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  • he had jake call me and tell me to go online and talk to him. so im waiting for him to go scared..
  • NO talk to him in person - online is such a cop out - ppl can edit what they say online!

    at least talk to him over the phone - so you can detect hesitation and shakeiness in his voice!

    Ugh i hate when guys are cowards like that!
  • *hides from all the guy hate*
  • i already talked to him. im glad i did it online.
  • I dunno if we can actualyl post pics or not, so here's my myspace instead:
  • QUOTE (TwiSt @ Nov 12 2005, 09:16 PM)
    I dunno if we can actualyl post pics or not, so here's my myspace instead:

    you can post photos.
  • ah well i put up a link.. thats close enough xP
  • QUOTE (TwiSt @ Nov 12 2005, 09:39 PM)
    ah well i put up a link.. thats close enough xP

    That's alright, too. I'm just telling you for future reference, that's all. biggrin.gif
  • and forthe future of references I shall know wink.gif
  • alex wrote this.


    it makes you do things you can't explain but you do it anyway. you can't stop thinking about them, it becomes an addiction, they always leave you wanting more. it's so amazing how you would give the world for them, and they give you nothing, but you still keep on giving. "never settle" he said. and you'll never settle until you get what you want. It's her that keeps driving you mad. There's no way out though, becacuse you're so in love that falling out would only kill you. Yea you almost got killed the past million times trying to see the angel. but heaven on earth lies in the apartment room on the second floor. Yea you reach her to find she's with anyone but you, but you still try. the walls that surround you remind you of the one's you saw in your dreams. everything seems to match up so perfect. Setbacks are tests to make you try harder, yea you'd give everything to be with the girl with wings on her back, because when you're with you she sweeps you off your feet and takes you away. Were you dreaming a reality? You know that it's where you belong, the question is how long it will take to be brought together, under the stars and make the night memorable, a tear will fall from the girls eyes and from that moment on your heart will stop beating and you'll know that she's the one.

  • ...what the bollocks is he on about?

    if your going back out with him after hes cheated.....uve lost the right to complain to us if/when he does it again =p
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 13 2005, 08:22 AM)
    ...what the bollocks is he on about?
    if your going back out with him after hes cheated.....uve lost the right to complain to us if/when he does it again =p

    i didn't waste any time reading it..but you're 100% right about that if that's what's happened.
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 13 2005, 09:22 AM)
    ...what the bollocks is he on about?
    if your going back out with him after hes cheated.....uve lost the right to complain to us if/when he does it again =p

    andy's absolutely right here.
    and how can he say he loves you if he's willing to go off with some other girl?i don't exactly call that love... you're better than that and me thinks you'd be better off without him.
  • Yeah Im going to have to agree with everyone else here. My Dad and step mom are in the middle of a divorce and haven't trusted each other for YEARS. Why? Because shortly after they got married he was having an affair, and she found out and so she did it too. But then he had another, and another, and another... and when she busted him the last time it was see ya later. And it's about time we all think, because even though he's my dad and I love him I know that he will cheat on her again... because that's what cheaters do, they cheat
  • My personal feelings about cheating? Well, people shouldn't do it. But the fact that you're staying with him after he cheated on you just isn't smart. I might be able to understand it if you two had been together for a longer period of time, but you haven't. You're both young and although you think you're in love and it'll probably hurt you for awhile, it's better to end it then let him cheat on you again and again. By going back you are proving that you are the weaker one. You may have plans to make him feel horrible but for what he did, but how are you going to feel when he does it again? Yeah, not so good.

    Cheating sucks, but people do it. I'm sorry he did that to you, but you've got to be the bigger and better person and tell him it's over. Or not...whatever really. It's all up to you, but everyone's went back to him so now you have no right to complain to us when he treats you horribly.
  • ok im gona go out with him again, and if he hurts me i wont complain. but all of his sweetnesses i will share.
  • "but all of his sweetnesses i will share."

    ....oh joy, more happy couples being happy and coupley around me..
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 13 2005, 01:46 PM)
    "but all of his sweetnesses i will share."
    ....oh joy, more happy couples being happy and coupley around me..

    I fuckin hate that. blegh.

    Honey, if he does anything else like this to you, you need to get out of the relationship. I know it's really, really hard to let go of someone you love, but if he treats you badly, it's not healthy for you. You deserve to be happy, not worry about whether your boy is doing anything behind your back.
  • um wow
    so... pretty much... i missed everything by not being here 3 days.
    thats INSANE.
  • im alot happier today than i have been in about 4 months.
    i painted my nails and cut my hair and got some new stuff. so i feel really freash. ^^
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