I looooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee Rooney. This probably not the right place to be saying this, but they're my favorite band. OK Go is sadly #2. I'll give you a link were you can get a download of the song, or I can try to copy the part in Spit and Sweat were Robert and Ned are singing it. The video of them is pretty funny. If you have Limewire they have all old and new Rooney songs.
American Hi-Fi - Another Perfect Day
oh oh my friend is supposed to be burning me the bootleg of that album but he's so sloooow..
and right now i am listening to the model bykraftwerk
Ach. I forgot about them. So nostalgic...right now,
Jenny and the Ess-dog, Stephen Malkmus
The Schwartzman brothers rock my sox!
Oh and listening to....Ok Go - We Dug A Hole
"Katherine" kill hannah
American Hi-Fi - The Geeks Get All the Girls
"Dirty Little Secret" AAR
attempting to get Paradise by the Dashboard Light out of my head
("We were doubly blessed, 'cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely dressed!")
Ben Folds - Rocking the Suburbs