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seated ok go??

edited November -1 in OK Go
so i just got my tickets for next week's poughkeepsie show because i'm a lazy ass and didn't think it would be a problem. here's what i didn't realize: it's SEATED! and the only seats left were in the BALCONY. guys, how on earth do you go to an ok go concert and SIT in the BALCONY? i have literally never been to a seated concert, and i've never been to a concert where i wasn't in the third row at least... what do i do? someone: comfort me! please!


  • don't sit, stand on your seat and dance... actually, security will probably yell out you if you stand on the seat... but you can stand up and dance regardless...
    oh, and if you want, the day off the show go to the box office and see if they have any better seats you can upgrade to...
  • seated!?
  • Jump off the balcony and on to the stage and start dancing.

    That's the way to go.
  • Attack the guys before the show and force them to give you backstage passes. Threaten to have Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore abducted by pirates again--that should get them to agree instantly.
  • be happy your going to see them =p

    be happy okgo are taking your seated virginity
  • ive never gone to any concert anywhere.... im a concert virgin.... damn.... i was gona go to mcr's concert but it was on a school night and it like ended at like midnight.
  • i didn't start going to rock shows until after high school...the first one where i actually cared to see the band (not a casual, yeah, i'll go see matchbox 20 or creed with a few friends ohmy.gif ), we had balcony seats for Our Lady Peace and i wanted so badly to be on the main floor even tho it was packed and people were crowd-surfing...but after that...!

    yeah, if any of their suggestions don't work to get you on the main floor, just remember what crazy pandy said about being happy...and. if you don't stand, bounce around in your seat and scream so the band has to look up there...and bring in a huge obnoxious sign that declares your love for OK Go. blink.gif
  • I was seated when I saw Weird Al in '03
  • Weird Al! He's awesome.

    Coolio should be flattered that he redid "Gangsta's Paradise".
  • i was seated when i saw nsync :X
  • I was seated when I saw Backstreet Boys when I was 11. At one point my cousin and I were standing on our chairs dancing, then some old lady behind us yelled at us to sit back down.

    Old ladies shouldn't go to BSB concerts.

    I shouldn't go to BSB concerts either.
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Oct 30 2005, 10:25 PM)
    i was seated when i saw nsync :X

    haha nsync... those goofs stole my concert virginity.. very unfortunate but they did put on a damn good show .. *shrugs*
  • me too!
    and they do!
    im sure it wouldve been better hadi been able to be rich and be in the first rows.
  • that's stupid that it's seated!! i'm sorry! maybe you could find someone who's willing to switch or something. and if not, i'd definitely make a huge sign. hell, i'd do it even if i was in the front (and i have before...) the bands always seem to enjoy it. makes them feel special or something.

    hanson stole my concert virginity...... 2 years ago.... blink.gif

  • I think BSB stole mine...and then I became a huge N Sync fan...BSB just wasn't good enough wink.gif

    As for shouldn't be too bad, right? I stood towards the back for my OK GO concert, just so the balance would be better and I wouldn't be stuck only hearing Andy...and it wasn't too bad. Make the best of it, you know? biggrin.gif
  • I was seated for Peter Paul and Mary. They stole my concert virginity but I don't remember it cause I was only 6.

    The first show I cared about was Incubus, and we had seats for that, only nobody actually sat down during the show, which may happen at yours....
  • i would sit for ok go. in fact id hang upside down and not even facing the band for ok go.
  • i suppose it is going to be exciting just to see them for the first time in 2 years... yay. plus, it'll be a lot easier to take pictures from a seat in the balcony... right??
    and maybe there'll be a chance to be all hanging out with the guys afterwards, which is even better than being up front during the show.
    if my silly boyfriend doesn't make too much of a fuss. i'm taking him with me, and he likes ok go, but is kind of cynical and certainly not as excitable about them as i am... i've never been to a concert with him before!! it shall be interesting...

    anyway, thanks for everyone's words of encouragement
  • glad you're excited! have fun, fishie...i just called you fishie. happy.gif
  • I have been to a lot of seated concerst, anything country is seated and Creed, Blink 182, the Beach Boys, 3EB with vertical horizon... they were all seated... actually, Ok Go and TMBG are the only ones that were not that I have been to. Oh and one other, I lost my concert virginity to The Village People... that wasn't seated
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