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  • i love to read on the toilet, i'm a notorious for looking at maps on the toilet, in one eceptional case a map of florence

    B.R.M.C., archie bronson outfit, murdoch, the strokes, the vines, kings of leon, the stills

    question being

    do you like to watch the rain?

    we just had a huge thunderstorm, it was lurrvely (it has been irregularly hot and dry over here) i went out in stood in it (i do not have a deathwish)
  • Waaa!!!! I miss rain! I can barely remember what the hell it is! Stupid desert. I love to watch the rain, except if it rains for days on end, then I go crazy.

    Do you like snow?
  • rain watching is too emo for me.

    do you ever stare at the sun?
  • I LOVE snow!! Especially as it very rarely snows here!

    What the most painful thing thats ever happened to you (i mean physical not emotional pain guys)

    fucking hell too many people are playing for this to work haha.
  • I got hit in the head with a metal bball bat.... i got 7 stiches... and like HP whenever my cuz comes next to me i get a searing pain...
    Q: flagella or cillia?
  • cilia, because of them, I CAN CLEAN MY NOSE haha

    i miss biology.

    answer my pain question ^^
  • i'd have thought watching the sun in more emo, so no, i do not really wish to go blind

    the sun or the moon?

    flagella? wtf
  • theyre both so there, i stoped caring. but the moon is better if your getting the skins

    flagella wtf?
  • the most pain I've ever been in was from punching my evil cousin in the face when he was 8 yrs old (I was 10 yrs old). He deserved it. He thought he was a karate genious and started to kick me, so I pounded him in the face. My fist hurt for days after that. My uncle got mad, but my mommy hates my cousin too, so she didn't even punish me.

    Can you believe I remember such stupid things?
  • yeah
    i'm a bit like that

    the dentist or the doctors?
  • doctor, cause dentists are rude.

    do you still have your wisdom teeth?
  • i ent got em yet

    half of all my teeth are missing from holes, i never drank milk when i was little but ate alot of crap

    patio or decking?
  • Hey hey! I'm a dental student here. I'm your friendly neighborhood Timpe dentist! But honestly, I know what your saying about dentists. Some of my classmates and teachers are like that, kind of condescending know-it-alls or just plain bossy. I swear, I'm doing what I can not to be like that though.

    patio! I love nature

    cactus or real trees?
  • I feel sad for you excluding cacti from the "real tree category", i mean when a cactus cryies doesn't it cry try tears? or when it gets cut doesn't it bleed real tree blood?

    that said, i say real trees, as I have little experience with cacti.

    Did I use the plural form of cactus right?
  • why not. for all i know its cactisicles

    orange or grape crush?
  • It depends on if i'm in a grapey or orangey mood.

    Q: do you get Crush in the states?
  • why wouldnt they? theyre not animals!
  • I don't think they have it.... I've never had crush in the states....

    Q: windows media or real player?... sorry for the suck question
  • quicktime, cause it brings back memories of my childhood

    would you rather have huge fingers or no toes?
  • i think maybe huge fingers, i think toes help balance you so you don't fall over??? i think...

    dairy milk or soy milk?
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