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  • violin parts. Their so pretty. No roofies, joey!

    daycare or nightcare?
  • i want a night time nanny... what? nothing.

    you like yetis?
  • I have nothing against them...

    nighttime yeti nanny?

    Don't you wish you had a fro?
  • somedays

    well... most days

    jerry curl or corn rows?
  • jerry curls... oh lionel...

    Prince or Queen?
  • prince

    plastic cups or styrofoam cups?
  • styrofoam so i can bite em huh.gif

    what was your last dream about?
  • i think i got to make out with the guy next door that i have a crush on... imagine how pissed i was when i woke up and realized it was a dream...

    what's the song you could listen to on repeat and never get sick of it? (sorry if this has already been asked...)
  • i dont think one exists

    get punched in the balls/boobs or hit on both shins with a aluminum bat???
  • get punched in the boob
    i get punched in the boob regularly so im used to it
    i like my shins.

    whats ur favourite color?
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ May 12 2007, 12:12 AM)
    i dont think one exists

    perfect answer.

    yellow. its been my favorite color forever and its constantly associated with me anyway... one of my nicknames is even sunshine b/c of the ridiculous amount of yellow clothing i own... i love it.

    the one thing you'd save from a burning home, while your family, and pets are all safe. we're talking material.
  • Photo's! lots and lots of photos, baby photo's and all.. i dont really have anything thats that special thats technology or a blanket/toy.. well maybe my toy headchog that i got from my nan and ive had since i was 4 or 5? but i think photo's are a bit more important. and ive already anlmost been in a massive bush fire.. TWICE! but we stood our ground and stayed in our house, the second time we evacuated. scary!

    hmm.. i'de have to say, same question.. really good one!
  • i agree, photos.

    don't you think its a bit odd that we drink cow's milk and eat chicken, but cows don't drink human milk, and chickens don't eat humans?
  • i guess....

    what color would u choose ur nails to be if they could be one color for the rest of ur life, no nail polish EVER....
  • my natural color. I hardly ever paint my nails in the first place.

    what do you want a tattoo of?
  • the strokes and interpol, and i will get one when im old enough

    what do u plan to name ur first child? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ??
  • I really don't see myself having kids, although there's always a chance that could change.... idk. I haven't really put a lot of thought into it. I like old names, ones with a lot of meaning (or they sound cool, either one).

    favorite sport?
  • tennis, but i never play...its the only one i'll watch...PLUS! paul

    daisy's or tulips? ?? ? ??? ??
  • daisies... they're really pretty.

    favorite little kid movie?
  • would finding nemo count???

    Dory rocks

    Ever listened to Madina Lake?
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