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  • yes, yes i have...i happen to be part of the royal family of the shit muffin kingdom

    if u had to see in one color for the rest of ur life, what color would it be???
  • i would see everthing in purple because its my fav color and it won't hurt my eyes like orange would.

    Ever wondered what guys dream about?
  • i have not...i dont think so....hmmm

    do u use those salad spritzers???
  • no but i've always wanted to.

    do you want to go to bed?

    well im about to so good night!!!!!!!!

  • I actually do want to go to bed, but I'm not gonna, I think my blood should come down a little bit before I go to bed, cuz if I go to bed semi-mad I'd get a tummyache =/
  • ha I forgot the q...

    What is the one thing that can get you ticked off quickly?
  • When someone calls me emo. because im not fucking emo. mad.gif grrr


    Who did you fall in love with first. Damian or Andy?
  • Damian. Completely and totally Damian. My sister was a bigger Andy fan in the beginning, so she made me realize how cute he is. happy.gif

    EDIT// I didn't mean for that to come out so... icky & fangirlish.

    Are you a light sleeper?
  • sometimes I am sometimes im not its weird. For instance last night I was a very light sleeper because stupid thunderstorms that are in Oklahoma and it felt like I had my own personal thundercloud over my house... ughh only 4 hours of sleep. mad.gif


    Ever gotten drunk? If so, do tell us about it
  • nope, to young and i dont like alcholic drinks!

    same question..
  • once.. It was Christmas, and I was in one of my moods. We were satying at one of my mom's friend's house and there was a bottle of vodka in the cabinet and I just drank the night away. Def not my proudest moment..

    What was the best thing that happened to you today??
  • fuck up....
    see below
  • ^^ Hahahaha! Vodka and I have decided that we don't mix. I am also sposed to avoid gin, whiskey, rum, malibu and absynthe due to past experiences. Still love wine tho smile.gif

    The best ting today... the catch on of my latest phrase "utterly fucked". If you say it quickly, it sounds awesome. Well I said it once or twice and by the end of the day I heard people in other grades saying it too smile.gif

    What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
  • gah...- why's there light?

    > woke up very early...

    where would you want to go right now?
  • the golden gate and the taj mahal

    do you belive in ghosts? ooooooooOOOOooo!
  • very much so!

    do you believe in love at first sight?
  • i have pastels all over mah fingers happy.gif blink.gif

    umm no

    Do you like pastels?
  • yes i do! not pastel colours though like pale yellows blech!

    favorite type of medium?
  • hahahahah the girls from Rescue Mediums... lol thats not what you mean though...

    so I guess my micron pens.

    What chore do you hate doing the most?
  • tidying my room. i refuse.
    the agreement (to which my parents, admittedly, haven't actually agreed) is that Ill tidy my room when they buy me for OK Go posters. Mwahahaha!!

    Do you have any posters adorning your walls? And if you do - what of?
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