I totally forgot my headphones today sosome girl beside me is lisenting to fall out boy... so that... I wish I was listening to weezer, or anything else really.
thanks mel (aka "2 hoods on") for getting it stuck in my head...
ok ya... I like wearing a hooded sweater and hooded zipup thingi at the same time... and when I go out I wear a hooded coat... so maybe you should call me 3 hood on. I don't care. I'll still call you arse fel.
do the nth degree!!!
sorry i had too.
"No sign of live" --- Ok Go
"Only in Dreams" --- Weezer
ok ya... I like wearing a hooded sweater and hooded zipup thingi at the same time... and when I go out I wear a hooded coat... so maybe you should call me 3 hood on. I don't care. I'll still call you arse fel.
"Devils Haircut" --- Beck