some of okgo's older stuff. (i like the old cd better. not sure why.. their both good)
ok go- dont ask me
No, I know what you mean. When faced with both CDs, I always reach for the older one. Nostalgia perhaps? (but then again, that doesn't really apply to me because, I admit, I'm a fairly new OK Go fan [sacrilege! I know].
their old cd makes me happier than the new one.memories? probably. the old songs have more memories than the new ones do. but ill make some. its one of my summer cd's. ill listen to it on the way to school (since it takes like 45 mins to get there with picking everyone up and all...) and ill think about summer and what im gona do and what i did once. ^^ it makes me so happy.
panic at the disco-nails for breakfast tacks for snacks
*I miss you*
Ps - that somewhere is a place where the badgers are warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You fall on me for anything you like and i don't miiinndd *the badgers being warm*
Oh man, I'm cool
aww concert flash backs!!!!
Thank you Terrance douglas for getting me into keane! w00t for the tdogg!
"On a Train" --The Waking eyes
"...wrap me up around and around... And lock awayyieayieayieay..."
(i like the old cd better. not sure why.. their both good)
ok go- dont ask me
(i like the old cd better. not sure why.. their both good)
ok go- dont ask me
No, I know what you mean. When faced with both CDs, I always reach for the older one. Nostalgia perhaps? (but then again, that doesn't really apply to me because, I admit, I'm a fairly new OK Go fan [sacrilege! I know].
Anyway, thanks to the shuffle on my iPod,
Everybody Loves Me- the 88
panic at the disco-nails for breakfast tacks for snacks
Umm ok so im listening to a leon's commercial w00t?
This vid freaks me out to the max