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  • Hmm very good question m'dear!
    I would have to say that my lief has been very spaztic up until this point. There have been a lot of hilarious moments in my life but all on fast foward. I wouldnt change a damn thing!

    one word to describe you?

    to Electra: wow... I'm pretty sure this is the most serious question I've ever seen on this thread... My life has been pretty good so far, decent at least... I just need to learn how to take initiative and not try and wait for everything to fall into my lap.

    to Ro: straaaaaaange.

    Do you have a hard time following your own advice?
  • Alll the time - i tell my friends to not worry about stupid little things...then i go ahead and worry myself sick over them!

    what is your fave candy/chocolate bar
  • I really like Toblerone, chocolate/toffee combinations, and Twix.

    What's your zodiac sign?
  • aquarious BITCHES

    *flashes aqua gang insignia*

    Least fav colour?
  • hahahahaha

    I've seen some really freaky shades of yellow and orange... but in general I don't have a least fav...

    Do you enjoy cleaning/housework?
  • Argh now I'm the slow one...

    to RoRo - Beige. It's a pathetic excuse for a colour - in fact it's like all the colours just got bored or sick and went home to have their happy colourful parties and leave us with this yellowing creamy muck.

    I can't believe I just ranted about a colour.... :S

    to Missaggie - no. does anyone but my freakish sister??

    Greatest dancing style?
  • I completely agree with your beige rant. How could I have forgotten about beige? It's a very forgettable color, apparently...

    I love dance in all forms, although I am a big ballet fan (probably because I take it).

    Have you ever taken a dance class?
  • I took salsa lessions with my friend matt in 2nd and 3rd year university. We had a blast since matt is very homosexual and the ladies just refused to admit it to themselves.

    have you ever danced with a boy/girl at a club who was soo terrible that you had to laugh? if so do tell or share similar experiences
  • Oh god, yes.
    There's this one guy in my year - the complete cliché of a nerd, who decided do dance with me at the Christmas ball, while holding my wrists. This was his idea of dancing. It was painful, both emotionally due to embarrassment, and physically due to him holding my wrists too tightly. I avoided him after that...

    I also dislike him as when he talks to me, he talks to my boobs, incidentally. Grrr...

    Have you ever been whistled at as you walk down the road? (or anything similar...)
  • ughhh yes. there's a gas station within walking distance of my dance studio. so i decided to walk over once inbetween my classes and get a drink. well, i didn't bring anything to change into, so i went over in a leotard, tights, and short shorts... i got honked at and whistled at. never doing that again....

    How many piercings do you have?
  • I have my ears done...i want a tattoo also!

    cats or dogs?
  • Cats, most definitely. I work saturdays at a vets, and the dogs are so much harder to control.

    What talent do you wish you had?
    (dance cook reference)

    what is your greatest accomplishment?
  • arrrrrgh

    to electra: Pursuasion. I'm not a very pursuasive person at the moment.

    to ro: I have no clue....

    If you had one superpower, what would it be?
  • shoot speghetti out of my wrisits....

    and yours?
  • hahahaha umm.... i think i would want to fly. or become invisible. either one.

    plaid or pinstripes?
  • hmmm
    I guess pinstripes
    but unless its on ok go iv never been that much of a fan of either...

    fav shape of pasta?
  • orachetti!!!
    They look like little ears!! yay

    Fave chip flavour?
  • Salt 'n' vinegar
    Or those posh salt and pepper expensive specialy made ones.

    Do you like tomato sauce/ketchup?
    (you notice how our topic has become decidedly food related...)
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