when I logged on for the first time today, myspace said my profile didn't exist.
I'm getting chocked up just thinking about it. Just the thought of never posting another "LEAVE ME COMMENTS OMG@$(#*^$)(^#%!" bulletin brings me to tears.
Let's all go to McGill. The guy who got me addicted to OK Go back in 2002 is going there. Therefore it holds a special place in my heart, even though I have no idea where it is. (Although I would guess kind of near Rochester, NY, where the guy is from)
Let's all go to McGill. The guy who got me addicted to OK Go back in 2002 is going there. Therefore it holds a special place in my heart, even though I have no idea where it is. (Although I would guess kind of near Rochester, NY, where the guy is from)
It's across one of the great lakes from Rochester, yes. And I would explode with happiness if everyone went there with me. I would take you to all of my favourite pretentious hipster spots.
It's across one of the great lakes from Rochester, yes. And I would explode with happiness if everyone went there with me. I would take you to all of my favourite pretentious hipster spots.
Do they have a Music Business major? Cause that's what I'm schoolin' for.
Oh Kay, how could you??? Doesn't our relationship mean ANYTHING to you?????
If it helps, I quickly discovered that I really don't feel like reading all of it and will sheepishly provide what I found that contained "art" or "music."
If it helps, I quickly discovered that I really don't feel like reading all of it and will sheepishly provide what I found that contained "art" or "music."
If it helps, I quickly discovered that I really don't feel like reading all of it and will sheepishly provide what I found that contained "art" or "music."
I almost went there but they didn't give me as much financial aid as Tulane.
Amazing..That one website offers more information on the degree than half of the other colleges I've looked at.
hahaha, I just love that all my boardie friends are being 400x more helpful and informative than my counselor, who just stared at me blankly when I uttered the words "music business."
I'm getting chocked up just thinking about it. Just the thought of never posting another "LEAVE ME COMMENTS OMG@$(#*^$)(^#%!" bulletin brings me to tears.
Excuse me, I must go die now.
Let's all go to McGill. The guy who got me addicted to OK Go back in 2002 is going there. Therefore it holds a special place in my heart, even though I have no idea where it is. (Although I would guess kind of near Rochester, NY, where the guy is from)
It's across one of the great lakes from Rochester, yes. And I would explode with happiness if everyone went there with me. I would take you to all of my favourite pretentious hipster spots.
Do they have a Music Business major? Cause that's what I'm schoolin' for.
*heads off to wikipedia*
Oh Kay, how could you??? Doesn't our relationship mean ANYTHING to you?????
If it helps, I quickly discovered that I really don't feel like reading all of it and will sheepishly provide what I found that contained "art" or "music."
Damn, that...didn't help at all.
Nice try, lava.
hahahaha. The only places that seem to offer it are Full Sail, Berkeley Music, UCLA, U of Texas, and U of South Alabama. lameomatic 5000.
But you'd read it for me, right?
Nice try, lava.
hahahaha. The only places that seem to offer it are Full Sail, Berkeley Music, UCLA, U of Texas, and U of South Alabama. lameomatic 5000.
Look at Drexel U in Philly. I think they have it.
edit: here--http://www.drexel.edu/academics/comad/area...music_industry/
I almost went there but they didn't give me as much financial aid as Tulane.
edit: here--http://www.drexel.edu/academics/comad/area...music_industry/
I almost went there but they didn't give me as much financial aid as Tulane.
Amazing..That one website offers more information on the degree than half of the other colleges I've looked at.
hahaha, I just love that all my boardie friends are being 400x more helpful and informative than my counselor, who just stared at me blankly when I uttered the words "music business."
Group hug!
I am smiting Tom as we speak.
Can you kill myspace for me? I think it causes more harm than good.
You are now my friend.
I wonder if we even have Facebook in Australia ... I don't think we do.