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Happy List



  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Feb 4 2006, 01:16 AM)
    -Andy (pretty eyes!) remembering me!!! 

    how could i forget you jadie =p
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 3 2006, 09:22 PM)
    how could i forget you jadie =p

    haha, you could never forget me. But it's not you, Pandy Andy.
    Sorry. smile.gif
  • alas i know

    only in my dreams =p
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Feb 3 2006, 09:27 PM)
    alas i know
    only in my dreams =p

    awww, that's sweet.

    and a little disturbing.

  • thats me for ya, sweet yet disturbing
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Feb 3 2006, 01:14 AM)
    HEY GIRL you said you like I have you on my myspace???
    I Think i might!!!

    Yes'm you do! I am Blue Canary. I kind of am a Myspace whore and occasionally go on adding binges... I admit. I'm trying to get help (and by "help" I mean listening to music as I aimlessly surf and play those stupid games at the top of the screen. I don't actually think I'll win a mini iPod, but goddamnit, I love hitting the money with a boomerang/shooting the truck/shooting the Alien/&c &c)

    QUOTE (Jaded @ Feb 3 2006, 02:31 AM) Certainly helps me out on those looooong French assignments.  My teacher thinks I know every French word.  I don't. 

    That may be one of the best websites ever... even if it doesn't always translate well. It's still teh shiiit.

    QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Feb 3 2006, 02:34 AM)
    Watching Stella.

    Agree'd. ("can I have some sugar?" "HOW ABOUT I'M NOT YOUR BITCH")

    Anyway, happy?
    -blasting music with windows down and it being abnormally beautiful outside
    -my friend bribing me with piggyback rides to the bank
    -lollipops meant for little chillins at the bank, but eating them anyway
    -The Last 5 Years
    -hot apple cider
    -cute little cafés that my friends find (this particular one has the nicest staff, a piano for free use (we moved some chairs and waltzed there once), a book to write.. well.. anything in, and awesome gellatos)
    -writing really long posts
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Feb 4 2006, 12:23 AM)
    That may be one of the best websites ever... even if it doesn't always translate well.  It's still teh shiiit.

    I love that website. And my French teacher doesn't even notice all the mistakes. hahahaha
  • Hahaha. I really don't enjoy French, but I love my teacher because I think she believes I have some sort of mental problem simply because I make up half my words and she just nods along encouragingly. It's quite awesome actually.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Feb 4 2006, 12:34 AM)
    Hahaha.  I really don't enjoy French, but I love my teacher because I think she believes I have some sort of mental problem simply because I make up half my words and she just nods along encouragingly.  It's quite awesome actually.


    yesterday we were talking about how Quebec has different words in French. Like Hamburger. In france it's "Un Hamburger" and in Quebec it's "Un Hambourgeois" (am-bore-jwa (??)). But some girl called it Ham-Bore-Gees. hahahaha

    I don't know, that made my day though.
  • Apparently, one of my friends used the Quebequois (sp?) version of "ice cream" (the word escapes me at the moment) at another friend's house. The mother, a French teacher, of the latter friend came storming in raging about how he was using the "wrong word" and should be saying "glace" because that was the PROPER way to say it. I don't know why it amused me so much, but just the thought of being snapped at for such a little thing made me giggle.

    I always perfered the Quebequois "wheh"-sounding version rather than the proper Parisian "Oui."
  • it's "creme glacee"

    there should be accent marks above the first e's in both words.


    haha, and my French teacher pronounces "oui" as "wheh". She never told us why though, I always wondered about it. Now I know.
  • i know a guy from france who always used to say quebecquois is not really french...then hd make a spitting sound tongue.gif that made me le laugh
  • We had a French exchange teacher who came over to see our school for a few months. We would drop in during our class and share "French culture."

    One day, he showed us a preview for a movie called "Brice de Nice" (which I'm still trying to find on Amazon or something).

    Basically, it was this surfer guy in Nice (and since Nice has no waves... he really doesn't surf) who enjoys insulting people, then making a sweeping "cutting" arm gesture and shouting "je te casse!" ("I break you!").

    Examples of the insults?
    "I had a dream last night... you weren't in it. JE TE CASSE!"
    "I'm having a party this week... and you're not invited! JE TE CASSE!"

    Basically, it was one of the more amusing parts of my French year.
  • le panda est dans l'arbre
  • the panda is in the tree?
  • wee, le panda est dans l'arbre

    its a eddie izzard joke...yet he says sumthing else is in a tree..i forget

    and some american lady comiden raped it and i was angry for like a whole 2 and a half mins
  • that must have been a whole 2 and a half minutes of sheer fight! ohmy.gif


    We had our charity auction last night at UofT SMC
    and i was bought for $120 dollars!!!!! LOL i felt special!
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Feb 4 2006, 01:14 PM)
    We had our charity auction last night at UofT SMC
    and i was bought for $120 dollars!!!!! LOL i felt special!

    i woulda paid $121 biggrin.gif
  • biggrin.gif and you would have been some1 i would have loved to have been bought by!!!!!
  • i would have paid more =p
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