The title pretty much says it. If you want a postcard, I'll try to send you one, just give me your mailing addy. 'Cause postcards are fun and stuff like that.
Waaa!! I'll miss you. Have a marvelous time! How long will you be there? If you see anyone from the cast of "Lost," I'll freak out. Take lots of pics and have a relaxing time. After the crazy long semester you've had, you deserve a tropical island with beef cakes who look like Cilian serving you margaritas.
Waaa!! I'll miss you. Have a marvelous time! How long will you be there? If you see anyone from the cast of "Lost," I'll freak out. Take lots of pics and have a relaxing time. After the crazy long semester you've had, you deserve a tropical island with beef cakes who look like Cilian serving you margaritas.
(I'll PM you my address)
Hee, thanks! I'll be there 'til late on Wednesday. It's kind of a short trip, but worth it!
Which island are you going to?! Have FUNNNNNNNNNNN! Don't eaten by sharks.
I'm going back to Maui, to the same resort that I stayed at my Frosh year of high school. It's goooooorgeous. I'll be sure to watch out for sharks. (I just got a lovely new bathing suit, too...)
QUOTE (e 5170a @ May 19 2006, 05:53 PM)
(btw...i love your new icon)
Hee, thanks! I just made it like, last night or something.
QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ May 19 2006, 07:38 PM)
you sending to england'land?
Of course! I have a friend who's lives in Cambridge (actually, Peterborough...), so if I'm sending to him, it would be unfair not to send to you!
I'm going to miss you SOOOOOO much, Katy. I'm also incredibly jealous that you'll be riding the water elevator while I'm dealing with bitchy customers. Have fun!
It's at the Grand Walaia Resort and Spa, it's one of a kind. Basically, you enter on the bottom in this metal door. Inside is a circular room that goes up about 15 or 20 feet and is open at the top. You sit on the sides on this seating area that goes all the way around. Then water starts to pour down on top of you and the person manning the elevator pushes on the rock walls to make the seating area spin around slowly and move up the room. When you get to the top, they let you out and you slide down a water slide. It's super fun!
Woo! Jen's back! BTW, I need you address so I can send you letters because I foresee our communication becoming a problem since I'll be working through most of the day.
(I'll PM you my address)
(I'll PM you my address)
Hee, thanks! I'll be there 'til late on Wednesday. It's kind of a short trip, but worth it!
(btw...i love your new icon)
I'm going back to Maui, to the same resort that I stayed at my Frosh year of high school. It's goooooorgeous. I'll be sure to watch out for sharks.
Hee, thanks! I just made it like, last night or something.
Of course! I have a friend who's lives in Cambridge (actually, Peterborough...), so if I'm sending to him, it would be unfair not to send to you!
Did I mention that this is a 5-star resort, with 9 restaurants, and a spa?
No, guess I didn't.
Ah, well if you can't have hobbits, at least you can have cheeseburgers.
.....I think I'd rather the cheeseburger than the hobbit, haha.
have an AMAZING time while we try to contain our jealousy.
(i'll explain this later, but i really need to go to bed)
Hope you're having fun Katy. oh, I'm back btw lol x