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  • que sera sera.... or however you spell it...

    Q: do you like that song?
  • sure. actually no.

    do you like paul oakenfold?
  • ummmm kindof.... not that much...

    Q: If you had embarrasing photos of cousins.... would you use them to make fun of them?
  • do you hate them?
  • nope i love them.... but it would be fun...

    Q: does that make me evil?
  • it doesnt make you un evil.

    have you ever wanted to "drill" someone?
  • Drill? i'm not that evil/disturbed...

    Q: should I like the new abstact/modern art pieces hung up in the library?
  • depends,

    what do they look like? trust me im an artist.
  • to me they look retarded... but I'm not officially an artist... they have black backrounds with different random objects/fruits/animans in a monochrome scheme... some are closeups... but not too close up, as not to know what they are, and some are shapes that are in greyscale and random words typed onto the object part.... ie stupidnes...

    Q: so should I like them?
  • whats the artists name?
    cause thats the deal breaker.
  • hahahhahah i can't see a name on it... unless.... its written in black... nevermind i've decided i hate them...

    Q: whats better.... fudge or sugar cake ?
  • whats sugar cake? is it like kendal mint cake?

    fudge is better than kendal mint cake

    water or squash?
  • water for sure.

    what is sugar cake?
  • oh ya... sorry i forgot its probably not a technical term...

    sugar cake is like shredded coconut and sugar made into something like fudge... It be damn good, like fudge...

    Q: did you ever try those Indian Sweets? like Barfi (don't let the name turn you off! its delicious) and Jelabi and some other ones i can't remember the name too?
  • yer i think so,

    not as good as praline, do you like praline?
  • i dont like sweets.

    remember when a soda used to cost a buck?
  • i think it still does at my little sis' school...

    and yes i do.

    Q: why don't they have vending machines at my school that sell cans of pop instead of expensive bottles?
  • i remember when snickers bars cost 25 pence, a decade ago

    what other bands apart from okgodo you like?
  • the libertines, beck, dirty pretty things, im sure theres more.

    do you like to read in the toilet?
  • i'm a 60's freak, so mostly anything 60s, esp British bands. Monkees (who are American), the Beatles, and The Rolling Stones have always been my top 3 b4 I discoverd the ok go lads

    (P.S. to sweetness, I drill people....I just drilled on someone's jaw bone last Thursday)

    Same question back at ya...what other bands apart from okgodo you like?

    Lol, do you like read in the toilet? (I"m throwing back the question)
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