But then again, I'm overly emotional (my guyfriend told me about that woman who taped herself killing a kitten and I began sobbing. Now, whenever I see him, he always throws in a comment about it, usually along the lines of, "blah blah blah almost as bad as killing a kitten." I won't let him live down the fact he made me cry though).
I dont consider myself to be overly emotional, but I cried even after the episode was over. Like, 45 minutes later I still had not recovered.
Okay, not saying anything about what happened (because I know some of you are probably on the west coast), but does ANYBODY know the name of the song that they played at the very end of the episode? I didn't catch the title/artist, and I really loved it.
(*please ignore this if you haven't seen the final episode)
ummm. okay seriously?!!! that was the best episode I have ever watched. Just wanted to let you know even though you probably don't care. Why does Meredith always put herself in these positions??!!! Why oh why for the love of God to do they always leave us hanging like that?!! I think Meredith should go with McDreamy even though it's not the right thing to do and I'm happy about Denny! I only say that cause ever since he's come on the show, he has annoyed the living daylights out of me. Izzy and Denny urg! Meredith! Go with McDreamy!!! (Though I have bets that she'll probably end up with Chris O'Donnell...)
Sorry jedi_grrlie I don't know the song but you can probably find it on their website, they post all their songs usually.
POSSIBLE SPOILERS (ok...edit: DEFINITE SPOILERS) = = = = = = = = = = OMG!!!! AHHHH!!! so now i think Meredith and McDreamy are freaking perfect for each other....they're both such MORONS!! ARRGGG and they're little love scene was just disgusting and lewd. Like before it always seemed so romantic and i kinda felt for them...him trapped in a loveless marriage and her still pining for the love she can't have. But now...I mean they're hurting both Addison and Finn (who is super sweet).
And yeah...i totally agree with you oknow, I was glad about Denny. I felt bad because the entire episode (all glorious 2hrs of it) I kept on hoping for that. And i feel kinda sorry for Izzy, but then again....not really.
Christina and Dr. Burke are possibly the cutest couple ever. I was mad at her for not being there for him during his surgery, but it was totally understandable.
And...George and Callie (sp?): I'm starting to sympathize more and more with Callie. She's so into George, and that's so cute. And George is trying soooo hard.. so adorable.
it was weird to hear George say sorry to Meredith though. Because even if what he says is true, I still blame Meredith for everything that happened.
ANyway....that's my take on the episode. Now time to study for my midterm tomorrow. eep!
Yeah, I didn't think the love scene was at all romantic, which is weird cause they usually are on Grey's. Those two piss me off a lot.
Maybe it wasn't intended to be romantic...? Like, clearly they were talking about sexual tension, so maybe it was intended to be more sexual than anything else. Or maybe not. Who knows.
I was sad to see Denny go, I really really liked him, but I was expecting it, since a friend of mine had told me that he was only contracted for like, 9 episodes. Still. It was sad. I kinda' cried.
The whole ending was really, powerful, actually, I think.
Why oh why for the love of God to do they always leave us hanging like that?!!
haha i felt bad because the only real time me and my friends were tearing up was when they were putting down Doc. though there were TONS of moments when it was way more emotional i guess...i dunno i guess that seemed to strike a bit closer to home for all of us.
haha i felt bad because the only real time me and my friends were tearing up was when they were putting down Doc. though there were TONS of moments when it was way more emotional i guess...i dunno i guess that seemed to strike a bit closer to home for all of us.
i miss my puppy
Yeah, I really felt it then too.
*virtual hug*
Edit: So the song that I was going crazy over is "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, who are apparently playing in NYC on 3 June, but it's sold out. They're also playing in Philly on the 5th, and I'd love to go. Except....I'm already going to two concerts that week, and I'll probably be starting a new job right around then (fingers crossed, of course...). Maybe I'll go see them in England in November...
SO i'm trying super hard to avoid reading all the other posts..... I just downloaded the whole of season 1 cos i was tired of missing them and the last episode is supposed to be aired next week and OMFG P[ATRICK DEMPSEY IS MARRIED WHAT A FUCKING WHORE!!!!!
So yeah, season 2 wants to hurry up is arse and download too cos I don't wanna wait months for it to be back on. grrrrrrr.
I don't like how you guys have left this thread alone now that its finished.... i just discovered we get both seasons back to back so i'm pretty excited. not that it really matters, as i'm downloading it..... and it COULDN'T be coming any slower.
well if not (which they probably wont btw) I'll get them for you.... it wont be on in the UK for ages, so I'll probably just download it. SO yeah, don't worry
thats cool I'm depending on me too I'll try my hardest to like save them up, and then that way you can come over and we can just like have a weekend of greys anatomy with lots of the food i am just about to give up haha
it's a 2hr episode tonight starting at 9.
i BETTER not forget. and burke BETTER not die.
But then again, I'm overly emotional (my guyfriend told me about that woman who taped herself killing a kitten and I began sobbing. Now, whenever I see him, he always throws in a comment about it, usually along the lines of, "blah blah blah almost as bad as killing a kitten." I won't let him live down the fact he made me cry though).
I dont consider myself to be overly emotional, but I cried even after the episode was over. Like, 45 minutes later I still had not recovered.
ummm. okay seriously?!!! that was the best episode I have ever watched. Just wanted to let you know even though you probably don't care. Why does Meredith always put herself in these positions??!!! Why oh why for the love of God to do they always leave us hanging like that?!! I think Meredith should go with McDreamy even though it's not the right thing to do and I'm happy about Denny! I only say that cause ever since he's come on the show, he has annoyed the living daylights out of me. Izzy and Denny urg! Meredith! Go with McDreamy!!! (Though I have bets that she'll probably end up with Chris O'Donnell...)
Sorry jedi_grrlie I don't know the song but you can probably find it on their website, they post all their songs usually.
Ooooh, really? *goes to look*
Edit: Darn, not up yet. *pout*
OMG!!!! AHHHH!!! so now i think Meredith and McDreamy are freaking perfect for each other....they're both such MORONS!! ARRGGG and they're little love scene was just disgusting and lewd. Like before it always seemed so romantic and i kinda felt for them...him trapped in a loveless marriage and her still pining for the love she can't have. But now...I mean they're hurting both Addison and Finn (who is super sweet).
And yeah...i totally agree with you oknow, I was glad about Denny. I felt bad because the entire episode (all glorious 2hrs of it) I kept on hoping for that. And i feel kinda sorry for Izzy, but then again....not really.
Christina and Dr. Burke are possibly the cutest couple ever. I was mad at her for not being there for him during his surgery, but it was totally understandable.
And...George and Callie (sp?): I'm starting to sympathize more and more with Callie. She's so into George, and that's so cute. And George is trying soooo hard..
it was weird to hear George say sorry to Meredith though. Because even if what he says is true, I still blame Meredith for everything that happened.
ANyway....that's my take on the episode. Now time to study for my midterm tomorrow. eep!
Yeah, I didn't think the love scene was at all romantic, which is weird cause they usually are on Grey's. Those two piss me off a lot.
Poor Burke!!! He'd better have a miraculous recovery.
Maybe it wasn't intended to be romantic...? Like, clearly they were talking about sexual tension, so maybe it was intended to be more sexual than anything else. Or maybe not. Who knows.
I was sad to see Denny go, I really really liked him, but I was expecting it, since a friend of mine had told me that he was only contracted for like, 9 episodes. Still. It was sad. I kinda' cried.
The whole ending was really, powerful, actually, I think.
So you watch next season, haha.
i miss my puppy
i miss my puppy
Yeah, I really felt it then too.
*virtual hug*
Edit: So the song that I was going crazy over is "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, who are apparently playing in NYC on 3 June, but it's sold out. They're also playing in Philly on the 5th, and I'd love to go. Except....I'm already going to two concerts that week, and I'll probably be starting a new job right around then (fingers crossed, of course...).
So yeah, season 2 wants to hurry up is arse and download too cos I don't wanna wait months for it to be back on. grrrrrrr.
I know, and I really want to know what happens, and I have NO IDEA whether or not they get it in France....