounds like I'm missing out

    do you like eating fish?
  • no.... not into food from the sea since i was a little girl... but everyone in my family likes fish though.

    Whats your favrourite way to have potatoes?
  • French fries! Best food ever

    soup or stew?
  • I'm all about the Irish...


    Meatballs or meat sause?
  • meatballs

    do u get pissed off at itunes?
  •, i dont have itunes

    plus mango drink or plus grape drink?
  • hmm, pretty tough.. grape? (im not sure)

    favorite childhood memory?
  • ooo i loved it when we went camping when i was little. except the bugs in the bathroom

    which would you choose?



  • pirates.
    ive already argued to people about this.
    its in my blog i never use on myspace.

    whats ur favourite kind of cake?
  • ooo hard one..mud cake? maybe?
    i dont know i guess its whatever i feel like at teh time.

    favorite toast topping?
  • strawberry jelllyyy biggrin.gif

    what word is better??



  • pamplemousse!

    fridge or freezer?
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