-putting of economics -ceaselessly making fun of the Bachelor -really comfy chairs to curl up in (it's usually followed by someone attacking me which leads to "people piles") -twirling -Twister war -trying to read Sartre (and failing totally. That man wrote sentences that seemed to be wrapped in 50 layers of metaphors.) -bright clothing -stargazing on comforters in the middle of fields
hahahahaha, that's one of my favorite things to do on a Monday night.
-spending days at my dad's house when I'm supposed to be at school. hahahaha. I love it. -markers. they cure boredom. -finding beautiful guys in old magazines. I direct you to the Beautiful People Thread. NOW!!! -Damian's voice -when Sandy (one of my cats) falls asleep on my tummy. -Unsolved Mysteries -making a tent with a 5 year old.
Haha. Making tents is very cool. Once, when extremely bored, my friends and I built a tent with blankets and huge empty rols of paper towels and brooms. It was beautiful.
Haha. Making tents is very cool. Once, when extremely bored, my friends and I built a tent with blankets and huge empty rols of paper towels and brooms. It was beautiful.
what we did was take four chairs from the dining room table, used blankets, pillows, and a bean bag.
-when we convince my Stats teacher to tell us stories from when he traveled with the circus (I kid you not). Today's story was how someone stole a keg from Madison Square Garden and rolled it down to the caravan as well as a rather frightening encounter with the "boss clown" Frosty on "Clown Alley." -fleece shirts -dive-tackling people -rolling down hills -making daisy chains (I swear I'm still 5-years-old on the inside).
HA! That reminds me of when my highschool data teacher said something along the lines of "the football feild parts and the X-men come flying out in thier plane"
i dunno what the context was... i just remember that that made me happy back then and still makes me happy now...
I have no idea why this amuses me... but It does... she says stuff in a pervy voice sometimes... and it wakes me up... Its very strange... but it still makes me happy...
have you ever seen something and you just want to beat the shit out of it, and you know if you will, ti wil make you happy? yeah, breaking stuff is intense!
-painting things -picking up random furniture off the side of the road -naming inanimate objects (i.e. the random furniture, a lavender/offwhite, rather hideous shelf now named Nancy). -people playing with my hair -new shampoo that smells pretty -pens with random perscription drug advertsing on them (i.e. Viagra pens) -messenger bags -riding bicycles down hills
-Wes Anderson films . . . which leads to . . . -French class Mardi Gras projects . . . which leads to . . . -Jacques Cousteau!!!!! -selling roses and carnations (which made my art teacher mad. Oh well!) -finding a cloud shaped like Abraham Lincoln's head in my friend's cloud painting. -hugs. I know I've said this one many times, but they never get old. Especially the ones that you don't know are coming. -singing cheesy Limp Bizkit songs at lunch. -when my hair is played with. -making signs about Unsolved Mysteries and that Robert Stack is "Hott Stuff" -"The party in my pants? The pants party?!" long story . . . .
-Buck 65's love letters
-Beck's newest cd
which one, the left or the right?
sorry i couldn't resist
and to add to the list...
-movie nights
-having the house to yourself
-the leafs finally winning a game
also adding to my list
-the leafs actually winning games
-ceaselessly making fun of the Bachelor
-really comfy chairs to curl up in (it's usually followed by someone attacking me which leads to "people piles")
-Twister war
-trying to read Sartre (and failing totally. That man wrote sentences that seemed to be wrapped in 50 layers of metaphors.)
-bright clothing
-stargazing on comforters in the middle of fields
hahahahaha, that's one of my favorite things to do on a Monday night.
-spending days at my dad's house when I'm supposed to be at school. hahahaha. I love it.
-markers. they cure boredom.
-finding beautiful guys in old magazines. I direct you to the Beautiful People Thread. NOW!!!
-Damian's voice
-when Sandy (one of my cats) falls asleep on my tummy.
-Unsolved Mysteries
-making a tent with a 5 year old.
Haha. Making tents is very cool. Once, when extremely bored, my friends and I built a tent with blankets and huge empty rols of paper towels and brooms. It was beautiful.
what we did was take four chairs from the dining room table, used blankets, pillows, and a bean bag.
It was a lot of fun.
-cinnamon lips
-heart shaped lollies
.... the candy is the best part of valintines
-fleece shirts
-dive-tackling people
-rolling down hills
-making daisy chains (I swear I'm still 5-years-old on the inside).
i dunno what the context was... i just remember that that made me happy back then and still makes me happy now...
"That cat has it both going on..."
I have no idea why this amuses me... but It does... she says stuff in a pervy voice sometimes... and it wakes me up... Its very strange... but it still makes me happy...
Also "..." gives me extreame happiness...
I use elipses ("...") all the time. My friends get pissed at me because I use them instead of commas.. but they're so much cooler!
-picking up random furniture off the side of the road
-naming inanimate objects (i.e. the random furniture, a lavender/offwhite, rather hideous shelf now named Nancy).
-people playing with my hair
-new shampoo that smells pretty
-pens with random perscription drug advertsing on them (i.e. Viagra pens)
-messenger bags
-riding bicycles down hills
my cus worked at a hospital and she gave me a bunch or those... not specificly viagra ones
-some random punk/poser chic coming onto the elevator with her friends and asking me random questions... and me answering them like i knew her...
-French class Mardi Gras projects . . . which leads to . . .
-Jacques Cousteau!!!!!
-selling roses and carnations (which made my art teacher mad. Oh well!)
-finding a cloud shaped like Abraham Lincoln's head in my friend's cloud painting.
-hugs. I know I've said this one many times, but they never get old. Especially the ones that you don't know are coming.
-singing cheesy Limp Bizkit songs at lunch.
-when my hair is played with.
-making signs about Unsolved Mysteries and that Robert Stack is "Hott Stuff"
-"The party in my pants? The pants party?!" long story . . . .