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  • ^^Bahahaha, I love that first Andy pic. he's pointing to poor Tim like "who is this noob?"

    LB, Andy's been affiliated with a number of other bands, including Dracula Zombie USA, The Unsacred Hearts, and the ARoss Experience. If you read through this thread, I think, you'll find some links for The ARoss Experience. DZUSA and The Unsacred Hearts are still alive and kicking. They've both got Myspace accounts (and are friended on the UFC myspace). ALSO, check out Serious Business Records at or Andy co-founded that label with Travis "Mr. Business" Harrison (the guy in the picture with Andy that's on the SDR website).

    Thank you so much for the info! Woah, there's a lot out there that I need to listen to!!
  • Thanks for the article and the vid. smile.gif

  • I did not watch the game last night- but that was because I had class from 8 AM to 8 PM and then I just went to bed. However, this morning everybody was talking about it. And I mean everyone- from professor to TA to students.
    And I guess it wouldn't be proper to make a Red Sox topic, so I'll just put it here, in honor of Rusty Ross, ultimate Sox fan.
    GO SOX!
    We can come back from a deficit: “There are a lot of guys in here who have done it before” - Wakefield
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Oct 12 2007, 01:06 PM)
    the interview w/ Donnie Darker
    one of my personal faves. mostly for andy and damian's ability to just make fun of this guy to his face while he's completely oblivious. and for the fact that andy looks SOOO cynical the entire time.

    hahaha...I noticed that too! That attitude really suits him if you ask me.

    Could anyone post as link to the interview please?
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 17 2007, 12:58 PM)
    I did not watch the game last night- but that was because I had class from 8 AM to 8 PM and then I just went to bed. However, this morning everybody was talking about it. And I mean everyone- from professor to TA to students.
    And I guess it wouldn't be proper to make a Red Sox topic, so I'll just put it here, in honor of Rusty Ross, ultimate Sox fan.
    GO SOX!
    We can come back from a deficit: “There are a lot of guys in here who have done it before” - Wakefield

    I just heard that Rev. Manny just said something that seriously has Boston fans peeved - apparently he's a realistic man and has said that it won't be the end of the world if the Sox don't make it to the series (that he's not giving up, but that the world won't end). I can't believe Boston fans are so mad at the guy - it *is* possible that they won't make it past tonight, and the world will continue to spin. It continued to spin for the 86 years of the "curse", I'm sure it will continue to spin now.

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but, Poor Manny.

    (I will deny it if anyone ever asks me about it)
  • Personally, I don't think anybody is taking that the wrong way except for the national media. And I say that because every time features a sports article, for example, it's always somebody badmouthing the Sox or Pats. They've even called us fans "massholes." They're bitter and jealous and I don't see why this kind of crap is even paraded as sports journalism.
    I think Manny was just trying not to get all of us into a frenzy. When I think I really have to do well on an exam and feel really pressured, I usually do badly even if I study for days- but when I'm relaxed and sort of indifferent, I do well, and I think Manny's applying a similar principle.
    So, yeah, MA fans love our Manny. It's the national press that wants to paint us as something else.

    edit: checked and yes, indeed, no MA fan in the world is misinterpreting what he said. It's only the national press that wants to portray us badly. You know, this started ever since Bush dubbed Kerry "the senator from Massachusetts," as if that were something negative. We're liberal and progressive and maybe a little too proud of ourselves and maybe that scares people. But I really don't see why the rest pf the country feels the need to hate on us in contexts that require at least professional etiquette.
  • haha way to go Sally!!!
    I agree, btw, but I'm pretty sure it's been around long before John Kerry ran for president. and that's sad, I usually hear the term "Massholes" used ourselves in reference to our driving and our accents. which both are bad, so I don't mind it. but sports? that's a new one.

    I mean, even our local media's gone a bit overboard with the Manny thing, but most people I talked to were like, "hey, it's too bad, it's disappointing, but he has a point, and either way he makes millions of dollars." just "Manny being Manny" as they put it sometimes, no one's like in a rage about it or anything.

    btw, Sally, half the time we're not even that liberal. you wouldn't believe the amount of 'old(er) money' in this state that wants everything the way it's always been, with them on top. dry.gif mad.gif I see it at school all the time, and that's just Wakefield. you know, like the ignorant grandchildren of the old Brahmin system.
    But it's okay though, cause the rest of the time, we're right on the money smile.gif (no offense to anyone who's political views differ from mine/progressive/liberal, I'm just ranting my personal opinions, not meaning to cause harm.)

    WE WON!!!!
    If only Josh Beckett could pitch every game...
  • we won!!!!

    I'm so happy I can't even tell you. I know we have 2 more now, but we might not have had them at all- but we did it. We beat the odds. It's so inspiring!

    Meg- yeah, there are some old ppl with their own agendas, true. But, even our conservatives are liberal compared to say, the southern republicans. But these old conservatives are the minority anyway, and I guess I kind of see them as a cultural symbol- we are, after all, the home of Plymouth Rock and the Puritans. That means Salem witch trials and very wealthy Boston heirs as much as it means Tea Parties and Lexington and Concord's shot heard round the world. We're John Adams and John F Kennedy, equal marriage rights for all and more colleges in and around one city than any place in any other state- we're pretty awesome.

    Meg, seriously. How can we live so close and not get together? We are gonna meet up, def'ly. We represent MA on this board, after all!

    edit: haha, just saw you wrote the exact same "we won!!!!" with 4 exclamation points

    edit2: about the driving. I heard that while we have the worst traffic and driving habits, we also know how to deal with that kind of pressure. So we actually have one of the lowest crash stats in the nation, as a consequence of our bad driving.

    uh-oh. I sound exactly like an arrogant MA person.
  • The whole Massachusetts thing you're describing though is exactly what it is to be a New Yorker/Yankee Fan. People complain about our liberal ways (just watch, they'll tar Hillary as the "senator from New York"), call us an evil empire (you know you're guilty of it, don't deny it wink.gif ), say we're terrible drivers, etc. The only difference is that we get a pass on being assholes, because it's been that way for so long that I guess the world is used to it?
  • haha, yeah, I don't mind the old conservatives that much except when they're evil. smile.gif
    and I liked that whole description, it's basically just describing why I love Boston/Massachusetts so much. wub.gif
    and skdfhak yeah, we totally need to meet each other at some point, but my parents would flip out that I was meeting someone from online... so maybe next year, when I'm at college too? ahaha. i dunno, we'll figure it out eventually.
    ooh and that's actually really interesting about the driving. I can't imagine what it would be like for out-of-staters to try and drive around Massachusetts, though. ohmy.gif hahaha.

    and Rachel, I know what you mean. My dad's from Flushing, Queens, and my grandparents still live there, so I'm not as anti-NY as most people around here.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Oct 19 2007, 09:03 PM)
    ooh and that's actually really interesting about the driving. I can't imagine what it would be like for out-of-staters to try and drive around Massachusetts, though. ohmy.gif hahaha.

    MA drivers are okay. I didn't have any problems getting around there. Normal drivers.

    NY drivers are just oblivious to anything that isn't directly in front of them. PA drivers are sloooooow. They get in the left lane on 78 and do 50.

    But CN drivers are the WORST because they will DRIVE YOU OFF THE FUCKING ROAD. I'm not kidding. I had to drive through the whole of Conn. in September to get up to school and omg. Awful.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Oct 21 2007, 12:31 AM)
    But CN drivers are the WORST because they will DRIVE YOU OFF THE FUCKING ROAD. I'm not kidding. I had to drive through the whole of Conn. in September to get up to school and omg. Awful.

    *Ahem* From Connecticut. And it's CT. And I drive perfectly well, thank you. wink.gif

  • ^^^ awww, haha. I'm sure you're a perfect driver, Rachel...

    (btw, Katie, are you still at Smith? cause I'm hopefully visiting again in November.... smile.gif biggrin.gif )
  • i've always heard florida drivers are the worst... haha. i will attest to that. having been there every year of me life... haha

    p.s i still laugh when i think about someone tagging a picture of a pile of dog shit as 'secretdakotaring' and putting it on flickr. thanks andy hahaha
  • I'm gonna be Andy for Halloween this year. i spent an entire hour learning to tie a tie just for Halloween! and then I saw this tie and I reaaaaaally want to get one for him. *SQUEE*


    It's an 8-bit tie! How friggin awesome is that?!

    nevermind Andy, get one for yourself haha.

    I'm sure he'd love it too though. smile.gif
  • LOL yeah I really want one. I've had my eye on that tie for like two weeks now.
  • i'm being tim for halloween, but andy was my first choice... then i realized how much i liked tim's dance moves... we're doing the AMW dance at our party haha

    but andy would love that i'm sure wink.gif that little geek. who i love.
  • Here's Josh Kaufman, the main man behind Rocketship Park. We made their debut record here. He also plays the guitar in Higgins. We're currently making their record here too. He recently produced a track and wrote the string arrangement for a track called "Fade to Black" from the forthcoming Secret Dakota Ring record.

    Dose anyone know when "Fade to Black" issue ?
    I'm tired for searching and reading English....
  • Sorry, Yuki, no release date has been set yet for the next SDR CD. If I'm not mistaken, they're not even finished recording it yet. I'll check into it and see if I can get any information for you.

    Edit: Okay, asked. Response? "Right now, it's a secret." So that's what I've got so far, but I'll find out whatever I can!
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