Yay, photography! Jade has already posted some of her wonderful work in the Random Stuff thread, but I think we need a specific thread to share our photos or someone else's, if we so like.
I'm still more of a novice, but I've always loved snapping photos. I mostly shoot at shows/concerts, cuz I love shooting people and live shows are fun. There's so much beauty in nature, but I haven't really gotten around to doing any nature shoots...One day I will get a digital camera so I can share my photos more easily, but I still have to learn how to really use my SLR....
I don't have any individual photos picked out, but here's an old LINK that belongs to someone else, kind enough to have uploaded and modified (crop & text) some of my concert pics from a couple years or so ago. (Yes, some of you may have seen some of these already and note that a few interesting supporting bands may be pictured, such as Morningwood and The Sun.) Pretty much all the concert pics were taken by me with a regular 35mm automatic and before I learned any basic photography...
Take a picture--it'll last longer!
Pictures are worth a thousand words.
i think this thread is a great idea.
Maybe because I love photos. Who knows?
i do mainly black and white...and i study it at col when im not off ill like atm....heres some very old pics of mine:
im rather fucking good at photography....this pic may or may not show that fact..
this is taken outside my old house during a pretty heavy thunderstorm..i just like the specks of light and whatnot
someone told me it looks like the house is on fire. i just think it's neat
...CAUSE I FELT LIKE IT DAMN IT! no..wait...because it's a series.
i took this in pittsburgh one night on the way back from my friends little brother's baseball game in the park. it was obvisouly night time and it was a neat picture so i took it but it came out.....well...horrible and you could see nothing.
Kind of plain, but my friend took this picture of my shoes and I really like it.
and that's that. just a little look in to some of my favorites. my sister really liked the last one adn blew it up to 8 by 10 and has it hanging up in her house. i like that about her
and juniormint, i like that photo of your shoes.
ok, dave, i'm impressed.
what kind of camera do you use?
and dave i love you're pictures! my favourites are probably the first one, the one with the tree and the pittsburgh one that actually turned out
ok, dave, i'm impressed.
what kind of camera do you use?
tis a cannon rebel, matey!