In this Discussion




  • freezer has all the yummy stuff... like frozen cakes and waffles and toster studels and ice cream and fillo pastry, and meat and.... umm ya freezer.

    how do you like to artisticly express yourself?
  • i crotchet, draw, take photos (and im learnin how to take better ones), i paint in a painting class, umm
    i take walks (i consider this artistic).
    o and i draw in bubbles.

    same question?
  • hmm, im not sure.. i doodle whilst on the phone?
    i dont crochet but i can knit,
    and i draw at school alot?


    anime or tv?
  • I am pretty much unfamiliar with any and all anime.

    Am I missing out?
  • nope
    i dont watch anime.
    the only good thing that i think is anime. or maybe its amerime..
    i was talking about sailormoon

    do u read comics?
  • nope.

    what are you allergic to?
  • pediazole i dont kno how to spell it

    same question
  • umm nothing really?
    bees maybe? but not with one of those epipen things or anything.

    hmmm.. sma eqestion
    (good call missagie)
  • nowt
    but my sisters are allergic to a billion and one things so we have epipens and pyraton on standby just in case
    I'm well prepared if something develops.

    Last thing to make you laugh?
  • ahh, doing tai food burps all day and being so discusted by my own smell on the train i had to get off a stop before mine..
    (never eating that self serve garlic chicken again! really bad)

    favorite tv show?
  • ummmm I really like LOST, the Office... uhh... Seinfeld's pretty good...Grey's Anatomy... yeah.

    Are there any tv shows you absolutely can't stand?
  • ha, ghost whisperer. i think you agree, sister...

    am i right?
  • yes. my mom watched it when its on and imalways in the room. man her expressions and moods are so fake. shit. lol

    movies u hate?
  • Ultraviolet.... MOST POINTLESS MOVIE EVER!

    you think this guy is totaly lame right?
  • uhh i dont know? is he ment tyo be??

    do you like vegemite?
  • QUOTE (o0buttons0o @ Apr 23 2007, 11:25 PM)
    do you like vegemite?

    not too sure what that is, but I hear it mentioned on this here board every now and then

    short men or tall?
  • ahh, medium/tall! (im quite short! 5ft 1)

    uhh, same question.
  • Same - medium/tall. Preferably taller than me (really not hard...)

    What makes you cringe or shiver (either with embarrassment or pain or sheer joy etc)?
  • Watching giraffes fight eachother/feeding ducks and/or geese. Seriously. Yesterday I had sociology and we watched this movie on animal violence and these two giraffes were batting eachother with their necks. It was soo awesome. Then after school I went to feed geese (the first pic is my friend's hand, not mine-- I have much nicer nails wink.gif) and they make me so happy. Gleeeeeeeeee

    Have you ever fed ducks?
  • mmm hmm, greedy little things!

    have you ever fed a duck by hand?
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