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  • yes. when i was little we lived up north (upper part of wisconsin)
    and we had ducks. we'd let them fly around and they would always come back to be fed. anyways.
    when we caught them for winter i got to feed them by hand when they were in a cage.
    they werent really wild ducks. we bought them so dont feel bad.

    ever wanted a koala bear?
  • no, ive heard they are actually quite vicious...

    q: if you could be any person for a day who would you be?
  • I would love to be Bill Gates for a day, but only if I could keep his salary. I think I could live off of it for years.

    If you could be one of the elements, would you be: air, water, fire, or earth?
  • I would be fire because its sexy.

    ever had a tigers blood snow cone? if so what did it taste like?
  • I think I did once but it was so long ago (I'm talking 2nd grade) that I wouldn't begin to remember what it tasted like.

    Turn your head to the left.

    What was the first thing you saw?
  • i saw a wall. . . . yea dry.gif

    What was the last thing you said?
  • ok? i think so, anyway?

    favorite pet.
  • Dogs, though I can't complain about my cats, they just don't really care if you come home late, they just lay around, dogs though, they're happy to see you all the time, and I love that.

    What other animals besides the norm of a cat or dog, have you had?
  • umm hamster. and my brother.

    What is your opinion on stereotypes?
  • Stereotypes are so the norm now a days, but I hate them. Everytime someone asks me where I'm from (Texas of course), they are surpriced when they don't hear I have a southern accent, or they think I live on a ranch, dudes I'm coastal, I practically live on the beach, we have the surfer talk down here man. lol anyways, yeah, stereotypes suck, but they are sometimes fine, if they are innocent stereotypes, not racist assholy ones.

    What is your guiltiest pleasure?
  • hmm.. not really sure i have one.

    your 18th birthday?
  • im not quite sure thats a question but ill answer with a...
    your 2nd birthday.

    last night?
  • she said, oh baby I feel so down, oh it turns me off, when I feel left out.

    love that song.

    What song would most describe your day?
  • not totally sure but possibly

    Bang the Doldrums - Fall Out Boy

    same question.

    pearl asks good questions
  • Don't Ask Me.
    There was a lot of stressing and growling in the general direction of certain people who just frustrate me with their stupidity.
    But then there was a bit of champagne so that's the cowbell. And the hot teachers, which is the Damian part of it. Mwahahah.

    Who should be my Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Muffins?
  • hmmm.... how about me ... well maybe . not really... idk

    We should have a shit muffin tournament to find out or somethin.

    Who else would like to be the prime minister?
  • not me!

    how was your night last night?
  • i didnt sleep well.
    i was burning up but my room was cold.
    it was shitty...

    how was ur day?
  • pretty good! it aws my sisters 18th so we went out to dinner and what not.

    how was your week?
  • sweet. This week was pretty good at school because we didn't do anything time consuming.

    and I love how summer keeps getting closer and closer!!!!!!!!


    have you heard of shit muffins? laugh.gif if not. you need to. they rock
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